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Jersey Nurse

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Jersey Nurse

  1. Hello I am 6 weeks post op and severe reflux had allergic reaction to prevacid taking pepcid only I cant eat or drink or I walk around sounding like a clogged toilet...burpping all the time and bubbling noise coming from my stomach....any suggestions?

  2. Hi Ladies and Gents....

    I have been a Nurse for 20 yrs I work in the Emergency Room and recently made the transition to ED Case Manager

    Sleeved at my Hospital on 1/28/2013

    I took off 4 weeks and thought 5 or 6 would have been better. The first week back I was very tired but my hemaglobin was low too.

    I wish you LUCK....I dont think we are ever fully prepared for this journey....

    Nice to have you all to talk too...

  3. This too is my fear, however if we give into our fears we will not reah our goals....Hang in there!!!

    I would check my thyroid as well.....and increase Protein ...need to get in fat burning mode (protein does this) you know what to do....

    My friend is 4 years out lost over 100 lbs...now gaining...she just started a strict diet and is losing like mad now....stick with it...we are all different body types....so lose faster than others...keep the faith!!!

    Remember STRESS holds on to weight and ^ cortisol levels....

  4. I too sleeved on Jan 28th....down 41 lbs counting my 2 week pre-op diet.....I have not lost weight in a few days...this happens i am told ...I did stall and increase my Protein and started loosing again.....Hang in there......keep in touch my fellow 1/28/2013 sleever.....

    My problem is started back to work and hard to eat at work.....I am a nurse busy all day hard to find a minute to eat so I drink mostly at work......What are you eatting???

  5. Hang in there....it was the worse 2 weeks of my life, I am now 5 weeks out and life is better!!!

    Ice Pops sugar free saved me too.....and warm stuff...the broth was the best but you need to get bullion make it stronger....crystal light too.....you should be able to try skim milk(it is thin)*ask your Doctor first but I drank it by day 5......I am 42 lbs down and feel great!!!!

    Hang in there....you can do it!!!

  6. My reflux is 10 x worse then prior to surgery POD#9 for me.....the squeezing in my chest when I try to drink or eat is insane...they called me in some Prevacid still no better today.....all I can do is drink in very little incriments...this SUCKS!

    Anyone else have really bad GERD!

  7. I was sleeved/hernia repair too> on 1/28/13 down 13lbs , spent the evening in the ER my surgeon met me there(he is wonderful) had lots of chest pressure and shoulder pain when drinking or eating, pain x 3 days now pain when not even eating>had CT Scan all looks good no leak or tear, he thinks just reflux(thank God) got some new RX to be filled.....praying for a better day tomorrow 1 week follow-up on Thursday......

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