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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by blulili

  1. Hey Vixie...is Ortiz your Dr.? You can definately lose that kind of weight by doing liquids for 5 weeks. Definately. It's hard, but so worth it! My hubby is on day 5 today of liquid shakes (4 a day). He's set for surgery on 7/18 with Dr. Ortiz. Send me an e-mail if you wanna chat! Take care, Lili
  2. Take it slow, take it easy. 2 weeks may seem overwhelming, but remember that your Dr. is having you go on liquids for your own safety. The last thing you want to do is go in for surgery and have a problem that could've been avoided by sticking to your liquids. You can DO IT!!! Stay strong, and remember that there are alot of people out here that are going through the same thing and feel like they need a little push too. My DH is on day 5 of liquids (he's allowed nothing but water, crystal light and 4 protein shakes!!!). He has to go on all liquids for 30 days, too (not only to shrink his liver, but also to lose weight before surgery). Good luck & take care!!! -Lili
  3. blulili

    Eating plan for diabetic bandster

    WasaBB--there's a long list...but if you can also e-mail me with the info that you have on the article you're mentioning, I would love to get my hands on it. DH is an Insulin Diabetic and we're hoping that after being banded, his diabetes will get better (God willing!!!). Great question, great responses. Good luck to you all... -Lili
  4. blulili

    Orange County Bandsters

    Oh my gosh, Jeff--that's hilarious (all the soup on the table). So funny, but I really didn't even notice until the picture. BTW, how are you doing on your water??? Update, please :-) Vikki, thanks for arranging the meet and greet. It's so nice to have people to talk to that are local and are going through similar emotions/situations/crisis's/etc. I do agree that the next time we meet (at the end of July), it would be nice to meet somewhere where it's a bit more "intimate" and easier to have more conversation with everyone. Like Sandy and everyone else has said...it really was great meeting you all and both Raymond and I look forward to seeing you guys at the end of July...Newly banded! Take Care, Lili
  5. blulili

    Post op picture

    Thanks for sharing those pics...very interesting how the sites look. Take care and good luck! -Lili
  6. Hey Christellini-- So sorry to hear about your insurance headache. We are in a similar situation. My insurance denied my husband's request for a RNY gastric bypass. Twice. We appealed. Denied. Huge mess and he was so disappointed. Our insurance does not cover the lap band. So...all that mess to say that we're self pay and are going into Mexico to have his lap band done 7/18/07. It's such a shame that insurance companies don't focus on the future and the money they can save by covering these surgeries so that people CAN get healthy, can get off meds and can end up saving them money. Ugh. Sorry for the rant....but I feel your pain. Good luck to you, and please, don't give up without a fight! Take care, Lili
  7. What an awful experience! You know, you should really look into reporting that physician and his "business" practices. I have no idea to who you would report him to or file a complaint with, but it's just not right. Good luck to you. Take Care, Lili
  8. blulili

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Hey Dini: First off, welcome to the Lucky # 7's! I love your "Irish luck to all" in your signature--it's perfect for this thread. I'm sure everyone here appreciates the well wishes as surgery dates are getting closer and closer. In your above post, you said that you were self pay, but that you can't lose any weight without risking them not doing your surgery. I was wonderring...if it's out of your pocket, are they really serious that you have to be at a certain weight or they'll cancel your surgery? It's amazing to me that even with you coming up with the money--they still put limitations on your weight. We're self pay too (DH's surgery is 7/18) and it would annoy me to have to meet a weight criteria when we're paying for the "elective" surgery! Ah well. Just wonderring, I guess. Anyway, take care! -Lili
  9. blulili

    Pre-Op Hunger

    Aside from drinking more water (with crystal light or plain) I have heard some people swear by the slim fast shakes that have a higher ammount of protein in them and that it keeps them fuller longer. Honestly though, you're just not going to be able to deviate too much from what your nutritionist has you on, so maybe putting in a phone call to them and describing your hunger (nerves, pre-surgery jitters, whatever you want to call it). Stay busy and hydrated. You don't have that much farther to go, so stay strong! -Lili
  10. Hey Peanut... First off, don't freak out! I know, easier said than done. My hubby has to lose 60 pounds before surgery! Since we're self pay--he chose his date and has given himself 2 months to lose the weight. It's alot of weight for a short period of time, but I'm staying positive and very supportive. So, the nutritionist put him on the Induction phase of the Atkins diet. He'll be on that until next week (4 weeks of Atkins) and after, he's doing all liquids until surgery on 7/18 (basically Opti-Fast shakes). Whatever you chose, just make sure you're comfortable with it. The last thing you want to do is to start something extreme and not be able to follow through with it and bum yourself out even more. You don't need the added stress. Good luck on your upcoming diet and surgery. You're sure to do great. Congratulations! -Lili
  11. blulili

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Hey fellow July-Bandsters! My hubby's having surgery on 7/18 with our friend Mikel909. I'm so excited and July can't get here soon enough for me. Wishing you all the best of luck in the upcoming days and for those of you (like my hubby) that are required to do a liquid diet--GOOD LUCK, stay strong and focus on the goal! -Lili
  12. Liz: Thanks so much for posting your before and after pics. I think that there are alot of us that don't know anyone that has had a TT or PS, and it's awesome to see the HUGE difference that that can make. To be honest, I think that you're going to turn out awesome after the swelling goes down. Seriously...even swollen at just a few days post-op (in the second pic) the difference and your shape is startling. I (along with alot of people on here) can't wait to see what you'll look like in a couple of months. Congratulations! -Lili
  13. Hi there... Hubby and a friend are having surgery in Tijuana Mexico with Dr. Ariel Ortiz. It's $8500.00 and that includes all pre-op testing and hotel stay. We're in the O.C., so the drive isn't bad and we'll be going there for after care and fills. From where your're at, it's even closer. Check out their website. I would suggest calling for an appt so you can meet Dr. Ortiz and get a tour of their facility. Whatever you choose...good luck to you! Take Care, Lili
  14. blulili

    Working on the pre-op diet

    State of mind? Definately. Keep up on the opti-fast. You're sure to get to your BMI goal in no time.
  15. blulili

    Working on the pre-op diet

    So, you've been on the liquid diet for almost a month now, right? How much would your Dr. like for you to lose (to where he wouldn't charge you the 6K extra?) I think aside from saving the money...the most you can take off pre-surgery the better. Faster healing, easier surgery/anesthesia. It's a win/win situation for sure. It's hard to do, but stick to it--you're doing fantastic!!!
  16. blulili

    Evening time snacking

    I wish that my night time snacking was based on eating fruit, veggies and other "good stuff". Unfortunately, I am noticing that while at first I was reaching for a string cheese and a 100 calorie pack....I am now reaching for sweet bread, chocolate and other junk. I know it's easy to say keep occupied, because if I did that myself, maybe I wouldn't be into this snacking phase that I've been in. So, if walking or exercising isn't an option for you right now...I'm leaning towards agreeing with you that you should just head to bed. I think I should follow your lead on that.... Good luck and know that (unfortunately) you're not alone on your Snacks... -Lili
  17. blulili

    Summer lap-band friendly foods

    Not sure if you've seen this site before but I'll add the link for you to look at. It's All recipes. What's really cool about it is that it lists caloric values with each recipe. You can browse through it...there's tons of recipes and ideas for your grad party. Have fun! -Lili All recipes – complete resource for recipes and cooking tips
  18. Hey Bamalama... Please try to stay as postive as possible. I can't imagine how sad you must feel at your son and daughter in laws selfishness. As a daughter...I can tell you that sometimes...we kids are so used to having our parent there for us for all our needs...that we forget (sometimes just don't care) that you guys have needs as well that not only need to be met--but validated. Right now you need to concentrate on your upcoming surgery and prepare physically AND mentally for it. If this is how he wants to act--so be it. You can't control his actions or lack of empathy towards you. Take a moment to go through the boards and read how many people are completely off all their meds thanks to this surgery. You deserve to have a chance at a better quality of life. You deserve the chance at not having PERFECT health, but by all means BETTER. I guess what I'm trying to get at is, don't dwell on your son and daughter in laws bad attitude with your decision to improve your life. It's their hang up. Yes, I'm sure it's frustrating and sad for you, but don't let it keep getting you down. Concentrate on your upcoming better health and stay strong! Good luck to you. Just know that there are people out here that have you in their thoughs and prayers. Wishing you the best, Lili
  19. blulili

    Orange County Bandsters

    Hey everyone! Are you guys still planning on meeting June 10th at the Rainforest in Downtown Disney? If so...my husband and I would love to join you all. He's getting banded 7/18/07 & it'd be great to meet and chat. Looking forward to meeting... -Lili
  20. Hubby's having surgery 7/18 with Dr. Ariel Ortiz in Tijuana. Cost will be $8500.00. Everything as FurEllie described. Can't wait till July! OCC has a website you can check out. If you're local...I would highly suggest a one on one appointment in the clinic. It'll put all your worries about going in Mexico to rest. Good luck! -Lili
  21. blulili

    It's Official!

    Congratulations on your upcoming surgery! Incidentally, I saw Dr. Ortiz did you band. He's doing my hubby's band July 18th...I myself do not have a lap-band. I had RNY gastric bypass in April 2006. If you have any questions, feel free to e-mail me! Again...congrats on your approval.
  22. Hi there... I think that as long as you do your research and if at all possible, have a 1 on 1 consult, Mexico for surgery can be a great way to go. My husband and friend are both having surgery on July 18th in Tijuana Mexico with Dr. Ariel Ortiz. We went down and saw the facility, met with him, the Nutritionist and staff and are extremely excited about surgery. Dr. Ortiz (as alot of Dr's in Mexico) is a very qualified surgeon (he has proctored surgeries in the U.S.) so it's not a "back-alley-clinic" surgeon that we're going to. Like I said, whomever you go with....do you research. Horror stories can happen anywhere....not just Mexico. Good luck in your decision/journey!
  23. Hi Bamalama! I don't know anyone with Cancer issues that has been banded, but I can tell you that my husband has had Testicular Cancer with 2 re-ocurrances and he will be banded July 18th. His oncologist is thrilled about his surgery as is our primary. I think that your descision is wonderful and I wish you all the best. My husband, like yourself has never lost any weight during all his chemo treatments...so you are definately not alone in that aspect as well! Now, when you get sick (throwing up) is it after treatment only, or all the time? If it's only during treatment, hopefully you can get banded somewhat soon after a treatment, so you won't have the throwing up issue while your band is new and your healing. After a couple of months, once all is settled, all should be great.

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