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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by VSGKirk

  1. VSGKirk

    bathing suit from last year

    Fantastic work, dude! You're a real inspiration to many
  2. If you stop weighing yourself, the number on the scale will not have the power it seems to have on you right now. It will force you to measure your success by how you feel. Can you do that?
  3. If you stop weighing yourself, the number on the scale will not have the power it seems to have on you right now. It will force you to measure your success by how you feel. Can you do that?
  4. If you stop weighing yourself, the number on the scale will not have the power it seems to have on you right now. It will force you to measure your success by how you feel. Can you do that?
  5. VSGKirk

    PicsArt 1371489460985

    That's quite the transformation!
  6. VSGKirk


    You go, girl!
  7. 60-90 grams of protein.
  8. I would imagine pretty much everyone.
  9. VSGKirk

    Bowel movements

    This question comes up frequently and the consensus is that you'l have one when your body is ready to have one. You'll see replies from 1 day to 1 week. As long as you are staying hydrated and not in any acute severe pain, you'll be fine!
  10. VSGKirk

    Side sleepers?

    I am a rotisserie and sleep on all 4 sides. I took a little Tylenol PM each night which seemed to allow me to move comfortably and sleep soundly most of the night.
  11. VSGKirk

    Bakesale Hell

    The beauty of this tool that it allows you to take pause, where in the past, you would have mindlessly eaten much much more. This time you at least stopped, thought about it, made a decision (although it sounds like you regret it) and are now being accountable. This sounds much healthier and deserves to be celebrated - so congrats! Guilt and shame should have been left behind in the O.R. Love yourself enough to enjoy the cookie, track it and move on!
  12. VSGKirk

    Weight loss

    48 lbs in the past 3-5 weeks and you're "disappointed"...? What in the heck has happened to us as a society to where this could even be remotely considered something to be "disappointed" about? I'm disappointed that you feel disappointed about this instead of celebrating your new healthier life. Chin up, buttercup - it only gets better!
  13. VSGKirk

    Body wraps post vsg?

    *Disclaimer* This is just my opinion... I think they are dangerous and a waste of your money. You can become dehydrated and broke! Don't lose site that VSG is a surgical tool to help you become more healthy. Leave these fads in the biohazard bin with your old stomach.
  14. Enchiladas are one of the things that I can eat - it's my go to item when taken out for mexican food!
  15. VSGKirk


    Congrats Charles!! Let us know if you need any extra encouragement.
  16. VSGKirk

    Socializing after sleeve

    Hey Cubbie, It'll be weird at first, but once you have a fewer food restrictions, you'll be able to join right in (just will eat and drink in much smaller quantities). I had to attend work meetings, lunches and dinners as early as 1 week post-op. You can do it - but like I said, it's weird at first, but once you see it's not as bad as you thought, you get through it. I focus on the conversations and make the interaction more about that than the food or drinks.
  17. 5.5 Months out and I get about 800 calories (+/- 150) each day. The denser the food, the smaller the volume for me. I eat mostly Soups, chilis and stews - whatever is soft, easy to prepare and store.
  18. Overnight...and that was only because I died during surgery (briefly) - otherwise, I would have been able to go home same day.
  19. Bruising, normal. Dark urine, more fluids. I'd be more worried about dehydration than anything else. Your doctor's advice sounds perfect!
  20. VSGKirk

    What kind of undies?

    I wore basketball shorts just a few hours post-op and didn't find it problematic. I say bring both and wear whatever's most comfortable!
  21. VSGKirk

    IMG 30178

    Those glasses are awesome!
  22. VSGKirk

    Best condom idea, ever!

    LOL, I just took a picture of one of these sitting on my lap at a powerlifting competition last weekend!
  23. Eat fresh, wholesome stuff. Not eating crappy, processed, highly refined food really isn't "dieting". If you just follow the basics (protein first, then carbs, then veggies), you'll never feel like you're dieting ever again! Don't start setting yourself up for failure now - you've made it this far and wow! Look at your results!!!
  24. I used to spend $20-$30 a day on food. Now it's more like $5-$10. I used to take 7 medications, now I take 2. So for me, it's paying for itself!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
