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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    rickyswife reacted to julielle in How did you tolerate a long flight home?   
    There's walking and then there's WALKING. Have you seen how huge some terminals are, when you have to get on a bus at gate whatever and then go to another terminal, walk through the whole thing etc, worried that you're going to miss your connection? The wheelchair was a real blessing. And I'm one who walked walked walked at the hospital, and yes once they got me to my gate I walked walked walked at the gate too, but at least at the gate I was already where I needed to be and there were chairs to sit down on when I needed to.
  2. Like
    rickyswife got a reaction from dork in Really confused and overwhelmed   
    If you don't mind waiting just another 14 or 15 days or so , I will get back to you with a NEW reply, I am going to TJ surgery on May 6th, with Dr. Cabrera...... I would be willing to share the entire truth with you.
  3. Like
    rickyswife reacted to ISleevedIt in Ugh   
    <kick> <kick> <kick>
    Is this enough kicking? You are doing great! Keep it up and you will reach your goal.
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    rickyswife reacted to tigerbelle in Ugh   
    add me to those who think 50 lbs in 3 months is awesome...I am having surgery May 6 and would be thrilled to lose 50 lbs by August 6
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    rickyswife reacted to geneseohubcap in Ugh   
    I guess I do just need to stop comparing myself to others. Thanks guys. Sometimes I just need a kick in the pants.
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    rickyswife reacted to aquitenonnymouse in Ugh   
    You're doing great! Everyone looses differently. You mention "what if I never get to goal?" What is your goal? I think goal should not be a number, but where you feel healthy. Our numbers do not define us!
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    rickyswife reacted to LG1981 in Ugh   
    Im 2 months out an Ive lost 30 lbs. I HOPE to lose 10 lbs this month to get me at 40. I think your loss is awesome! Keep it up!
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    rickyswife reacted to Nicolanz in Ugh   
    50 pounds in 3 months? !?! ....3 months? What were you expecting? That's an insane amount of weight in such little time!
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    rickyswife reacted to *susan* in Ugh   
    What I think you should do, in all honesty, is to quit comparing yourself to what everyone else is doing. Have you ever lost 50 pounds in three months before? Personally, I think you are doing amazing! You aren't doing anything wrong. Everyone's body is not the same, everyone loses differently, and, most importantly, this isn't a race. Heck, if it was a race, I would have given up a long time ago. I am an extremely slow loser, but you know what, I don't care! I weigh 125 pounds less than I used to, and no matter how long it took me to lose that 125 pounds, the only thing that matters is that I did and I am healthier for it. Relax, you are doing fine. Most people would be thrilled with a 50 pound weight loss in only three months.
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    rickyswife reacted to Chris R in Ugh   
    50 lbs in 3 months is 4 lbs a week! That's about the same rate I've been losing, and I weighed 390 at surgery, and I'm very happy with that. Remember, that works out to a 2000 calorie per day deficit. Don't stress about it!
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    rickyswife reacted to tigerbelle in 2nd thoughts...   
    I understand your doubts and second thoughts. It took me a while to feel comfortable to schedule WLS, but I am now scheduled for May 6. I am not going to lie--I am still nervous about it and am still not 100% sure I am making the right choice, but I am the kind of person that will never feel totally certain about any major decision. I would recommend, though, that you thoroughly do your research if you haven't already and to definitely talk with people who have had WLS--this forum is of course a great source of info and personal experiences of others. My biggest fear is a major complication like a leak. I believe my research on the sleeve surgery showed there is about a 1% chance of a leak overall among all surgeons. My surgeon--who as done about 2,000 such surgeries over the last few years--told me that to date he has had no patients with leaks, and he has only had two with strictures (and those two happened at the beginning of when he started doing these surgeries...I know that of course doesn't guarantee I won't have a serious complication, but it gives me the best assurance I think I can get pre-surgery...all the best for you...believe me I know how difficult the decision is
  12. Like
    rickyswife reacted to Debvzw in Best decision I ever made   
    On 3/6/2012 I had VSG surgery and yes, it was the best decision I ever made. My life has changed soo much and all for the good.
    I exercise every day
    I can bend over and tie my shoes
    I can cross my legs
    I no longer need seat belt extender on airplanes
    I can wear heels
    I wore a dress for the first time in 8 years 2 weeks ago
    I went hiking with my grand kids yesterday and we had to stop for rests because THEY were tired, not me!
    I have soo much energy
    I feel good about myself again
    I went from a size 24-26 to a 12
    I fit in a booth at restaurants
    I can mow my own grass(dont have to hire someone to do it this year)
    I could go on forever about the benefits of this surgery, instead let me just show you

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    rickyswife reacted to aquitenonnymouse in seasoning   
    Oh, I used pretty much everything! My favorite combination is what I had for Breakfast almost every. single. morning. (because it was SO tasty). I cooked some sweet ripe banana in a frying pan until it was browned, then topped that with one poached egg, a tiny bit of cheddar cheese, and some Blair's Green Death Wish jalapeno hot sauce. I never liked poached eggs before surgery, but I LOVED them for the pureed stage and still eat them now! I always weighed my food to make sure I wasn't eating more than 3 oz per meal for pureed stage. I also liked doing a 'buffalo chicken' type of thing. Put slow-cooked chicken breast, some bleu cheese, ranch dressing, and Franks hot sauce in a food processor, and chop it up! I ate that for a bunch of lunches along with 1/2 oz veggies (like sautéed peas and onions with rosemary that I had food processed, and 1/2 oz of fruit (like applesauce, or something like that). I also liked making a mini 'lasagna' out of homemade Tomato sauce (allspice, maple Syrup, onions, oregano, basil, garlic, salt, pepper, olive oil) layered with ricotta (mixed with 1 egg, parmesan cheese, salt, pepper, oregano, and maybe a tiny bit of mozzarella, but not enough to make it stringy) in a ramekin or small casserole dish. Very tasty.
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    rickyswife got a reaction from Sherriews@yahoo.com in How much protein do I need?   
    If you really have no medical support, ask the question again but put in your height and weight now as well as your goal and see if someone with a similar size can tell you what they do.
    I love this site someone is always using their THINKER.
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    rickyswife got a reaction from Sherriews@yahoo.com in How much protein do I need?   
    I may or may not help here..... since I have no idea what YOU are supposed to be gong for post surgery.... but I do know that I am on my pre op diet and that my Protein goals now are btw 90 - 120, looking into my paperwork for post surfery my goal is to shoot for 40-60 the first week and then gradually up my protein counts from there..... I am also self pay, going to TJ.
  16. Like
    rickyswife reacted to iggychic in How much protein do I need?   
    I am assuming you don't have a doctor or nutritionist to call? Your Protein goal is typically specific to you given your current body size and then it's readjusted when you hit goal. Mine is considered fairly low around here at 60gs daily during the weight loss phase and then I go down to 50. Many people are in the 80 plus range.
    If you really have no medical support, ask the question again but put in your height and weight now as well as your goal and see if someone with a similar size can tell you what they do. That would be much more valuable to you than to just ask how much we are supposed to do as obviously the last poster and I have vastly different goals...which suggests to me that they're a wee bit taller than this little leprechaun.
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    rickyswife reacted to It'sNowOrNever in Cheeseburger In Paradise (minus the cheese)   
    Thank you everyone. I track everything on MFP so I try to keep it about 800 cal. 50% Protein. 25% carb 25% fat. I can tolerate everything but real sugar. That makes me feel nauseated.
    I can eat 1 taco btw. My problem w that burger was that I ate 45 minutes after I already ate. That was pure greediness. I'll shake it off but that was the old me trying to bust out.
    I really just needed to document and confess. Lol! Hello my name is Lauren and I am overcoming my food addiction one day at a time
    Thanks ladies and germs!
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    rickyswife reacted to mysleevemylife in Cheeseburger In Paradise (minus the cheese)   
    Hey! Hey! Hey! Don't talk about yourself like that!! You ate a cheeseburger with bun. Okay, that's a fact. It's over. Don't dwell on it. Hopefully you enjoyed it. I say that, because we are human & you can consider that a "treat", just plan treats for occasions & do the best with everything else. You will be just fine. You're not weak. It's something that you wanted & you ate it. Nothing more, nothing less. ***Disclaimer-This is MY OPINION, lol
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    rickyswife reacted to skinnyplze in Cheeseburger In Paradise (minus the cheese)   
    Hey, don't get so down on yourself...if we weren't all "weak" to some extent we would have lost weight the old-fashioned way...here's the deal, feel lucky you CAN eat a burger; geez, if I took one bite of a burger, I would have been throwing up in a heartbeat...I am 7 wks post-op, I took 2 bites of a scrambled egg this morning and it made me sick to my stomach...3 hrs later my tummy is still gurgling and screaming at me. Your lucky that you feel so good that you can tolerate a burger...Your "burger blunder" is over and done with, move on..!!!
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    rickyswife reacted to Takingcontrol in Gift to myself   
    I know..me either until I did like Mysleevemylife did & mine started falling off!! Enjoy them now though & you can gift them to someone later & make them smile too!
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    rickyswife reacted to butterfly_gal in Gift to myself   
    Oh no! I never even thought about shrinking feet. Oh well, I'll enjoy them while I can
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    rickyswife reacted to mysleevemylife in Gift to myself   
    Ha Ha...true. Mine have gone down about a half size. I put on my dress shoes one day & my heals kept slipping out! Yes, they are nice shoes! It's great that you treated yourself.
  24. Like
    rickyswife reacted to Takingcontrol in Gift to myself   
    FYI....be careful....especially with boots....your feet will shrink too! Their beautiful! I LOVE shoes!!
  25. Like
    rickyswife reacted to butterfly_gal in Gift to myself   
    So my birthday was a few days after my surgery so I never got to really Celebrate or anything, so I decided to treat myself to a gift. I didn't want to buy clothes just because I know I won't be able to wear it long, so I decided on an awesome pair of shoes. Here they are. I love them.

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