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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by tinawstpnt

  1. tinawstpnt


    That is pretty normal although ut is very frustrating. Your body has a readjustment period then it will lose weight again. I went through it. It will pass
  2. tinawstpnt


    I am at 202.
  3. tinawstpnt

    Virginia Sleevers-Hampton Roads

    Im sorry, I meant she.
  4. Always here if you need to talk. Chin up you will do fine!
  5. tinawstpnt


    Seems like its taking forever to get below 200!!!
  6. tinawstpnt

    Virginia Sleevers-Hampton Roads

    Something is wrong with that dr. He should never have done that without telling you what was going on. Its sad he has no heart. I am glad that you at leaste know why you were so uncomfortable. Wound packing at first will be uncomfortable too but is needed. Its called healing by secondary intention. That means it will heal from the inside out. If not you run the risk of the same thing happening again. I am here if you need to talk.
  7. Im two months out and dont regret anything. I have lost 44 pounds. This is something I am glad I did.
  8. tinawstpnt

    Virginia Sleevers-Hampton Roads

    Everyone heals at a different rate. I had my surgery thursday nov 8th. I was sore fore about two weeks. I am also a nurse and went back to work the monday after my surgery. I pushed myself because I had to save vacation time for my sons surgery that was in dec. I am perfectly fine at this point. No pain only gain because as of this morning I have lost 44 pounds. Its a road but it is one I am so glad I have traveled. I live in newport news by the way. If you need to talk im here. Stay strong hun.
  9. tinawstpnt


    Hey Karissa! Stepped on the scale and two pounds gone! Just had to share!
  10. tinawstpnt

    Am I the only one?

    Thanks. This has helped me also.
  11. Am I the only one that is scared they will be the one person the sleeve doesnt work on? I have failed so many diets that Im scared of failing this too. It seems that noone in my life can understand that. They are like here try this or you can have a taste! Im not sure what I can do to make them inderstand that it is different now. If we live in the same house and have seen this transition there is no excuse in not understanding. Sorry for venting. Im just scared of failure. Now my significant other thinks im taking it too far when I dont want to get over 20 carbs a day.
  12. tinawstpnt


    Not as much as I should
  13. tinawstpnt


    Maybe so. I havent followed that as much as calories and carbs.
  14. tinawstpnt


    I am having more stalls now. I stepped on the scale this morning and gained a pound
  15. tinawstpnt

    I just cried ( melt down )

    I was sleeved november 8th. I havent really been emotional but I have been scared of being the one person in the world this surgery wouldnt work for! Hang in there. We are all here for you.
  16. tinawstpnt

    Am I the only one?

    I can relate to that Julianna because when I went by krispy cream tonight the light was on and calling my name. I kept on going
  17. tinawstpnt

    Need encouragement

    The gas was horrible for me. It lasted about a week for me. When I felt it I would walk and it helped me out as far as moving it along. It will get better. Im two months out. I dont regret doing this for one minute!
  18. tinawstpnt

    Am I the only one?

    Thanks Dee!
  19. tinawstpnt

    Am I the only one?

    Thanks everyone for your replies. I value every one of them. I feel like I shouldnt gain weight at all with how careful I am. I know I dont get in enough calories and im working on that. I also need to work out but cant afford to go to the gym. I am a nurse so im constantly going all day and when I get home I feel like I dont have enough energy to work out
  20. tinawstpnt

    Am I the only one?

    Lol that is funny. I needed that laugh! Im two months out and 42 pounds down but constant stalls and fluctuations in my weight make me feel like im doing something wrong.
  21. tinawstpnt


    Its do frustrating! I had that happen to me this morning. I know I shouldnt weigh everyday, but I cant seem to help myself
  22. tinawstpnt


    Hey Karrissa. Have you had days that you stepped on the scale and gained a pound?
  23. tinawstpnt

    Im a newbie

    Thank you !
  24. Hey everyone. Had my gastric sleeve november 8th. The weight loss stalls are so aggrivating. I have lost 43 pounds. I am so scared I will be the one person this surgery fails on. I am curious to hear others expeience with this.
  25. He just loves to eat and he hates the fact that I can no longer eat all of the things that got me fat in the first place. For anyone who knows me, selfish is not in my vocabulary. I always do for others before I do for myself. The one thing I do for me is something I wont regret.

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