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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by UndercoverBariatricGal

  1. UndercoverBariatricGal

    All of my December sleevers...

    Im so happy for everyone I am 1 pound that is fighting me away from 100lbs lost.
  2. UndercoverBariatricGal

    All of my December sleevers...

    Your doing fine Don't stress everyone is different but to answer your question it seems like your average to the rest of us but again everyone is different.
  3. UndercoverBariatricGal

    All of my December sleevers...

    All day today my sleeve feels extra small I could only get half of my normal servings in all day today and I dont get why.. I had a yogurt today and normally I can eat the entire serving but today half way through I felt so much restriction. Has this ever happen to anyone else.. I feel like I'm 3 weeks post op today Uggg..
  4. UndercoverBariatricGal

    All of my December sleevers...

    wow 5'8 and 150 it has to be mental for us all smh we all messed up mentally long as you dont go underweight i'm sure you'll be fine
  5. UndercoverBariatricGal

    All of my December sleevers...

    Well I am 5'6 and I understand how you fell I was gonna stop at 180 but i was still way to big so I took it to 165 and still not happy now I'm going for 150-155 I think there I will be okay I'm almost there and am okay with this weight Its the skin that has my tripping I'm set up for skin removal soon so its all good. maybe then I can really see my hard work.
  6. UndercoverBariatricGal

    All of my December sleevers...

    9 pounds to goal. This has been a very challenging journey but I'm glad I had all of you for support. Thank you December sleevers for being there for me through my struggles. 94 pounds lost total all post op.
  7. UndercoverBariatricGal

    All of my December sleevers...

    I just wanted to say I'm stuck again scale won't move everyone I know says I lost enough weight but I want to take off another 10 pounds for my own comfort. Anyway all my weight loss is post op I never was given a pre op diet.. I ate full food up until the day before surgery. I was 258 before surgery and am now 165 I want to be 155 I am 5'6 and have never been this small in all my life but I still feel fat I know some people cant understand it but I do at times I see the changes in pictures but when I look down and sometimes when I walk past the mirror I see the old me I wonder if my mind will ever catch up to what I really am.
  8. UndercoverBariatricGal

    All of my December sleevers...

    Wow I love the quick replies from you all .. Well I guess since all of us are over 6/7 months out its just a one day at a time thing for us.. Don't allow yourself to loose focus because someone is doing better then you or almost at goal and so on and so forth.. Because. We are all different heights we all started out at different weights and we all have different goals we want to personally reach we all also had different ways of dealing with our weight loss some work out 5-7 days a week when others well only 3 we will not all have the same results in the same time frame because we all eat and workout differently my point is keep reaching for you not for the person ahead of you or behind you.. THIS IS YOUR JOURNEY!!! This is your last chance at a healthier better life. This is what you wanted as an individual so go out and get it.. I love all of you guys and I want to see each and everyone of you reach goal or get as close as the weight loss Gods will allow you to. Good luck everyone.. I'm in your corner even when your not in your own corner.. Good luck and keep up the good work everyone!
  9. UndercoverBariatricGal

    All of my December sleevers...

    Hey December Sleevers its been almost a week and no one has spoken on here is everyone okay is no one making progress? I mean where are our regular updates? Hope everyone is okay.. I'm 11 pounds away from my goal so its slow for me right now.. I'm hoping to see goal by at least early September.
  10. UndercoverBariatricGal

    All of my December sleevers...

    I'm so happy for you I remember when I hit Onederland ... great feeling. Keep up the good work
  11. UndercoverBariatricGal

    All of my December sleevers...

    Maybe I'm just at that point and time and it has not stopped it has just slowed down so much and for the last month I been up and down up and down however I did change my diet some good some bad and some new foods. However I'm going back to what I was doing before the slow down and changes began. I hope its just my body rejecting those changes and excepts me going back to the old stuff i use to do. I also wish you well in reaching your goal I hope to be finished and up for corrective surgery by the end of the year.. So I understand what your talking about.
  12. UndercoverBariatricGal

    All of my December sleevers...

    I feel like the last few pounds are going to be a chore I feel like giving up! But give up to what? Its not like I have much of a stomach to talk about and its not like I can really cheat to my own satisfaction. The cheat is limited as would be the satisfaction. I know stalls make us feel this way but I also feel like the scale just wont move anymore... I am annoyed with my own feelings right now.. I wish I would just reach goal.. I guess because the first 6 months were so simple to have it all stop/slow down now is discouraging.. I guess a part of me knew this day would come but Ugggg why not just let me finish then maintain the loss? I WONT GIVE UP!!!! I know it will come off even if it takes the rest of the year to do it!!! I WONT GIVE UP!
  13. UndercoverBariatricGal

    All of my December sleevers...

    Wow my sleeved loved it no issues good portion too
  14. UndercoverBariatricGal

    All of my December sleevers...

    Feeling great today Trying some new food tonight i hope my sleeve likes it.
  15. UndercoverBariatricGal

    All of my December sleevers...

    UPDATE,,,,,,So I posted about my feeling weak and sleepy all the time and so I took 8 tubes of blood and had my self checked out.. EVERYTHING came back fine so I dont get why I'm always tired I get 8 hours on most nights! *clueless* Anyway with that said. all I went shopping today and I now wear a female size 14 pants and I was a size 24/26 last time I wore woman's clothes. Looking to get into a size 8-10 by the time I'm done....
  16. UndercoverBariatricGal

    Regret telling people at work

    Its funny you should say this read my Name lol. I made the choice to keep it to myself after hearing my co-workers speak poorly of others at my job who have had it done. I ONLY told 3 people in this whole world my Fiance My mother and my brother who all stood by my side from the day of surgery until today, I was sleeved 12/6/12 and Am down 82 pounds. I have not told any other family members or even my best friend.. I REFUSE to be judged on a life choice I made. I feel left out when it comes to our sleeved community because we have a lot of positive support and things going on that I'm left out of because I made the choice to keep it a secret and that's how it will remain. Its sad that I allowed closed minded folks to make this choice for me but it is what it is and will remain this way! Despite that this is the best decision I have ever made and I have no regrets! I am also very happy I decided to keep it to myself even though people suspect I had it done they will NEVER get a conformation from me! I am only a few pounds away from my goal I'm hoping that no later then August I will see it!
  17. UndercoverBariatricGal

    All of my December sleevers...

    I am so happy for all my December Sleevers I see such progress in us all. Some are very fast looser's and some are slow but never the less we are all still loosing more weight with this then we ever did on our own so with that said way to go guys! Keep up the great work you are doing! DONT GIVE UP!
  18. UndercoverBariatricGal

    All of my December sleevers...

    12/6/12 total loss since surgery 82 pounds. =-) Started at 258 and I'm now 176
  19. UndercoverBariatricGal

    All of my December sleevers...

    Wow I can't lie there was a list so long on the prescription pad i couldn't even begin to remember it all but I will say this I Recall Vitamin-C, B-12 and Calcium.. Lol thats all I can recall but it took 8 tubes of blood for me to do the test. So I wish I knew but On the prescription it said Gastric Sleeve Fatigue on it lol.. All I know is the nurse said some she will get back fast and others can take time.. As long as she covered every corner that's all I care about. And my food intake varies dramatically I can be as low as 450 or so to as high as 1100 but thank you for the input maybe just maybe I need to mind my calorie intake more and keep it high enough to feel fueled so to speak.
  20. UndercoverBariatricGal

    All of my December sleevers...

    Thank you so much
  21. UndercoverBariatricGal

    All of my December sleevers...

    We are here for you.. We are all in this together and we are here to support each other in our times of need I hit a few stalls in the very beginning and you guys held me down come on more often talk to us let us know what your doing ask for advice.. try something new you never know what one of us has to offer you until you come in and look for it. #SupportDecemberSleevers!
  22. UndercoverBariatricGal

    All of my December sleevers...

    I finally went in for my 6 month weigh on their scale says 177 LBS mines say 176 same difference lol whats a pound so they are very very happy with my weight loss to date and my surgeon saw me today and said wow your looking good that felt great to hear and the security guard who has not seen me since my surgery gave me a big hug and said she barley recognized me Wow today made me feel soooooooo good about this whole decision.. Wow wow wow what a feeling. Now on another note I finally got them to draw blood to see why I'm tired all the time. they said the blood work can take a few weeks to get back.. Fine by me lets just fix the problem please! Today was a great day! Sleeved 12/6/12 down 81 pounds on their scale 82 on mines.. Victory!
  23. UndercoverBariatricGal

    All of my December sleevers...

  24. UndercoverBariatricGal

    All of my December sleevers...

    No problem we need to really be here in support for each other I hope you reach your goal. funny we have the same goal date.. i want to be 170 by July 3rd though I hope i can reach goal by then.. That would give me 6 pounds i need to loose,, it gets harder the smaller you get or so at least it seems.
  25. UndercoverBariatricGal

    All of my December sleevers...

    I am so happy for all my December sleevers, I see how far a lot of us have come and it makes me so happy to see that despite our differences we all seem to have some form of success in this Journey . Some faster then others but never the less the scale is moving for us all we made a lifestyle decision and have committed to it and we know that we all may now have a chance to live a longer life due to that choice I stand and applaud you all for making this decision because this is not easy and its a daily fight to make the right choice so that we may continue to be successful. GO DECEMBER SLEEVERS!

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