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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by giggles232000

  1. giggles232000

    Time off work for surgery

    I took the full 2 weeks and it was sick time
  2. giggles232000


    lol, yeah I was ready way before but my Dr didnt say that they said 6 weeks, me and my husband were both like uggggg really, and believe me the moment that 6 weeks was up it was on, hahahaha
  3. giggles232000


    lol we waiting the 6 weeks it did suck, but thats what we were told so thats what we did, lol
  4. giggles232000

    Silly question....

    I think its so if you want to keep track of there progress and beable to keep in touch w/them, thats my thoughts on it, but not 100% sure
  5. giggles232000

    Ashamed.......Should I Be?

    you are just fine your not going to go your whole life w/out that stuff, as long as your not doing it on a regular bases enjoy, you did sugar free so thats good, just limit how often and dont get down on your self when you do have it we are human and you can not be 100% on the ball 100% of the time,
  6. Thats the way I am I can only eat like 3-4 bites of something and I am 12 weeks out, theres really no normal in this everyone is diff I have a friend that looks at me funny everytime I say that cus she can eat more then that, so just listen to your body it will tell you and if thats all you can eat thats all you can eat, just try to find high protein items so you get your protien in
  7. giggles232000

    Extremely Nervous

    I am right there w/you I would never have thought I would do WLS but after hitting my last straw I did it, I had mine on 12/27/12 and wish I had done it sooner, I am down 57lbs already and feeling so good about it, the only thing I could say neg is not being able to get my water in I was use to drinking 100-150oz of water a day and now I am lucky to get 40oz in, at first the protien was hard also but that has gotten so much better in the last 2 weeks, I would not have changed my choice to do the surgery I cant wait to hit goal and to beable to stay there,
  8. giggles232000

    Sleeved 1/28 down 49

    I am lucky if I aget 40oz of water in and I am 12weeks out, I walk and do some weights but mostly walking
  9. I had min one 12/27/12, and no I have no cravings for anything do not miss anything at all, some times if someone is eating something infront of me I might say mmmmm that looks good and may even take a bite but thats about all I need
  10. giggles232000

    Psych appt tomorrow!

    Luck!!!! you will be just fine its very easy, I loved mine she was so nice and easy to talk to
  11. giggles232000

    Support and/or a friend

    I didnt have any hoops w/mine it was smooth sailing, 2nd week was when my weight started coming off think the first week your so swollen and still healing that your body doesnt let loose at least for me, lol
  12. giggles232000

    Sleeved 1/28 down 49

    congrats, great job you are doing awesome
  13. giggles232000

    Steri-strips. Heeelp!

    I had 1 that lasted about 5 or 6 weeks the rest came off before that
  14. giggles232000

    Foot pain

    nope since last night it hurts any time i move it
  15. giggles232000

    How To explain away my scars?

    I would just say thank you for understanding that I am not discussing what happen that is my personal buisness, thank you
  16. hello and congrat and I am from Texas, all I can say is this was the best thing I have ever done for my self, I am down 57lbs and cant wait til I hit goal, I am already feeling so much better and I love the fact that I am not hungry all the time and I have no cravings like I use to, good luck
  17. giggles232000

    Seeing the #s change, but not feeling it?

    your doing great yes I didnt really notice mine til about 35lbs you will get there just keep it up, congrats on your lose so far
  18. giggles232000

    It's Over

    congrats, the pain will go away, just make sure you start walking as soon as they tell you that you can that helped alot,
  19. giggles232000

    Support and/or a friend

    I am not in my 20's but I am here to help if I can I am 12 weeks out and loving the sleeve I am down 57lbs and feeling so much better, I have been heavy my whole life minus a couple years and I cant wait to get skinny again and enjoy my life, good luck and here any time you need me
  20. giggles232000

    Ethnic foods

    As long as your body is fine w/it then your cool, I my self loved spicy and right now I cant really handle spice anymore, I am hoping after awhile I will be able to
  21. giggles232000

    Foot pain

    I am good w/womans shoes, and I thought the shoes I got were good, I kicked into high gear this week, I am hoping I dont have a stress fracture, Thanks for the advice
  22. giggles232000

    1mo Surgiversary Tomorrow

    Congrats you have done great
  23. giggles232000

    Better or worse than expected?

    I really didnt have a whole lot of pain after I got out of the hospital, I only used the pain meds once, in the hospital they kept me on the morphin didnt feel nothing, lol as far as food that was not hard but not easy at the same time if that makes since, I dont crave anything anymore and love that and I am not hungry all the time like I use to be, the hard part is the not being able to eat much, had to learn my stopping point, lol
  24. giggles232000


    Yes dont look at only the bad there is alot of good w/this surgery I agree w/the above, every surgery has risks and you need to make sure you do what the dr's tell you, if you think this is whats for you then do it dont go by other peoples post you dont know why they are having issues and you need to think about what are your health issues now, that losing the weight can help, , I had my surgery 12/27/13 and yes I have had some learing curves yes I Have thrown up, thats part of it when your use to eating as much as we did in the past you have to learn not to eat like that and for some people that can take time good luck and keep us posted
  25. giggles232000

    New to the group..I am Sunshine Raye

    Welcome and good luck I have found this site very helpfull and supportive,

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