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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    docbree reacted to CaroJoy in Post-op 10 hr.   
    good on you love the positive attitude
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    docbree reacted to prob559 in Post-op 10 hr.   
    Smh...... very groggy, the nausea comes and goes...pain id not really bad . sipping Water and ice cubes....l got this
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    docbree reacted to katesuccess in My mother doesn't think I'm losing enough!   
    Congratulations on your FABULOUS weight loss!
    Not that I'd presume to tell you what to say EVER, but this is essentially what I told my own mother:
    Dear Mum, I feel so much more determined and excited to work hard on my goals when I have positive encouragement and support! If I get to a time when my doctor or I am concerned about results or progress and I need to vent - I know you'll be there for me. But for now and in the future I need you to stay fully positive about my working so freaking hard on this goal and my weight loss, and unless you can do that - we just should not talk about it at all.
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    docbree reacted to Miss Mac in My mother doesn't think I'm losing enough!   
    Were you losing 1/2 pound a day before your surgery???????
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    docbree reacted to marywithoutsound in Normal BMI - before & after   
    Hi everybody
    I am more of a lurker than a poster but read the forums every day and love hearing how everybody's getting on. Before and after pictures really kept me motivated when I was starting out, so here is mine as I officially hit a normal bmi yesterday! Taking a lot of courage to post my before pictures, they make me so sad. I can't believe I was ever that big - I certainly didn't feel it at the time.
    I was sleeved on the 5th October 2013 with a BMI of 44 weighing 240lb. As of yesterday my weight is 132lb with a BMI of 24.9. I have gone from a size 20 a 4/6. I want to lose another 12lb to give me a bounce range, but now mainly working on tightening everything up .

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    docbree reacted to ijones67 in Oct 25, 2013   
    Changing my life.
    My surgery was an easy decision due to my health; hypertension, diabetes, high cholesterol & totally over weight. I started at 219 lbs and managed over a few years of dieting with pills to get to 187lbs. Once I stopped the pills of course I gained a good bit back, like I weighed 207lbs at 5'3. This was not good as I was still piling on the weight constantly eating out. I ddnt have to do the 7-14 diet bcuz my BMI was 36 and my liver wasn't an issue. I did used to smoke but thankfully I quit 2003, yay!
    Well it's August 26, 2014 and I currently weigh 155lbs. My goal is 145 if which I can't seem to get too. It's easy to fall back into old habits and on e u realize the mess u can eat like sugary products u go in for the kill, therefore if I don't stop I could easily put the weight back on! I've come to far to allow such thing to happen. If it wasn't for my husband I could have not made through these months after surgery. I was an emotional wreck, I regreted every moment of the surgery regardless of the weight I lost. I was made that I could not eat one decent meal yet my support kept reminding me that I was still in the learning stages of doing the right thing like learning to eat right and healthy. I'm no longer a diabetic or have cholesterol issues however I'm still on blood pressure medicine for whatever reasons my body doesn't want to cooperate ..... Lol.... I'm really at a good weight, I look damn good I've gone from a 18 pants to an 8 altogether, an XL shirts/blouses to mediums and 18-20 dress sizes to a 12. Although I may be a 10 since my 12's are a little big. Not sure of my new bra size becuz I've spent on the average of 150$ on ea bra and I'm having a difficult time letting go. I've deflated more the shrunk upstairs if which I'm not happy about but it is what it is.
    My journey is a life long journey if I want to keep the weight off as I work with others whom I've seen put all of their weight back in within two yrs of their surgery . I do not drink SODAs and I hardly eat any breads. Potatos fills me up really fast and most of the time hurts my stomach but Rice, I'm a sucker for rice and I can eat a lot of it. As far as eating out, I finally stopped ordering for myself and just order an extra plate to take from my husband and son. Yes our tab is a lot cheaper and I'm full off a few bites. I'm not trying to finish my plate to hurt as if I'm in labor!!!!! It's. Journey and although I'm still fighting myself, it's worth every swing. I've always been active heavy & all but I don't feel embarrass of my weight any more and I'm constantly taking pictures and selfies...
    I pray my story has helped at least one person .
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    docbree reacted to lylabelle in Bariatricpal scared me shitless   
    You won't be bald, just thinner with littly whispies as it comes back in. Mine is down past the middle of my back and I'm loosing handfulls, but I lost it when I had my kid and after the hcg diet. hair grows back
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    docbree reacted to elpasovet in Bariatricpal scared me shitless   
    It was the complications, future surgeries/revisions and pain that scared me. I'm still approved for surgery and still on the fence...I'm just going to take this decision slowly :-)
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    docbree reacted to VSGAnn2014 in Scared   
    Your post reinforces for me why I DESPISE that show. There are significant differences between Gillian Michaels' and my bodies -- in how they work and how WE work. She's welcome to what works for her. But the conceit that all other American women have to ape her to become healthy is not only inaccurate -- it's offensive and dangerous.
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    docbree reacted to fitbefore30 in Finally!   
    I started this process in April and I finally have a surgery date!! 10-30-2014 Yay!!!!!
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    docbree reacted to une nouvelle vie in Why are some weight loss surgery patients so clueless?   
    Well said, @@Roostertail2
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    docbree reacted to Roostertail2 in Why are some weight loss surgery patients so clueless?   
    I agree that a lot of questions seem obvious, however, for each of us this is a journey that is scary, exciting and life changing. I am sure that at one point or another each and every person has thought that "they were the only one" going through something. Each person probably thought that they would be the one this wouldn't work for - I know I have! Perhaps some of the questions asked are just the first step in trying to reach out for support. Some people may not have ANY support other than the people in here. I am a newbie - only 3 weeks post op - and I have read and researched this surgery and what to expect more than I did when I bought my home! lol - BUT I am still unsure about some things - unsure if what I am feeling is "normal" or if how I am doing things is the "right" way. Not because I don't have a great team at my surgery center - or a support system at home and work, but because I am human. I am a person trying to better my life by doing something a lot of people think is drastic. I am trying to be the best person I can be - so sometimes I may ask a question twice, or perhaps a question that others may think should be common sense - If I do please forgive me - but maybe it is just a day that I am feeling unsure about things, or perhaps just need reassurance from the only people in the world who truly know what I am going through! The only people who understand that even though I did all of this, I still may desire a cheeseburger! Doesn't mean I am going to eat it (because I know that defeats the purpose) but just because damn it - it looks soooo good! lol
    I have noticed that some of the experts in some of these groups almost become "mean" in some of their responses to those of us who are newbies. YOU are our mentors! YOU are the people who we depend on for guidance and support and leadership! We can talk to our doctors, Nuts and the internet all day long - but NOTHING provides us with as much information and direction as YOU DO! You were once in our shoes with the same worries and wonders - so perhaps you should take a step back and remember all those emotions you went through and be a bit more understanding.
    With that being said, again I do agree that some of the things asked are perhaps something a person should already know - but I don't know what that person is going through or what information that person has been given, so I don't mind letting them know if I have info that would help them. So ask away!!!
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    docbree reacted to Summer Rain in I want to like myself again   
    Thank you all for taking time to read my post and to care enough to write a reply. I will re-read these over and over in the near future because everyone of you had at least one pearl of wisdom that I am going to incorporate into my "new" life.
    I was having a very down day yesterday (I am not sure why). I am, as of today, forcing myself to take a different outlook on life. Just because things have always been this way does not mean that they have to continue this way. It is up to me to stop just coasting through my life and take control.
    I read all of these replies with tear filled eyes this morning. I don't think I realized how alone I have been. I am going to take baby steps to see what changes I can make and start re-engaging in my life again. I do know some changes have been made as I didn't stuff my face all day yesterday trying to numb my emotions. My husband even said something last night that hurt my feelings terribly (he said I took it wrong and it was meant to be funny) and I still did not turn to food. I told him that he hurt my feelings and several weeks ago I never would have admitted that to another living soul. I am learning some life lessons on this journey.
    I did try to reply to each of you individually but something happened and I lost that post. I am somewhat computer illiterate. Everything is good as long as there are no problems lol.
    I wish all of you the best that life has to offer and thank you from the bottom of my heart for your willingness to share so much of yourselves.
    Thanks again,
  14. Like
    docbree reacted to Rovobay in I want to like myself again   
    Summer, You are not the only one in this same boat. I am sure you are surrounded by many.... like me.... Oh, if I had a nickel for everytime I said, "I hate people" or just my general negative attitude. I know that I am truly just angry at myself. I want my happy old self back again. That is another huge reason why I chose wls, not just for the health and physical benefits but for the mental ones as well. I have become very antisocial and almost hermit like. lots of great comments above you all.
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    docbree reacted to BaileyBariatrics in Multi-Supplements Right After Weight Loss Surgery   
    Right after surgery, it’s a struggle to just get enough Water, much less think about getting back on your multi-supplement. Remember to choose a chewable or liquid multi-supplement after surgery. Your stomach pouch is now much smaller due to being surgically altered and swelling that happens after surgery. A solid tablet will not break down very well or move through your new stomach pouch.

    Right after surgery, it’s a struggle to just get enough water, much less think about getting back on your multi-supplement. Remember to choose a chewable or liquid multi-supplement after surgery. Your stomach pouch is now much smaller due to being surgically altered and swelling that happens after surgery. A solid tablet will not break down very well or move through your new stomach pouch.
    We encourage you to start your multi-supplement as soon as you can tolerate them. Sometimes, a full dose of your multi-supplement is more than your stomach pouch may be able to handle due to the concentration of nutrients. Consider starting with a partial dose. If your liquid supplement serving is 1 tablespoon, try 1 teaspoon instead.
    Dilute the liquid multi-supplement in water or other clear liquid you are drinking. If you chose a chewable multi-supplement, break that into 2 or 3 pieces and start with one of the smaller pieces. Gradually increase this to a full dose. You need to push yourself to get adequate nutrition, but not so much that you start throwing everything up. By taking baby steps in your nutrition, you will eventually be able get in all your nutrition.
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    docbree reacted to CowgirlJane in Why are some weight loss surgery patients so clueless?   
    This is not directed at anyone in particular, but it seems to me there is a some "all or nothing" thinking going on here. That is a trait of obese people (including me!) and I don't know why.
    The key is finding a healthy lifestyle that supports your health, fitness and "looks" goals that you can sustain. It does not require perfection, but requires continuous focus and efforts.
    I was much stricter during weight loss phase, and I live what I consider a "normal skinny woman" life now. I do have a cocktail, I do go out to eat, I just do not habitually over indulge. I do not exercise compuslively, but I am very active every day. I am successfully maintaining below goal and just keep on working that sleeve as best I can while still living a good life. I don't have alot of other options...
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    docbree reacted to une nouvelle vie in Why are some weight loss surgery patients so clueless?   
    You may not be able to conceive it, but it happens. Also, with self pay there is no approval except the surgeon taking the money. I believe that most are reputable, but I think surgeons are people and there are just as many of them who just want money as any other profession.
    As for being incredulous that someone would blow their surgery for a cocktail or a hamburger, I hear what you're saying but I think it's more complicated than that. I mean, didn't we ALL blow our lives for food to get to the point where we needed WLS? Couldn't someone with more self control than I had/have look at me and say "God, look how fat she is. She's putting her life at risk to be so heavy. Why would she risk her life for a hamburger?" They'd be right about me and probably about you and all of us because we DID eat too much and the wrong foods when we knew better. It's easy to say what you would or wouldn't do. It's harder to keep on track and change your life and as the saying goes... the surgeon operates on your stomach, not your head. My head is the same one that decided to eat too many french fries before. It could do the same thing later and foul up what I've worked for.
    Why do you think there is such a large number of weight loss surgery patients who lose a ton of weight and gain it alllll back? I'm not usually a superstitious person but I'm afraid of giving myself bad juju by judging someone for their choices lest I be that person who thought I'd be a gastric sleeve superstar but ended up gaining most of my weight back. I don't plan to be that person, but I doubt anyone does.
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    docbree reacted to 411angela in They say money cant buy happiness but..   
    They say money can't buy happiness but I've never been happier! I had the gastric sleeve surgery in Mexico with Dr. Ariel Ortiz on August 12, 2013. I've been fortunate that I haven't had any complications. I've lost 80 lbs. I'm not at the goal weight they set for me, 153. I'm actually 162 lbs at 5'8. When I get much below that I hear comments that I'm looking too thin, etc. Im happy with being in a size 8. I just need to tone up! Exercise has not been a strength for me. The past few months I've really had to remind myself that the sleeve is a tool to losing the weight but that I have to work at making healthy choices and making this a lifestyle change. I can eat anything and could quickly gain the weight back but I love how I feel about myself now. I no longer turn down social events because I'm embarrassed of my body. I'm now a confident independent woman. I'm so thankful I made the decision to trust Dr. Ortiz and get the sleeve!
    What a difference a year makes!

  19. Like
    docbree reacted to LuvDaNuMe in Itching   
    Maybe you should switch to a different brand of Protein Drink. It seems like you may be allergic to something in that particular Protein drink.
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    docbree reacted to utahgirll in A complication they didn't tell you about - Nerve Palsy - Drop Foot   
    If you google weight loss and foot drop, you can find a number of articles. Here's a study abstract. Wishing you the best, and I hope you recover! and soon! prayers your way. In support, Triss _____________________________________________________ Obes Surg. 2007 Sep;17(9):1209-12. Foot drop as a complication of weight loss after bariatric surgery: is it preventable?
    Weyns FJ1, Beckers F, Vanormelingen L, Vandersteen M, Niville E. Author information AbstractBACKGROUND:Although rare, the relationship between peroneal nerve palsy and weight loss has been well documented over the last decades. Of the 160 patients operated for persisting foot drop in our institution, weight loss was considered to be the major contributing factor for 78 patients (43.5%).
    METHODS:We compared patients who developed a foot drop after bariatric surgery with a control group of patients who underwent bariatric surgery (gastric banding) but did not develop peroneal neuropathy.
    RESULTS:9 patients developed foot drop after bariatric surgery. The mean weight loss for these patients was 45 kg. Weight reduction took place during a mean period of 8.6 months. Our control group consists of 10 patients. The mean weight loss of these patients was 43.8 kg, and the weight reduction took place during a mean period of 21.7 months.
    CONCLUSION:In contrast to earlier studies, we demonstrated that significant weight loss is correlated with a higher risk to develop foot drop and that the time period in which the weight loss is achieved is important. A rapid reduction of body weight is correlated with a higher risk to develop foot drop.
    PMID: 18074496 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] MeSH Terms LinkOut - more resources PubMed Commons home PubMed Commons
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    docbree reacted to dharma70 in A complication they didn't tell you about - Nerve Palsy - Drop Foot   
    I just went to my PCP for the same thing. Slowly over the last month my right foot has gone numb on the top and now my shin and the outside of my thigh is starting to go numb. My foot drags when I'm walking on the treadmill and I trip, so I've had to stop that too. My PCP is sending me to a neurologist for testing. She ran blood tests and everything was fine. So glad to find I'm not the only one this has happened to. Thanks for posting
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    docbree reacted to rmubvashrink in A complication they didn't tell you about - Nerve Palsy - Drop Foot   
    Sorry to hear that I will be praying for you.
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    docbree reacted to PdxMan in A complication they didn't tell you about - Nerve Palsy - Drop Foot   
    I just came back on to post on this as someone alerted me to this thread and thought I should share my experience with this very thing.
    At one year post op, I started having minor numbness in my big toe on my right foot. Didn't think anything of it. It quickly progressed and soon, I was having difficulty bringing my foot around. Fell over a couple times walking down the street. I went to the Dr and was also diagnosed with foot drop. So, I began with physical therapy and saw an orthopedic Dr after breaking my right big toe when I couldn't bring my foot around and came down right on it. I was then given an MRI of my spine and referred to a neurosurgeon. Sure enough, I had a ruptured disk between L4/L5. The first step was to get an epidural which they were hoping would give me 3 months of relief.
    A day later, I had no symptoms of foot drop at all. I was totally back to *normal*. They were hoping for 3 months of relief, but after 3 days, it was back. But this wasn't a bad thing, actually. It was a means to get an exact diagnosis that the cause of my issues was due to a pinched nerve at that location. Remedy? Microdiscectomy.
    All things considered, it wasn't too bad. I was out of work for a week while I was on pain meds and then worked from home for the next 3 weeks. One side affect was the disk being compressed, due to the rupture, that I soon started having numbness in my left foot. Instead of disk material doing the pinching, it was the vertebrae itself, so this next surgery was a Laminectomy. Recovery was easier by far for this one. That was 3 months ago and the numbness in both feet is still present, but is FAR reduced. It is now to a point of where I could live with it. I am still in physical therapy, though, with the promise that it will continue to get better.
    Why did this happen? WLS? No ... I asked them about that. He just looked at me waiting for the punch line. He said it was degenerative and most likely linked to the years of being morbidly obese, since I couldn't think of any trauma.
    So, my suggestion would be to get to an orthopedist or neurosurgeon who can order an MRI. If it is a ruptured disk, this will not heal itself and surgery is your only option.
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    docbree reacted to rhondarina in A complication they didn't tell you about - Nerve Palsy - Drop Foot   
    This may or may not be a complication from WLS. Like someone else said it could be a sign of something else such as a neurological disorder, or lumbar issues. I would try to get a second opinion to be on the safe side.
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    docbree reacted to phantompouch in A complication they didn't tell you about - Nerve Palsy - Drop Foot   
    Hi..so sorry to hear of this medical issue....I had the same thing many years ago and after having an MRI -it was discovered that I had a Herniated Disc in my lumbar area.....( I had to have surgery)..perhaps, you should see a neurologist to explore this situation......?) I wish you well...all the best....

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