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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by jjoyce282

  1. jjoyce282


    So surgery is tomorrow!!! I should be really happy and excited but all I can think about is eating a REAL lunch (since I have to go clear liquids after 4). I've been on basically a liquid diet for the past 2 weeks (not to say that I have followed that 100%...it's harder than I thought). My husband and my support system is trying to talk me out of my real lunch today (as he probably should) but I find myself getting mad at him!!! Anyone else feel this way before surgery?!?
  2. jjoyce282


    I'm a week out from being sleeved an I was just wondering if any of you had problems with chewing gum (sugar free, of course)! Does it seem to fill your stomach up with air? It's been a life saver during this preop diet but just don't want to cause any problems postop :-) thanks!
  3. jjoyce282

    First 5k

    My husband and I walked our first 5k last night!! We had a blast and we even shaved 5 min off our normal time! We really are loving our weight loss as well as our new active lives! We can't wait to do another...maybe next time we will run some of it! :-)
  4. jjoyce282

    Calcium chews ?

    My NUT is very big on making sure it is calcium citrate. I couldn't tolerate the chalky chewables so she said to get the citracal with D3 gummies. They are pink, purple and orange. I take two twice a day. It's only for a few weeks til I can tolerate the pills again. At first I was worried about the carbs in them but she assured me that it won't affect anything!
  5. jjoyce282

    Finally on the Post-Op side

    You are doing great!!!! Love you!
  6. jjoyce282

    Team please help

    Any shortness of breath or chest pains? Pulmonary embolism (blood clot in your lungs) can cause the dizzy feeling and passing out and can occur up to 6 months after surgery!
  7. jjoyce282

    Sugar free popsicles

    My NUT said they count as 2 ounces each :-) hope this helps!
  8. jjoyce282

    Please be honest

    The pain I had was about an 8 out of 10. My pain was just under and a little to the side of my largest incision (the one they take your stomach out of). In recovery, I was having horrible stomach spasms. It literally felt like my stomach was doing flips and ripping at the same time. I only had two of these episodes. I was on IV dilaudid for the remainder of the first and then the entire second day. The morphine they tried to give me wasn't touching the pain. I luckily did not have any nausea! Once I got home, my pain got a little better each day and by day 5 I was virtually pain free! You can do this and like other people have said, you may not have much pain! I hope you don't bc I wouldn't wish that on anyone! Good luck!
  9. Hey everyone! So at my 2 week post-op the ARNP gave me the go ahead to start more strenuous work outs (cardio). Since my surgery I have been walking everyday like around a store or the mall or my neighborhood. Well tonight I decided I was going to get back on the treadmill that has been collecting dust! I did 30 min at a pace of 3.0mph. After I finished I got VERY nauseated to the point I had to take phenergan! Anyone else experience this???
  10. I had my 2 week post-op appointment today and everything is going great! I've lost a total of 26.6 pounds from my starting weight!! My BMI went from 43.6 to 39.4 in a month! The scale has been at a stall for the past 5 days but I got the go ahead to exercise a little more and I plan to do just that and bust through this plateau! How's everyone else doing?!?
  11. jjoyce282


    So, I know there are a lot of posts on here about the "3rd week stall". Has anyone been through a 2nd week stall? My first week post-op I lost 15 pounds!!!! Then I started puréed foods and ever since the scale hasn't budged! It's been about 5-6 days of nothing, nada,zip! Don't get me wrong, I am very thankful for my initial weight loss and I'm sure my body is freaking out but how do I get the scale moving again!? I'm getting about 80oz fluids/day and hitting my protein goals that my NUT set. I've also been out and about walking around target, Walmart, the mall, etc. I know I could probably do a little more exercise but I'm a little hesitant until my 2 week follow up appointment which is tomorrow! Any suggestions would be great!
  12. jjoyce282


    Thanks for the encouragement and congrats on being under 310!!!! I'm trying to be patient and will continue to keep my head up because overall I'm down like 30 pounds and I feel great!
  13. Help! We are supposed to go out to dinner to celebrate my grandmothers birthday this Friday. Problem is she picked an Italian restaurant to go to. I will be on "soft solid" foods at this point. Any ideas of what I could order?!?
  14. Hey everyone! I'm a little over a week postop....the first day of my puréed diet went well but now not sure what I'm feeling... For the first 4 day I was in TERRIBLE pain right under my biggest incision (which I hear is pretty normal). Day 5 was much improved and day 6 was basically pain free! This am when I woke up I was still basically pain free. My family and I decided to take the children in our family to the science center today. After about 3 hours, I noticed that I have this new pain....this time it's above my biggest incision :-/ No fever, no nausea, and my incisions are free from signs of infection.... Do you think I possibly over did it today? Has anyone else had a "new pain" arise after feeling basically great?
  15. Hey everyone! Just wondering if anyone else has been sleeved by Dr. Kim at Florida hospital celebration? The reason I ask is because this is now the SECOND time that they have changed my surgery date and I'm beyond frustrated. My original date was March 1st, then they called like 3 weeks ago and told me that they were pushing me up to Feb 28th and, now, this morning, I get an email from them saying that they pushed me back to March 1st. Yes, it's only a day (so far) but its also hard for my husband and my family to keep switching days with their employers....just stressing. Anyone know if this is common practice with this surgeon/group?
  16. jjoyce282

    Changing surgery dates

    Hi! I'm doing pretty good! The first few days were REALLY rough but now I'm basically pain free! Excited to start puréed stuff tomorrow! I'm also down 15 pounds since surgery!!!! How are you feeling?
  17. jjoyce282

    Pureed diet

    Ok....so I have a really dumb question. I attempted to purée some food tonight and I'm not sure if I did it right or not.... My NUT said that once I get to puréed foods that I could have 1.5 oz of Protein food (meat) and 1.5 oz of Fiber food (fruit OR veggie). I decided, since my husband and daughter were having pizza to take a couple small meatballs (like 3) and 2 TBSP of seasoned tomato sauce and purée it....I put it in the small food processor that we have and it seemed to break it down a bit but mostly just threw the ingredients on the side of the processor :-/ I kept taking a spoon and pushing it down and trying again but finally just gave up. The meat was in VERY small pieces but I still needed to chew it slightly before I swallowed it. Do they make a really tiny food processor or should I try more fluids or just make bigger batches?!? Totally at a loss. It was my first puréed meal so I was nervous to begin with but all seems well....no pain!
  18. Congrats! Welcome to the losing bench :-)
  19. jjoyce282

    Taco soup

    I start puréed diet on Saturday...do you think this would do well in the food processor? Mainly the beans I'm concerned about :-)
  20. jjoyce282

    Newly sleeved 2.28.13

    I am 4 days post-op and I am still having some pretty bad pain on the right side of my stomach (a little below my largest incision). I am up and walking around pretty regularly and I am pretty close to meeting my fluid/protein goals! I have lost about 5 more pounds since surgery! However, I do find that I still need my liquid lortab about every 5-6 hours. Anyone else still needing their pain meds? If it wasn't for this pain on the right side of my stomach, I would literally be pain free....I haven't had any fevers and I have had a few BMs...I'm just wondering if it is gas pain or muscle pain.
  21. Hey everyone! Well, it's official....I was sleeved on Friday march 1st. To be honest, I was not expecting to be in the amount of pain that I am in. I was discharged from the hospital yesterday. The first 36 hours I was needing my pain med, dilaudid, every 2 hours :-( The morphine they tried first wasn't even touching my pain! After the first 36 hours they started me on the liquid lortab. It helps but I'm still in pain. Besides my abdominal pain I have had this horrible back pain. They did some additional blood work to see of I had postop pancreatitis. Thank goodness everything was fine there! Thankfully, I haven't had too much nausea! I'm hanging in there and I know that it will keep getting better day by day!
  22. jjoyce282


    Thanks everyone. Off to sleep I go. That way I'm not thinking about food.
  23. jjoyce282


    Yeah, my doctor had a very strict 2 week preop liquid diet so I don't think he'd be ok with it...I just feel like I NEED it physically and emotionally. Maybe it's stress about tomorrow....I've always been a stressful eater.
  24. I'm still pretty nervous and anxious. Hopefully the excitement kicks in soon!!! Good luck tomorrow!
  25. 48 hours from now I will be sleeved!!! Very excited but nervous too :-) I hope everyone that has upcoming surgeries has a speedy recovery! See y'all on the other side :-)

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