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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by JRFuerst

  1. JRFuerst

    Nov 9 13

    From the album: JRFuerst

  2. JRFuerst


    From the album: JRFuerst

  3. JRFuerst


    From the album: JRFuerst

    At 335. Taken 08/13/13
  4. JRFuerst


    From the album: JRFuerst

    At 375.
  5. JRFuerst


    From the album: JRFuerst

  6. JRFuerst

    Kansas City Area Sleevers?

    When is the next KC meet up? I've been sleeved!!
  7. Up until about 3-4 days ago, I was having a hard time getting in my liquids and I was supposed to be starting stage 3. Suddenly, the other day, I was able to drink more Water in a day and drink more water in a 30 minute period. Not sure what happened, but I am drinking water at a resonable rate and getting in close to 64 ounces now with no discomfort and very little burping at all. I would feel miserable on the pureed stage, but as soon as I started the soft food stage I felt like I had more energy and my discomfort went away when I would eat. Was just curious if anyone else went through anything similar where you're just miserable and struggling and then suddenly one day you're able to handle tons of liquids and foods. It just came out of nowhere.
  8. And of course by 'tons' I mean a drastic change to virtually nothing.
  9. Just had string cheese for the first time since surgery. Oh my god it tasted so good! 30 minutes later I feel just fine!

  10. JRFuerst

    Ginger powder

    I've read somewhere that ginger also helps with gas in the stomach and to decrease burping. Not sure if this is true.
  11. These last few days I was struggling on the pureed stage - yogurt, refried Beans, applesauce, I was just feeling BLAH after I would eat. Wednesday (today) I am to start the soft food stage. So over the weekend I bought tuna and mashed potatoes and cottage cheese. Today, I couldn't even get in 64 ounces of Water or 70 grams of Protein and thought there is no way I can start the soft food stage. Tonight, I couldn't sleep. I was hungry, for the first time I felt hunger. I decided I would be brave and try the tuna mixed in with some applesauce. Strangely enough, I didn't feel miserable after eating it. I took small bites and ate slow. I think I had 5 or 6 bites over 30 minutes. Maybe I am ready for soft food, or maybe it was just a fluke. Then again, maybe it was mental and my body was getting sick of the same pureed stuff over and over and needed something of substance. Who knows, but at any rate, I will be gradually introducing the soft foods on schedule today. Anyone else go through something like this?
  12. JRFuerst

    I suck...

    I did a 3 week pre op diet 2 shakes and allowed a smart ones meal for dinner. I too could eat a whole pizza by myself and be hungry later. I cheated on my pre op diet a few times- steak and shake twice, Pizza Hut. I told my surgeon and he was not concerned. He said my liver would still shrink because during those three weeks my diet was drastically better than what I normally eat. Don't beat yourself up. I think this whole life change is a huge learning curve.
  13. I have/had IBS. Before surgery my gas came out the bottom end......all the time. Post surgery I've tooted maybe twice in three weeks but I'm burping like crazy now. I'd rather burp than toot I guess. It's a nice change lol
  14. I'm three weeks out and I should be starting soft foods tomorrow, however I'm going to continue the puréed stage longer because I don't eat anything, I'm still doing my shakes. I feel blah after I have a couple of bites if applesauce or retried beans. No way I can start soft foods tomorrow.
  15. I'm 2 1/2 weeks post op and am in the pureed stage. I'm looking ahead at the solid foods stage and meal plan from my doctor, and this seems like a lot of food in terms of the stomach is only 4-6 ounces in size, but each meal seems like it is more than 4-6 ounces. Does the stomach eventually tolerate this amount of food after a while? Breakfast - 1/2 small banana, 2 egg whites, 1 slice whole wheat toast, 1 tsp margarine lunch - 3 ounces tuna, 1 tbsp light mayo, 3 saltines, 1/2 orange dinner - 3 ounces fish, 1/4 cup cooked carrots, small baked potato, 1 tsp margarine Each meal just seems like it is more than the size of the sleeve. Thoughts?
  16. I think it varies from person to person. I have (had) IBS before surgery, and mine was mostly constipation as opposed to diarrhea. My NUT told me that generally after surgery it will switch to the other side because of the protein increase. Sure enough, I've been having horrible diarrhea. I've talked to my surgeon about it and he said it's normal even up to a month or so after surgery. Plus, since I'm drinking only liquids and no solid foods - liquid in, liquid out. He did say I could have liquid imodium and that helped immensely. I had a 'normal' movement today. I think it depends on your body, and from what I have read and heard, diarrhea is not uncommon two weeks post op.
  17. JRFuerst

    Party after surgery!

    I had my surgery on a Tuesday and was discharged the next day. I stayed with my parents during recovery and planned to go back home on Saturday, but I just wasn't feeling up to it yet - still having nausea and feeling weak. I did not go home until the following Monday, almost a week later, and even then I still had some hiccups. I am now 2 1/2 weeks post op and I feel great. I agree with other people who have responded that it just depends on your body. My recovery took longer than I had wanted to, so for me, going to a party five days post-op would not have been in the cards for me.
  18. What's the thought on having frozen yogurt on the pureed stage? I'm already having light yogurt, and frozen yogurt is fat-free, and depending on what kind you get it is sugar free too. Plus, it is soft. What do you all think?
  19. JRFuerst

    I want pizza!

    Oh my god, this is making me salivate.
  20. JRFuerst

    I want pizza!

    I'm not 2 weeks post-op yet and I feel the same way. I was thinking today how amazing it would be to have pizza right now. I used to get it every Friday night with friends and I haven't had any since I started the liquid diet beginning of May. I know they are eating pizza right now while I enjoy my pureed cottage cheese/applesauce mix.
  21. 15 pounds lost 7 days post op. Down to 375.

  22. If you saw one of my earlier posts asking the removal of the drainage tube and how that felt, surprisingly that was the biggest thing I was concerend with in this surgery; not the possibility of risks, not the posibility of no weight loss. Had my surgery on Tuesday morning. Took the nurses quite a while to find find a vein to start the IV. The told me that most overweight people have this problem so I shouldn't worry. I was little upset because I drank so many Clear liquids the two days up to it and still they had problems. The IV going in hurt like a MOFO. I can't stand needles at all, or any kind of pain. I'm a 32 year old male that screams when I see a tiny spider in a corner. Yea, figure that one out. Then came time for the surgery, I actually started to cry as the nurse came in and said the doctor is ready. I was crying because it was finally happening - all the waiting, insurance approval, 2 week Protein diet, everything had come down to this. I remember going into the OR and they moved me from my bed to the operating bed. The anestesiologist put an oxyegen mask on me and said to take some deep breaths and that I should start to feel sleepy soon. I vaguely remember having my arms and legs strapped in? But that might have been my imagination. I also remember there were two attractive nurses in the room with me, and then I zonked out. Next thing I'm waking up and the anestesiologist is talking to me, saying things like "Jason...can you hear me?" "Jason, are you awake?" I'm rolling around in the bed all groggy, not really in pain or discomfort, but just trying to figure out what the hell is going on. He asked me what I remember and I said the oxygen bit and that there were 2 hot nurses in the room and he laughed and said "That's why I keep coming back!" He asked if there was any chest/shoulder pain and I said no. The first few hours of the surgery were the worst. My abdominal muscles were tight as hell, and I kept dosing in and out of sleep for the next 6 or so hours. By the evening the nurses were getting me up and having me walk to the bathroom to see my urinary output. Some of my friends visited me which was nice. I had an extremely hard time falling asleep that first night - strange hospital, only 12 channels on TV with stupid shows and infomercials, pain for the most part was non existent because I was on a comination of tylenol drips and morphine. The next morning they did the final blood draw, had me do my barium exam and I was discharged. I've got to say, before I continue, the nursing staff and the surgeon, as well as the anestesiologist were of the highest professionalism, care and bedside manner. I could not have asked for a better team. In fact, overnight I was the only one in recovery and I had both nurses to myself! Then I was being discharged. My dad was driving my car, and I rarely ride passenger, I'm normally the driver. His driving has always made me groan a bit because he just doesn't drive like me....I'm a little more agressive. I started to get naseaus right away and thought, am I having motion sickness? Getting in the car hurt like hell, bending those adominal muscles as well as getting out. My parents let me stay with them for a few days to recover and immediately I decided to lie down. I slept hard for about 2 hours. Here is an outline of the pain/discomfort I have had since surgery - Surgery day - Not much because of the morphine and tylenol drip Day after surgery - Not much until I got home. Sipped on a Protein shake and took another 2 hour nap. As I was sitting up I started to feel naseaus and there went the protein shake. It was dark in the room and I thought for a second I vomitted blood. Thankfully is just a light brown color reminiscent of when I drank too much alcohol and bile would come up. Called my surgeon to let me know and they said that was common after surgery but not to worry. Started feeling sharp pains in left shoulder/chest area. Worried I had a leak. Thursday - Off and on discomfort - still feeling sharp pains in left shoulder. Occassional naseau. Friday - Off and on discomfort - still sharp pains. Went to surgeon for first followup to get the drainage tube removed. Ok, I'm going to digress here, but that was the most unfomfortable, oddest, strangest sensations I have ever experienced. It was quick, but honestly felt like he was rummaging around my organs. I pray I never have to feel that experience ever again. Sharp pain in chest IMMEDIATELY went away. Who knew it was the drain causing it??? Saturday - I took 2-1 hour naps today, much imrovement from the days before. Had a lot more energy. Very, very little abdominal discomfort, only when changing positions from seated to standing, laying to standing, standing to seated etc. It's not as bad as it nearly was. Either I'm getting used to the pain, or the muscles are finally healing. Now here is a diary of my liquid/protein intake - Day after surgery - Got 30 ounces of liquid...if I was lucky. The one protein shake of 13g of protein was lost when I vomitted up. Thursday - Got around 30 ounces of liquid. Finished one protein shake for 13g. It is so difficult to get in the required 64oz and 45g for the first five days. Friday - Got around 40 ounces of liquid. Finished one and a half protein shake for 20g with skim milk in both, so around 25g of protein. Told the surgeon I would like to extend the liquid diet past day 4, as he had originally planned, because I want to make sure I'm up to 64oz liquid and 45g protein before moving to stage 2. He said I can stay as long as I want on each stage, just don't end it early. Saturday - Got around 55 ounces of liquid. Had Jello, half cup skim milk, popsicle, about 30g of protein. I'm getting there. Tomorrow, Sunday, I should be starting the 2nd stage of purreed foods. But I don't want to yet, I really want to get up to the 64 oz of liquid and 45g of protein for a solid 4 days in a row before I got to stage 2. I owe it to my new stomach to get used to all liquids and actually completing a stage before moving on to another. Plus, I think in the long run that will help to heal my stomach better than by forcing myself onto a new stage when my stomach isn't ready it. Each day gets better, and I'm hoping I can get the 64 ounces of liquid and 45 grams of protein tomorrow for my first official day at that mark..... .....as much as applesauce, cottage cheese, and refried Beans sound right about now! LOL For everyone that has said it before, as soon as that drainage tube was removed, so much discomfort IMMEDIATELY went away. My only concern is right now I'm developing a cold, and my ears are popping and I have a slight cough. I am sure this is due to not eating and staying hydrated. I am taking my required multi-vatamins and supplements daily. Finally, I have not had any stomach or head hunger. I'm watching tv and I will see commercials for Steak and Shake or donuts and think, "Hmmm, I remember how good those tasted" but I am very happy with the decision I made. The hardest thing for me is just sipping ice cold Water, because I'm so used to chugging ice cold water, especially when I'm thirsty.
  23. JRFuerst

    photo (3).JPG

    From the album: JRFuerst

  24. Tomorrow is the first day of the rest of my life - surgery at 9 AM.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
