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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by BethAnn77

  1. BethAnn77

    Any March 19 sleevers?

    In some cultures six is a number that means family and friends and the home so it could mean you have a lot of people pulling for you!
  2. There sure is? LilMissDiva made an awesome list. It is in the first post of this thread.
  3. BethAnn77

    Michigan Sleevers

    That is so great! Don't give up, right? I have some support in my family. My husband is finally coming around. We had an argument where I called him selfish and then he said I was the one who was selfish for having surgery because I don't like how I look. I am glad his true feelings came out because I explained to him the statistics and that my decision was because I want to be healthy and live to see my grandkids someday, not because I am vain. (Though, yes, that will also be an added bonus!) I think when the people I love that are skeptical see how happy and healthy I will be, they will stop their criticism. And if not, who needs 'em?! LOL
  4. BethAnn77

    May 2013 Sleevers!

    Hi, everyone! May 6 is my scheduled date. I still have one more appt in April to complete the six month insurance requirement then I should be set.
  5. BethAnn77

    Michigan Sleevers

    How are things? I am hanging in there. The flu is wandering around my family of six. No fun! Still plugging away, waiting for May. Hope things are well with you!
  6. BethAnn77

    Pre-pre-op Diet

    I am currently 7 weeks pre-op. since about 13 weeks pre-op, I have been following a 800-1200 calorie per day plan of 60 G protein, less than 30 g sugars, and trying for 25 g of fiber. It has been tough but I lost about 17 pounds so far. I am frustrated with a current stall and, since the stall, have had days where I didn't track, (didnt binge but ate whatever I wanted to eat). I am not being too hard on myself because, even if the weight loss has slowed, I'm still eating healthy which should only help me during and after surgery. I have never been able to lose and keep it off, that's why I am having the surgery, right? But I did the pre-pre-op diet so that when I have to do it for real, it won't be so hard. Sorry for the long explanation. I hope this helped. Good luck!
  7. BethAnn77

    Michigan Sleevers

    Hi! Nice to talk with someone going through the same hospital! When is your surgery date? I kind of got the impression that buying through the office was mandatory but I think I will ask because it seems cheaper online. I would live to keep in touch. Good luck!
  8. Fellow Midwesterners! Good luck and don't give up. It is going so fast! Only 8 weeks until my surgery!
  9. BethAnn77

    #160 lost 1 year post op (w/ pics)

    Thank you for sharing this. Amazing!
  10. I think it might be a little different, depending on the doctor. My surgeon's office sent a form to my primary that had spaces for weight, blood pressure, pulse, what diet issues were discussed at the appointment, exercise, behavior and if I was prescribed medication to assist with weight loss. My primary fills this out after my appt every month and then sends it to the surgeon. But it might be different for other doctors. I am going through McLaren in Petoskey, MI with Dr. Randal Baker, who is based out of Spectrum in Grand Rapids. (I saw that you have BCBS of MI so I'm assuming you're from MI?)
  11. I live in Northern MI and also have BCBS. I started my 6 mos in Nov and will surgery in May. I basically just went to my primary and we discussed diet and exercise. Then she sends a form detailing everything to my surgeon's office. Have you started your visits yet?
  12. BethAnn77

    not enough protein..

    I think I read that it will solidify which makes it harder to get down in the beginning. i.e. an egg white turns to solid when heated...
  13. BethAnn77

    time to say good bye

    I think this place is a HUGE help and I intend to come whenever I feel discouraged or have good news to share, especially since I don't have a support group in my area. I know years ago, when a person in my life who WLS, she had no where to turn to. I am so grateful!
  14. BethAnn77

    time to say good bye

    I think as a newbie, it can be difficult to find the info one is looking for. It can be overwhelming. I hope when I get to be a veteran, I can remember the beginning. Thanks for all of the support.
  15. BethAnn77

    Jealous Friends

    I am 10 weeks pre-op and when I told a good friend of mine, she was very concerned about it being a healthy decision. I didn't take it as jealousy, just real concern because she wasn't knowledgable about the facts. So I told her more about it and thought we were ok. Now, anytime I bring it up, she ignores me or changes the subject. I am hoping that, as she gets used to it, she will come around. But she has her own weight struggles so I think there is a little side of her that is resentful/jealous. We will see how things play out as my journey progresses. On another note, I am trying to take a proactive approach with people's reactions. Before I looked into VSG, I, myself, was ignorant of the facts and thought it was the easy way out. I am going to try to be as open as possible about my experience with people because I am so proud that I am taking this step. Maybe I can change some people's ignorance into knowledge and acceptance. We could all use more support, not criticism. I am so inspired by all of you! Thank you!!!!!
  16. BethAnn77

    Michigan Sleevers

    Thank you so much for your for your response! How was the taste? (I will still follow their instructions, I'm just curious.) Congratulations on your success!
  17. BethAnn77


  18. BethAnn77


    From the album: BethAnn77

  19. BethAnn77

    Michigan Sleevers

    Happy Friday! I have a question for anyone who has had their surgery through McLaren Northern Michigan or Dr. Randal Baker...what kind of pre-op diet does he put you on? Does he require you to buy the supplements in the office or give a guideline? I have an appt with him in two weeks, but I am inpatient for answers. Thanks!
  20. Hello! I am a first-time poster. I am scheduled for my VSG in May, 2013. I am very excited and have been encouraged by the posts I see here as well as videos on YT. Thank you all for your tips and for sharing your stories. It is amazing how supported I feel from people I have never met. Thanks again!
  21. BethAnn77

    Michigan Sleevers

    I am going through McLaren as well. Good luck! It goes faster than you think.

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