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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by ShannFlo

  1. Sunday the bridal party is ordering the dresses for my bff wedding in Dec. I expect to lose a considerable amount of weight in 8 mths. I have no idea what to do. No idea what size I should get???? Help!!!!
  2. Postop day 13! I was wondering if anyone is still feeling swollen with sore incisions??? I'm down 21lbs and I feel great but my stomach looks and feels so bloated! I have been frustrated bc I can't get my protein down but I just started puree chicken and beans and eating yogurt and i'm finally hitting my goal of 60-70 grams a day! so things are starting to look up. Also how long should I wait before I can ride my bike?
  3. 5 days postop and down 16lbs for me to!!!! So exciting!!! I didn't want to get on scale because I still felt swollen but of course I couldn't help myself. I will try to go a week next time lol! Can't wait to start real foods...jello isn't cutting it anymore!!!!
  4. Preop my urine was clear from all the water I consumed but here I am 4 days postop and my urine is so yellow its almost brown. I'm drinking as much water as I can. I know ths can't be good Anyone else experiencing this?
  5. ShannFlo

    urine color?

    That's a wake up call! Thanks! I will push more water for sure!
  6. ShannFlo

    urine color?

    About 16Oz aday
  7. ShannFlo

    Any March 19 sleevers?

    Katia...i'm also 3day postop and everything u wrote is exactly what im going thru. I feel a lot better today.using my heat pad and walking as much as I can. I had a sharp pain on my left side last night but I think it was either gas or my incision. I feel swollen still so i'm afraid to get on scale and see that I gained. May just wait until next week to weigh in. what r u eating? I drink water and only half a popsicle a day!!!
  8. ShannFlo

    Any March 19 sleevers?

    On my way home.about a two hr drive. Bumps in the road aren't feeling to great. Gas pains have subsided just sore incisions. I feel and look swollen so I think I'll wait to get on the scale next week when I see the dr. I have NO desire to put anything in my mouth not even water so I have to make myself...don't want to dehydrate!! Take care!
  9. ShannFlo

    Any March 19 sleevers?

    okay as a softball mom I always tell my kids hydrate hydrate hydrate the day BEFORE the BIG game and although this is NO game we need to take all measures and extra hydrate our bodies today so that we will be ready for the BIG day tomorrow. my bags are packe, I'm nervous as hell, my emotions are all over the place but I know this is what I really want and really need. I'm praying extra hard for all of our 19th sleevers for the surgeons to have steady hands, to have peace in our hearts, to have a speedy recovery and healthy life. God bless!
  10. ShannFlo

    Any March 19 sleevers?

    Yes 3 more days and im in nesting mode! I just finished scrubbing my house to to bottom then warned my family that it better stay this way lol! My surgery is in New Iberia, la about two hrs away from where I live in new orleans. Going today to finish stocking up on postop groceries! Wish me luck
  11. ShannFlo

    Any March 19 sleevers?

    One more week!!!! Super exited! Question...anyone with daughters preeteen/teen??? What are they saying about the surgery? I do have to say the only thing I worry about is that my daughter who has weight issues will think this is an easy way out. I didn't even tell my 8yr old daughter yet...any thoughts??
  12. ShannFlo

    March Sleevers Where are You

    March 19 as well!!!! Shannon, u have tons of support here. I made the decision to tell everyone whether they agree or disagree in the end our decision is the only one that matters! Good luck all march sleevers!!!!
  13. I just started my liquid diet yesterday drinking only protein shakes. My surgery is scheduled march 19. I was wondering if the second week after the surgery, when I start protein shakes, if that would be to soon to mix fruit in the shakes. I havnt found a protein shake that I like without adding coffee or fruit?!?!
  14. ShannFlo

    March Sleevers Where are You

    My day is March 19... less then two Weeks!!! Day 4 of liquid preop diet and this is hard. I drink a different protein shake a day to see which one I like the best. So far its muscle milk chocolate and vanilla (mixed with 2 oz. of decaf coffee ...hope this one is ok!!! Also how long is everyone taking off from work. I'm taking off Tues until Monday, less then a week but all I do is sit at a desk ALL DAY!!!
  15. Thanks for all the info...I'll try blending with ice!!!
  16. So i'm guessing shakes from smoothie king not a good idea? I don't know what i'm going to do to get my protein down...and stay down!!! On another note, less then 2 Weeks until my sleeve....so excited
  17. ShannFlo


    From the album: before

  18. ShannFlo


  19. Could be because I don't know what to expect...and I hate needles! BUT march 19 can't come soon enough!!!
  20. Phewww! Not bad at all. EKG was good and blood work not so bad. my doctor had the sleeve done a few years back and she looks great and regrets nothing! told me to make sure I take my vitamins and protein regularly because there will be days that she will go all day without eating because she wasn't hungry at all I can't even fathom that! excited is an understatement March 19th cannot come soon enough. now off to get my chest x ray!!!!
  21. Dr Borland preop liquid diet is only 24hrs. Is this normal? Sounds like many people post that they are dieting days even weeks prior. I'm just nervous and want to do everything right! Also I read that there are medicine that should not be taken after wls such as Advil. If this true? Any advise is appreciated. Thanks, Shannon
  22. Ok I want to get on the bandwagon...i'm scheduled with Dr. borland march 19!!!! So exited! Great reading all these posts. Good luck with your weight loss journey!
  23. ShannFlo

    Dr. Thomas Borland

    Not Really sure how to post on this thing! I just read this and I am sched with Dr borland march 19. Words can't describe how excited I am. He seems wonderful and so does his staff. I live in new orleans so I will be staying at a hotel. Not sure which one yet. I to have a hubby and children and hope to be back at work in about a week. Keep in touch!!!

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