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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by heavensray

  1. Im interested in more info on the nuvaring and sleeve patients. I've done terrible with pills in the past because I don't remember to take them... The patch was my favorite but being overweight took that luxury away and now my Gyn doesn't like Patches. I've gone through 2 Mirenas but my body has rejected them. Now im running out of options and really considering the nuvaring before returning to pills but with the cycle I've had post op, I have to get something soon!

  2. Im thankful for this thread.. I'm only one month post op but my tits aren't deflating like I expected. I started out at a 40H and although my band size is shrinking, my twins aren't. My stomach and waist are slimming down really well but now I'm starting to look like im carrying balloons.

  3. Im one month out today and even though she's late, Aunt Flo has returned.. However, Aunt Flo has come back with a vengeance. I have not experienced this much pain nor this heavy of a flow previously. Has anyone else experienced significant changes in Aunt Flo post-op?

  4. Wow' date=' I really need to re-focus. Over the last 3 days I have eaten so much of the stuff that I swore off over 2 months ago. Saturday was my birthday, I turned 37. My wonderful sweet husband took me out for a date day without the kids. The day started out great, I went for a 5 mile walk and then went and had a 90 minute massage. We decided to venture to the city and we were having a great time meandering the streets. My husband decided that he was going to have some ice cream and this is where I fell off the wagon big time. I figured heck its my birthday, one little scoop of ice cream will be ok. I got a scoop of mint choc chip in a cup. About 45 minutes after eating it I started to feel nauseated and then my stomach started to cramp, yup I am thinking that I experienced my first episode of dumping. After relieving myself in the rest room I felt much better. We later went to dinner at a mexican restraunt. I had a chicken enchilada, I pulled the chicken out of the tortia. I felt that I did ok with dinner with the exception of some chips and salsa oh and lets not forget about 1/2 of a strawberry daquri. Later I spent half of the night in the rest room with horrible diarrhea. Humm so did I learn my lesson? Apparently not, because I had a few bites of candy on Easter and I ate Cookies today.....not just two Cookies but 4! Oh my goodness, it is like I just snapped....I have been so disciplined which has shown in my weight loss (55 pounds in 8 weeks). What in the heck am I doing? Today I just could not control my self, it was like "I have to have sugar or I'm going to die" kind of feeling. I have been doing so good without sugar for 8 weeks, I think that one scoop of ice cream started it all. I am going to try my hardest to get back into my routine tomorrow. I have to control these urges. I also haven't been getting in all of my Water like I usually do, and I am certain that I have been no way near my normal amount of Protein intake. I am reminding myself of a quote from Susan Maria Leach's Before and After book "Nothing tastes as good as thin feels". I am going to say it over and over again and hopefully it will sink in.

    At least even though I've been out of control with my eating over the last few days I am still doing my 5 mile walk 4 days a week (I work 12 hour shifts the other 3).


    Thanks for listening![/quote']

    I understand. I too have been sneaking bites of things I know I shouldn't have but telling myself a tiny bite is ok. Im not getting my Protein or Water because ive been sleeping sooo much(more than 14 hours a day) and i miss a lot of time throughout the day. Im with you on re-focusing. Good luck to us! We may fall down but we get up! Thanks for sharing, it's good to know that you aren't going through some of these things by yourself!!

  5. Be strong sister.. I pray that you will get yourself back on the right track soon! I'm still early in my journey and I've already made some bad choices. I did realize what I did wrong and made the decision not to do it again.. No, of course that didn't work right away so I prayed about it and then realized that it was on the days that I didn't come on VST. I've found that coming here to talk to others and read about their issues, tips, advice and progress helps me to overcome temptations and stay on track! I'm hoping that the group. So I say to you, find an outlet that helps you to stay on track and overcome your temptations then use it to your advantage! Good luck on your progress and I'm sure you will find your way back to staying on track with your process!

  6. My procedure was yesterday and I'm glad to now be on the post-op side.. I'm still experiencing soarness, gas pains and nausea although it is much better than yesterday.. I've been moving a lot, whether its swithing sides in bed or walking around the floor. Hopefully I'll be going home this evening! Please, keep me in your prayers!

    Good luck to all other 3/15 sleevers.. I hope you all are feeling better than I

    have at certain points today!

  7. I live in Australia and we don't sell gas x strips but I wish we did and I was too scared to use a heating pad but ill try one. Fingers crossed it helps

    How is your recovery?

    You should try shopping for the gas x strips on Ebay or drugstore.com... You may be able to get some shipped to you relatively quickly.. I hope this helps!!

  8. Hello Everyone,

    I'm new to the thread and so grateful that I found it! My process has been a breeze and my surgery is in 4 days (3/15). I'm 28 year old but suffering with high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes and high cholesterol to name a few... I'm ready for a change.. I live in Louisiana so I know it will definitely be a challenge in the early stages but I'm ready for it! I know that months later when I'm able to eat soul food, it will be right here waiting for me but in much smaller portions! I'm nervous but excited for a sexier and healthier me!!

  9. Hello Ladies,

    I've been blessed to have a smooth process. I'm 28, 5'10 and 265 pounds; therefore, I've gotten some negative responses from others about not needing WLS. My height helps me look slimmer but most people have no idea that I weigh so much. In addition to being heavy, my health has been slowly going downhill. I have hypertension, high cholesterol, diabetes, nerve damage (that previously caused paralysis) and major issues with my bladder. Therefore my close friends, family and I find WLS to truly be a blessing! Losing 80-100+ pounds will enable me to be sexy and HEALTHY!! I started my process on Feb 5th and my surgery is scheduled for March 15th.

    I send wishes of good luck, better health and sexier looks to all of you!

  10. I am 5 days away from surgery and in the process of shopping for vitamins... My guide from Pre-Op suggested taking an Adult Multivitamin, B12, calcium citrate + D3, B Complex and Liquid Protein supplements. The guide recommended taking liquid, powder or chewable vitamins after surgery but I'm clueless of where to find them. Please help by giving suggestions on places to find these along with the best brands to choose.

  11. lovetobeme,

    I started my process early this week and was told to expect approx 1 month for surgery from my appt. I started with a doctor in New Orleans but I live closer to Houma... What was the name of the doctor that completed your Psych eval? The doctor in New Orleans that was recommended is holding up the process since she won't be able to see me until the 18th. Also, where did you do your sleep study? If I can speed those two things along, I may be able to have everything done as planned!! I may also look into switching surgeons to complete my process in Houma if it doesn't mess up the process that I've started! Take care and wish me luck!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
