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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by giggles232000

  1. giggles232000

    Drinking with Meals

    Yes, your not suppose to ever drink with your meal or 30 mins before or after, you dont want to fill your stomach up w/liquid you need to get your nutriants in and the water will push the food faster so your body wont beable to get all the nutriants it needs from the food
  2. giggles232000

    2 .5 months post op

    That is awesome, I am little over 4 months and down 76LBS, 55 In 2 months is great
  3. I only lost 3-5 my first week, your body is freaking out and they pumped you up w/the iv's no worries heck be happy w/5lbs in one week that is awesome and lose enjoy it,
  4. giggles232000

    I need advice on hair loss! Please help

    I am sorry I have have not expranced that issue, but as far as the biotine yes you can still take it after the surgery, small pills are ok and I use the biotine my self just a incase issue
  5. giggles232000

    Almost 5 Months ... And I Will Never Be The Same Again!

    You have done awesome keep up the great work
  6. giggles232000

    Another stall down

    WOOOOOHOOOOO finally another stall down, 2 days ago my body decided to let go just hope it keeps going, man I couldnt be happier,
  7. giggles232000

    One week after being sleeved.

    it does get easier, I didnt have the same probs your having but it was hard at first and it still is hard but I wouldnt change it for the world I am down 76lbs and feel so much better, I dont crave things and I do get hungry but not like I use to. good luck on your journey
  8. giggles232000

    106 pounds and counting

    Congrats you have done awesome look great
  9. giggles232000

    Scale might be S L O W moving but.......

    Congrats thats awesome, I cant wait til I can say I am in a size 12 I would be so happy to be in that size again, congrats
  10. giggles232000

    What is the normal amount of time for weight loss?

    there really isnt a norm, every person is diff 1 person may lose really slow while another could be fast, you just need to be happy w/the lose you have done so far and just keep doing what your doing, its not a race and I know it can be hard and frustrating at times, but as long as you keep losing and not gaining your doing great,
  11. giggles232000

    fever after surgery...

    I ended up w/a fever the day after when I was sup to be leaving the hospital, I ended up staying another night cus of the fever, you need to call your Dr
  12. 7lbs in 1 week is great, just keep doing what your doing and you will lose, your going to have stalls everyone does so when you get them dont be to hard on yourself, I know its hard cus I am in a stall right now but I just keep telling myself, my body is going thru some changes and just catching up I know I will start losing again, take every pound you get off and enjoy that
  13. I know I have done well for just 4 months but I am really starting to get frustrated at only .5-1lb weight loose a week I am still pretty big and think I should be loosing a little bit more then that at a time, its been like 3 weeks like this now and wish my body would just let go, I am still doing everything I am suppose to and still nothing, sorry just had to vent, Thanks for listening
  14. giggles232000

    little frustrated

    yeah its so hard when you know your doing everthing your sup to and had a goal in mind and now its not happening, I just hope the stall ends soon or I might lose my mind, lol
  15. Great job you have done awesome, look great
  16. giggles232000

    #160 lost 1 year post op (w/ pics)

    AWESOME JOB!!!!!! you look great and what a great story, congrats!!!!!!!
  17. giggles232000

    Bread? Salad?

    I cant do salads I can hardley get my protein in, I do have some bread here and there, but normally just a bite or 2
  18. giggles232000

    1 Week Out

  19. giggles232000

    No longer diabetic-----YAAAAYYY!

    O Wow how awesome is that, CONGRATS!!!!!!
  20. giggles232000

    Oh my!

  21. giggles232000

    4 months today

    Thank you all I feel great,
  22. yes you can deff tell the diff, slow and steady wins the race, I understand I havent lost anything in 2 weeks and its hard but I know it will start kicking back soon, just keep on track and you will get there, cant compare your self to others everyone is diff and everyone loses at a diff rate, congrats on your lose so far your doing great
  23. giggles232000

    4 months today

    Thanks everyone I am so happy
  24. giggles232000

    70lbs gone

    From the album: giggles232000

  25. some times I get heartburn after drinking water. Has anyone else had this issue and how did you stop it from happening?

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