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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by jacee

  1. Hello Everyone!

    Its been awhile since I posted on/or even looked at this forum. I was sleeved on Feb 27 2013 almost 1 year ago.

    I have lost 87 pounds since then, hoping to round it off to an even 90 by the end of the month. I have also lost over 65" and then I stopped counting. I for sure was a slow but mostly steady looser. I did not follow some of the rules, I drink out of a straw for one (not encouraging that just keeping it honest)

    I have had people not recognize me, or be totally shocked when they see me. Its embarassing and encouraging at the same time. Embarassing because I had let myself become obese, and I refused to acknowledge it or deal with it, or even look at myself in the mirror, take photos etc. I saw a photo of myself from about a year and half ago, I prob weighed 250 and I was mesmerized in a bad way. Who was that girl. Smiling on the outside drowning on the inside. I could barely look at for a minute.

    I am still about 30 pounds off from my goal weight. I feel lighter and more confident, although loosing weight in your 40's does open up a whole new can of worms ie.,cellulite, wrinkles, my neck skin looks weird sometimes.(minus the double chin I guess..) I am sure I am overexagerating all of this because to me its always 10X worse than reality ( well maybe not the celulite on my thighs lol)

    When I see myself in the mirror, I am captivated by this newer smaller body, other times, ( when I look at myself from behind) I am like, you need to loose 30 more pounds.

    I can go into any store and buy clothes off the rack. I am now a canidate for skinny jeans. I have guys checking me out (that feels really good I have to be honest, I used to hate it, but 10 years with out it sure makes you appreciate it)

    I am going on a cruise to the Bahamas in 2 weeks. If it weren't for the celulite I would totally rock a bikini. But I am so grateful that I get to take this smaller more authentic version of myself, instead of dragging along that heavy miserable fat girl I was a year ago.

  2. So my weight loss has slowed I am about 183 (cant change my weight on here because my patient profile page is all alt text?) however, I did measure myself which I had not done for a bit, and I have lost exactly 60" that's SIXTY INCHES...in other words the entire tape measure. I made a circle out of it. It was the circumference of a oak tree. A large oak tree. Wow. Yuck, that's quite the load off. I get the wow you have lost some weight, or they cant remember where they know me from..it must be the minus 82 pounds and sixty inches that can transform your look a bit. I thought I would love the comments of wow you have lost weight, I don't mean to sound unappreciative, but its feels a little condescending sometimes. Geez I wasn't that big was I? Ok maybe I was..:(

  3. I am 8 months out stuck at 185 not because the program doesn't work, because I stopped working the program. We need to remember that we are active participants in this and we need to be pro-active daily and create a path to get to our goals. Not sit back and wait for the weight to fall off. I am saying this to myself more than you. This is the time of the program where are choices are the main reasons its working or not working.

  4. I am so weak. I said to myself I am going to go back to basic an start the liquids and mushy then soft. I get motivated at night thinking and then when morning comes it's back to failure because I get so hungry especially at night. I just had two long crackers and a half with a lot of Nutella just not and now I'm going to bed. I need to seriously so something but I can't control I am thinking about food every second of the day. I was never like this. This is getting out of control and I can't control myself. I go crazy for junk and that's what I eat all day. How can one change there mind and take charge? Because I sure can't. I want to but I can't. And I am struggling with that big time. :(

    I know this might sound crazy but try eating that naked in front of the mirror. It might jolt you back to reality.

  5. I was a first time mom too when I had them. I am not going to lie it can be very overwhelming at times, but in the beginning your so in love that you overlook a lot of things that might normally be challenging. The best thing is ppl love twins, so don't turn down any offers for help! Especially to get a nap in here or there. You will easily adapt to the new double duty ( what we are capable in the name of LOVE is amazing ) ..and you are right, God certainly must have faith in your ability too watch over 2 of his angels <3

  6. Thank god I don't weigh as much as the NFL players this year! I hated hearing how the announcers would say they were 6'4 and weighed 245 and they were like built like brick houses....man I cringed at myself every time..not this year baby! getting down to what the cheerleaders weigh now..lol..not quite but never give up on your dreams...: :lol:

  7. Skinny Jeans! love them. Whenever I wear regular boot cut jeans they look so baggy especially the butt, that I don't feel or look very good in them. Put on a pair of skinny jeans and bam, they fit and I feel good. I do have to pull them up a bit after wearing all day. In a size 16, which I am ready to go into the 14s. I have been in love the Rockstar from Old Navy, their only $25 and they come in all colors and they have a bit of a stretch to them which would have been good for when I was bigger, but now I am finding the stretch helps hug my curves better.. I am going to check out they Levi's brand though. If anyone else has a favorite skinny jean please post.

  8. I did not even tell my work I was having surgery of I would have needed a letter requiring me to take off like 6 weeks with Dr authorization to return...did not want to take that much time off. I was back at my job in 4 days. Sure it was rough at first but you do what you gotta do. 7 months later and they still have no idea. I was only in the hospital for 1 day a Wednesday, took Thurs/Fri off went back on Monday.

  9. Same for me. I had it pre-sleeve and originally got a colonoscopy after going to my DR for extreme lower left abdomen pain my MRI came back for possible colon cancer, however the colonoscopy showed diverticulitis. This is very very painful.Warning TMI: Your colon or lower intestine forms little pockets that collect food ecspecially nuts. That becomes inflamed and infected and super super painful. They have to treat the infection before they can do the colonoscopy because the intestine is so fragile and could tare easily in this condition. You have to take a special kind of medicine for it that sucks. Sometimes they have to go in and take out that section of your colon or lower intestine because it is too damaged and cant heal. It can hurt into your back and feel like its your kidney. Mine is mostly controlled after battling it for over a year. But I do not eat nuts at all. Not even corn nuts. I never want that back again. Its terrible.

  10. Funny I did

    The same thing

    This weekend! I felt


    Good I walked across the


    And bought a lululemon outfit lol

    ok I have heard that the luluemon pants make you butt look amazing...so is it really true? lol

  11. My silly little NSV...I bought something at Victoria Secret...albeit it was only a sweatshirt...but it was a size Large and if you have ever been to Victoria Secret even their size Large is small. Truth is 6 months ago I would have never had the confidence to walk into that place..next time, I am buying the whole shebang,,,undies and a matching bra..lol :D

  12. I have been depressed myself. I think that this is all about so much more than loosing weight.. When the weight comes off we realize that its not the answer to our problems, and then we must face the difficult task of getting real with ourselves about the issues in our lives that really need to be addressed. That's tough especially when we have hid behind a wall of weight for so long. I believe that only those things that we don't face and tackle eat at our contentment and happiness. I am guilty of this myself. Why we choose the miserableness over the cure I have not figured out.

  13. A year ago today I couldn't stand for more than 10 minutes without breaking into a sweat and needing to sit down. Today I finished my first 5K. :D The fastest guy in my age group finished it in 22 minutes - it took me 4 times as long but I finished it! What made this even more special was being able to walk it with people from my support group for which many was their first 5K as well.

    @DonRodolfo Congrats on your 5K as soon as I saw it I thought of this Tshirt https://www.google.c...hirt%2F;480;549

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