I am at 3 months post VSG. I eat normal foods, including steak, pasta, whatever I want. But, I also supplement with protein shakes and/or bars to get my protein in. I think you will not have any problems with meals, as long as you plan ahead. Always have a bar or shake with you and make sure you always have water available. I am 50lbs down at 3 months, so I don't know how long you will be able to keep it from your family. However, if you don't want to tell anyone then you don't have to!!! Just tell them you have been working hard at getting healthy (which isn't a lie). Because, regardless of what others might think or say, VSG is NOT the easy road!!! It is so hard to change a lifetime of mind traps and habits. I used to feel embarrassed to tell people that I had VSG, but like many others, now I feel so good inside and out that I don't care if people know. I'm telling you that it doesn't have to be hard. Just go and have fun and enjoy your family!!!! Don't make it all about secrets and who might find out.......JUST HAVE A GREAT TIME!!!! I promise...it will all be okay!~~ Best wishes~!~~