I was 246 when I started this process, it took a bit to get to my pre surgery goal weight. But I did and then some. The day of surgery I weighed 199.5, I was thrilled to finally see a "1"..surgery went well!! 10 days out I weigh 190, I feel like things are going to well. I am struggling with the feeling of constipation! Ewww.. However, I think it is the protien drink I am drinking. I walk every day for 20 to 30 minutes. I am feeling a strained or maybe like my right side incision is hard something inside. I am afraid to do to much! In the hospital I sware I tore my right side twice. I can drink rather fast and eat kinda fast too. I wonder if that is normal?? I also wonder what is the typical weight loss I should expect? And when do stalls happen? When can I vacuum?? I would love to hear any advice! Thanks