Hi All
To those of you who have had trouble conceiving or told it is because of your weight, I share my story.....
I was 29 and my husband and I decided we wanted to start a family. I knew I would have problems because I was very irregular and had been diagnosed with PCOS. At the time my weight was around 280. I had gone to a fertility specialist and told I needed IVF - started my meds and my cycle was cancelled - told to lose weight (try weight watchers) and then I can try IVF again
Onto the next fertility specialist - she was kind and understanding regardless on my weight - we moved quickly to IVF and had a great cycle, unfortunately it failed. We then used my frozen embryos and again - failed - Doctor was stumped. We decided to try one last artificial insemination and that too failed. Doctor decided that I should take a break and try to diet - maybe weightloss would improve my chances of success.
Ok, so.....I decide that I want Lap-band surgery, my weight had creeped up into the 300's and I was tired. We bought a puppy and started to purchase our first house. Well the next month after my last failed cycle I was pregnant!!!
I had a wonderul, easy pregnancy and my son was delivered November 10, 2003.
Fast forward to January 2004. I had my lap-band surgery - yeah!!
June 2007 - we have been trying without success to have another baby. I go back to my fertility specialist. Now I am down 70 lbs (260), feeling great, on Metformin for my PCOS and ready for IVF..
August another "perfect" cycle - we were sure this was it - but sadly this cycle failed. Now my doctor is looking for answers - I have testing done and test positive for natural killer cells - they kill the embryo - we plan my treatment but while waiting for my period I discover I am preggers!!
Ok, so IVF failed - 4 weeks pregnant, but found out not a viable pregnancy - so I am told to wait for my period and we will start up treatment again.
This was not September - we go away to Florida and I am waiting and waiting for my period - no show. We come back from Florida, no period.
I can't say what made me decide to take a pregnancy test but I did and it was a BIG FAT POSITIVE!!! HUH?????????
I run to the doctor the next day and it was confirmed 5 weeks pregnant.
So I ovulated right after the first pregnancy failed but before I had a period - strange I know, but true.
So here I am 11 weeks pregnant with a healthy little bean - feeling great.
My doctor calls me her miracle patient!
I hope my story is encouraging, never give up, anything is possible.