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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by BigDaddyJoe

  1. BigDaddyJoe

    3 day post op catch-up

    slimjim41, I am feeling so much better today. I feel like I could have worked today if I had to (I work a desk job). The first day was hard, but every day is better than the one before it. You would be abnormal if you weren't a bit scared, but you can do it. This will all be a distant memory when I'm skinny and enjoying life.
  2. I was sleeved on Friday!

  3. BigDaddyJoe

    Any March Sleevers?

    My doctors said to start drinking the protein shakes as soon as I got home. As long as I made it with skim milk it would be fine. I do agree, the taste is much less desirable now than before the surgery.
  4. BigDaddyJoe

    Any March Sleevers?

    Thanks! I feel better every day. The first day was pretty bad, the second day a little less, etc. I think the worst pain was the gas pain in the left shoulder, that has finally subsided. At this point in time, sipping liquids is my full time job. Even that is easier than it was yesterday.
  5. BigDaddyJoe

    3 day post op catch-up

    Sorry I haven't been around SmilingEyes,I just didn't really feel up to it or in the mood to go online. Don't be scared. Not saying its easy, but you will get through it.
  6. BigDaddyJoe

    3 day post op catch-up

    Thanks so much, and good luck with yours! Just remember that even though the first day is hard, it does get better.
  7. BigDaddyJoe

    Any March Sleevers?

    Paul, here is the link to the blog post. http://www.verticalsleevetalk.com/blog/2259/entry-5721-3-day-post-op-catch-up/
  8. BigDaddyJoe

    Any March Sleevers?

    JolieBug, recovery is coming along, each day is better than the one before it. The first day was pretty much Hell, and I was praying it would all be worth it. But I made it through it, and it's been downhill ever since. Still struggling to get in enough liquids, but today is easier than yesterday. I just posted a summary of the past 3 days to my blog on here if anyone is interested in reading it.
  9. BigDaddyJoe

    Any March Sleevers?

    If people want the March sleevers list continued, someone is going to have to take it over for me, at least temporarily. I was sleeved on Friday, and don't feel like sitting at the computer, and updating the list on my iPad is next to impossible. You would just have to go back and find my last list I posted on the 7th, and copy it, and add anyone who has posted a date after that. Thanks in advance, and sorry for not keeping up.
  10. BigDaddyJoe

    Any March Sleevers?

    So, I had my surgery yesterday. I was too tired and out of it to come post an update here. All I wanted to do was sleep. The surgery went well. I think the gas pain was worse than the belly pain. My doctor also repaired a fairly large hiatal hernia while he was in there. So I think that compounded the pain and the gas some. Went for my X-ray this morning, and everything looks good. No leaks, and he said the hernia looks to be healing nicely. I'm now taking in clear liquids, VERY SLOWLY. I have been disconnected from the IV and morphine pump. I'm now on Tylenol with codeine. I'm actually feeling pretty good right now, for the first time since surgery. Not so much in pain, I can best describe it as "tightness" in the belly. They want me to drink protein. They gave a packet of liquid that I can put into water or cranberry juice. It is not flavorless, and it is NASTY with a capital NAS and a capital T. I have my wife bringing up the free unjury flavorless powder samples the nutritionist gave us to try, and I will probably mix it into the chicken broth they brought me. I will be released tomorrow, and so glad to be on the other side. I'm not gonna lie, the first 24 hours was pretty much hell, but I'm actually feeling pretty good right now, knock on wood.
  11. BigDaddyJoe

    Got my time!

    I just found out I have to be at the hospital at 6 am tomorrow! I'm sure my wife won't be too happy about that, or the person who is coming over to watch our kids. Surgery is scheduled for 7:30, I'm the first case!
  12. BigDaddyJoe

    Got my time!

    Thanks so much, SmilingEyes and lorac0119!
  13. BigDaddyJoe

    Any March Sleevers?

    I just found out I have to be at the hospital at 6 am tomorrow! I'm the first case, and surgery is at 7:30! WOW!
  14. BigDaddyJoe

    5 days left! Doubts set in

    First, the good news - I'm down 4 lbs since yesterday! So strange. Before pre-op diet, I was 274 lbs on my home scale. Pre-op diet: Day 1 - Day 2: UP 1 lb.???? (275 lbs.) Day 2 - Day 3: Down 1 lb. to original starting weight (274 lbs.) Day 3-Day 4: Down 4 lbs. (270 lbs.) OK, now the not so good news. I'm having doubts about this whole thing. Doubting myself, thinking "why can't I just do this myself?" It's just that it's all seeming like a huge diet - high-protein, low-carbs, measuring and weighing food. I've had some good success with low-carb diets in the past, only to gain it all back (plus more) when I went off them. Could I lose all this weight on my own if I was strict with my intake, and avoid such a drastic measure? Maybe. But I hope that this will be a tool to help me maintain the weight loss once I get to where I want to be. I know it will be a lot of work, and I'm ok with that. I just hope that it will eventually become second nature, and not always constantly measuring and weighing my food. But then I see all the success stories here, and read about people who had the exact same doubts I am having. I've seen very few people say they regretted having this surgery. Even the ones who had complications are saying they would do it all over again. That is very reassuring, to know that I'm not all alone.
  15. BigDaddyJoe

    Wedding ring

    Thanks cricard. When you lose weight you might have to get the ring resized!
  16. BigDaddyJoe

    Wedding ring

    I decided to try to remove my wedding ring last night, something I haven't done in years, because they say no jewelry is allowed for the surgery. I used to be able to slide it up and down my finger with not much of a problem. Wow, was it a pain to get off! First, I tried something called surgi-lube, which is a lubrication that my wife's hospital uses for different things. No luck. Then, my wife tried something that they try in the hospital, which is wrapping an Ace bandage tightly around the finger for a few minutes, removing it quickly and THEN trying the surgi-lube. No luck. Couldn't get it past the first knuckle. Finally, I went to the kitchen sink to wash off all the lube, and just kept twisting and pulling, twisting and pulling. My finger still hurts from the whole thing, but at least I don't have to worry about doing it tonight now. I was thinking I was going to have to get it cut off. In the possible TMI (Too Much Information) category - I woke up around 4 am feeling like I had to do diarrhea, which isn't an unusual thing to happen to me in the middle of the night. Well, turns out I was a bit constipated, followed by diarrhea. It took me about 10 minutes to be able to go, but then once the flood gates opened...ok, this is getting into TMI. I will probably be making a second, very short post this afternoon, after I find out my surgery time. They said to call between 3:30 and 4 today to get the time.
  17. BigDaddyJoe

    Any March Sleevers?

    Good luck tomorrow, I go tomorrow also, but won't have a time until after 3:30 this afternoon. I'm not as scared as I think I probably should be.
  18. BigDaddyJoe

    2 days left!

    In less than 48 hours, I'll probably be recovering from my surgery, most likely! I don't know what time my surgery will be, I have to call tomorrow between 3:30 and 4 to find out. I can't believe the day is finally coming! I just got off the phone with a nurse who asked questions for the anesthesiologist. Just basic questions on medical history, height, weight, allergies, medications, etc.
  19. BigDaddyJoe

    2 days left!

    kari61, yes, I'm a bit nervous, but probably not as much as I should be - if that makes any sense? I'm not really nervous about the surgery, it is more nervousness of the unknown afterwards. This will be a new way of living, not constantly over-indulging and grazing, being conscious about the carbs and the protein, etc. Misconduct, thanks very much, and good luck to you also!
  20. BigDaddyJoe

    BAD breath!

    I'm not sure if this is normal or not, but for the past 2 days I've had unbelievably bad breath! I can taste it in my mouth, and my tongue even feels like it is numb. My wife even noticed it from across the room! It could be from going into ketosis from the diet, but I've done the Atkins diet several times and never had anything near as bad as this! I'm trying to find the answer to this question.
  21. BigDaddyJoe

    Any March Sleevers?

    I'm experiencing something and I need to know if anyone else is experiencing the same thing. I'm on day 7 of the pre-op diet, and for the past 2 days I've had unbelievably bad breath. My wife could smell it from across the room. I can taste it in my mouth, and my tongue even feels weird, almost numb. Is this from going into ketosis from the diet? I've done the Atkins diet several times, and never had anything anywhere near this bad.
  22. BigDaddyJoe

    Any March Sleevers?

    OK, Sarah, I will. I update the list once a day, so you will be on the next one!

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