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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    bridgt2000 reacted to mzrich in 6wks Postop and obsessed sex   
    Your photos are great... Congrats.... Just stay strong...and try to keep yourself busy... Most men are assholes and good one is hard to find. Since u found him already dont mess up.
  2. Like
    bridgt2000 reacted to JRFuerst in 6wks Postop and obsessed sex   
    I haven't had the surgery, but I don't know if it is so much related to the surgery. You said your husband deployed 2 weeks ago. Perhaps since you miss his companionship that is how you specifically are reacting to his absence. Then again, maybe you are finding yourself more attractive since you have dropped the weight. I know when I lost 40 pounds on my own I felt more confident and I felt I was more attractive to the opposite sex. Hell, I started finding myself to be attractive LOL
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    bridgt2000 reacted to chocolate_macchiato in 6wks Postop and obsessed sex   
    LMAO....love it!
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    bridgt2000 reacted to Ms.AntiBand in don't let anyone fool you. recovery is awful.   
    Well, I know I commented on this post, but don't remember my exact words. I don't think you should overread peoples opinions. They're just that. Most of the time things are taken wrong simply because they are just words without a clue to sentiments.
    I went into this surgery expecting the worst, but didn't get it. Some are lucky some aren't for whatever reason we may never know.
    Again, sorry if you think our responses were rude.. I don't think they were meant to be, at least mine weren't. I just gave my side like you did so to aid in others perspective of the possibilities during recovery

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