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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    manderdjs got a reaction from MyThunderAz in HCG after Sleeve?   
    I am half way with 50 lbs to go and also in a stall fir the last 7 weeks. I talked to my NUT yesterday. She told me with the amount of exercise I am getting that I need to get in 900-1000 calories 80g of carbs (good carbs) and 29g of fat. I asked her about Adkins no carbs and she said no way. This is a tool to help me for the rest of my healthy life. A yoyo diet isn't the route to go. A stall is normal to help my body adjust and catch up to the quick loss.
    I had a friend and her mom that did the Hcg hormone shots. There hair and skin looked so bad and fell out (I know mine will too) BUT the mother had breast cancer that she didn't know about. The hormone shots advanced the tumor growth. Her dr said that Hcg is human growth hormones and will advance growth in any cancer cells. Please be patient and continue on the right life changing path. The weight will come off again just let your body catch up and remember "this too shall pass".
  2. Like
    manderdjs got a reaction from MyThunderAz in HCG after Sleeve?   
    I am half way with 50 lbs to go and also in a stall fir the last 7 weeks. I talked to my NUT yesterday. She told me with the amount of exercise I am getting that I need to get in 900-1000 calories 80g of carbs (good carbs) and 29g of fat. I asked her about Adkins no carbs and she said no way. This is a tool to help me for the rest of my healthy life. A yoyo diet isn't the route to go. A stall is normal to help my body adjust and catch up to the quick loss.
    I had a friend and her mom that did the Hcg hormone shots. There hair and skin looked so bad and fell out (I know mine will too) BUT the mother had breast cancer that she didn't know about. The hormone shots advanced the tumor growth. Her dr said that Hcg is human growth hormones and will advance growth in any cancer cells. Please be patient and continue on the right life changing path. The weight will come off again just let your body catch up and remember "this too shall pass".
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    manderdjs got a reaction from Woobs in Who is scheduled for Jan 8th? I'm getting nervous   
    Hair loss has hit here too. Comes out like I am shedding excessively. No bald spots (yet)
    I am bummed that I am in a 3 week stall. I dropped 3 lbs two days ago and got excited but those 3 lbs came back this morning. I am trying all the change ups to trick my body but no luck yet. I am 1/2 way to goal so I am still a very happy sleeve buddy!!
    Sleeved jan 10th with 100 lbs to loose.
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    manderdjs reacted to Cristin in bmi low   
    Probably because your BMR is lower. Heavier people, say, a 300 lb woman might have a BMR of 2,600 calories a day. A 200 lb woman might have a BMR of 1,700 calories a day.
    So if both were sleeved and can only eat 1,000 calories a day, the heavier woman has a deficit of 1600 calories (almost a half pound of fat) for the day, whereas the lighter woman has a deficit of 700 calories (1/5 lb of fat) for the day.
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    manderdjs reacted to Tandybo in Do you still get hungry?   
    I'm 5 months out and never get hungry. I get a feeling that I describe as "empty" when I haven't eaten for 6+ hours. At this point I know it's time to eat something or I'll get the shakes.
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    manderdjs reacted to Fiddleman in How often do you weigh yourself   
    In the beginning, every morning, crack of dawn, no clothes and after a session with the toilet. Did this until month 5 and entered everything about weight change and why ( if only a hypothesis). This helped me to see the trend and figure out what works.
    Then I started to weigh every Monday, same time. For last 2 months, I weigh once a month or so, just to see what the scale thinks of me after I dumped her for the mirror. I like how the mirror looks back at me now. All sexy.
    Today, I have a pretty "cool" relationship with my scale now; it is pretty stale and she is more of a burden then the hot flame she used to be. She gets terribly lonely and clingy, desperately wanting love and attention. When the crying gets too loud I will get on it for a little affair, but no more. It is more for her then I. And I feel so dirty afterwards, especially after considering all the nights I spend with the mirror before sleeping.
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    manderdjs reacted to SerendipityHappens in Bariatric Protein, Supplements & Vitamins - Which products and brands + where to purchase   
    I detest chewables and instructions from my doc allowed me to swallow pills as soon as I felt I could and he does not feel that special bariatric Vitamins are necessary so my advice might not be helpful if your doctor recommended something different, but here goes anyway... I was told I needed a Multivitamin with 200% of the RDA (or two 100% RDA multis) He mentioned Centrum but said just get a high quality one and make sure it was complete. 1200-1500 of Calcium citrate plus Vitamin D , 18-36 MG of Iron depending on blood work. sublingual b-12 and an optional b complex if I felt my multi didn't provide enough. I'm also a fairly frugal person, so keeping cost low is important to me in order for me to stay compliant with my Vitamins. Anyway, here's what I got:
    Iron- I purchased chelated Iron from puritain's pride. http://www.puritan.com/iron-650/iron-bisgylcinate-18-mg-ferrochel-chelate-073943 This form of iron is highly absorpable and is gentle on the body. It says it does not interfere with Calcium absorption, but I still take it separate from my calcium just in case.
    Calcium- Again, from puritain's pride I ordered their calcium plus Vitamin D "miniatures" these are exactly like citrical petities and I did a side by side dissolve test and both the puritain's pride brand, and the Citrical brand dissolved in plain Water in about 6 minutes. WARNING.. these pills are NOT really that small.. they're just smaller in comparison to a regular giant calcium horse pill. I showed my doctor the size of pill and he suggested that with these, I should wait until I was 2 weeks out to start taking them (I was taking capsules the day after surgery). Because I have to take SO MUCH calcium, I opted for the buy two get three free option which when combined with a 10% off coupon I had, worked out to about six dollars for a month's worth of high quality calcium citrate http://www.puritan.com/calcium-supplements-001/calcium-citrate-vitamin-d3-miniatures-033195
    B-12 Again, from puritain's pride, I chose the sublingual losenge with Biotin, b-6 and folic acid. http://www.puritan.com/sublingual-formulas-355/vitamin-b-12-2500-mcg-sublingual-with-folic-acid-vitamin-b-6-and-biotin-018641 but there are many choices that might suit your needs better. It's just really important that it's SUBLINGUAL for maximum absorption.
    Protein: I did a three month high Protein vlcd prior to my surgery, so I went through a LOT of Protein powder already. I was told to use whey Protein ISOLATE. I like Jay Robb Protein Powder the best because it is sweetened with stevia and mixes like a dream. It's an expensive brand, but for me, it was worth it. I get it from vitacost.com when they are offering a sale or coupon. If I don't have coupon for vitacost, then Amazon.com is cheaper than Vitacost's regular prices.. but vitacost is a better route if they're having a sale/promotional coupon. If you like Isopure, Puritain's Pride has Isopure for a very good price but limited flavors.
    Multi-vitamin: OK, I made myself nuts comparing Multivitamins and although my doctor said that bariatric vitamins weren't necessary, I finally settled on Bariatric Advantage capsules I got them because they are complete, they use chelates where applicable, and they don't have iron which could interfere with my calcium routine. I also like that I can divide them out during the day. The best price I found on these was through Amazon.com with free supersaver shipping.
    Acid Reducer- My doc recommended omeprazole 20mg. Walgreens.com had an excellent buy on their brand.. and it was on sale with a buy one get one 50% off to boot. Rite Aid and CVS also frequently have Omeprazole on sale.
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    manderdjs reacted to itstheamarie in Fit Bit One and the Aria Scale   
    I'm glad to hear that, because I couldn't understand how I was walking all day at 6 flags but had no calorie adjustments. Hopefully it is restored soon! I manually added an hour of walking on MFP just to estimate.
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    manderdjs reacted to shuhnaynuh in 3 Months-Pics!   
    All of the amazing the pics here inspired me to have my surgery so I figured I would also include mine... I haven't looked at myself in a side by side pic yet and I must say even I was shocked (in a good way!)
    Pre surgery weight: 240 (the morning of)
    Size: 18/20
    Height: 5'-2
    Current weight: 188
    Current size: 13/14
    Total lost since surgery: 52 lbs
    (no pre-surgery diet, I was 240 lbs the day I went back for surgery)

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    manderdjs reacted to mommyradd in But WHY? ...   
    I can relate. My hair was thin prior to surgery, but I do agree with the others; that it's a small price to pay for the benefits gained with the sleeve. Hang in there!
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    manderdjs reacted to SMO in But WHY? ...   
    There are a bunch of theories on here about why. A different thing I read said that at any given time, 90% of our hair is actively growing and 10% is dormant. The individual hairs, I mean. It is a constant process. Approximately 120 days after going dormant, the individual hair falls out and a new one starts actively growing When your body has a shock, I.e., the surgery
    and several days of starvation, about 50% of the individual hairs go dormant all at once. So about three months or so after the shock, a bunch of hair falls out. The article I read said if your hair falls out two to four months after surgery, it is the shock. After that, it is probably protein/vitamin deficiency.
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    manderdjs reacted to NurseGrace in But WHY? ...   
    There are a lot of methods like using rogaine and all that but really, you are losing your hair because of a stressful traumatic event in your life, and it WILL pass. All the Vitamins in the world probably won't prevent this so I wouldn't get too worked up over it. This is really common after surgery, huge losses, weight loss even without surgery, even life events like moving to a new area can induce Hair loss.
    Just ride it out, try a new style maybe and go easy on heat tools and don't over wash it.
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    manderdjs reacted to Sassygirl06 in But WHY? ...   
    The weight loss is so fast the body goes into shock causing the hair follicle to shed. It's kind of like how chemo patients lose their hair. It will grow back. In the mean time...there are cute hats and scarves you can use to disguise. You could even go get some hair extensions to thicken it. Get some that are different colors and have fun with it. I ended up cutting my hair down to a cute short bob to make it look fuller. Good luck...and happy styling!
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    manderdjs reacted to May Kelley in But WHY? ...   
    ~~~I would rather be bald then to go back to 349 pounds!~~~
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    manderdjs reacted to thinathart in But WHY? ...   
    I'm almost 4 months out and was hoping I was one of the lucky ones...but it started coming out in the last week or so. I guess it's a small price to pay for a healthier and longer life.
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    manderdjs reacted to sm8705 in But WHY? ...   
    I'm 3 months post op and I started losing hair at 1 month post op, I don't have any bald spots or anything like that and my hair has always been thin and I've always been someone who loses alot of hair, but I have noticed my hair becoming more thinner on the top and on the sides too :-( I had to unclog my bath tub from all my hair going down the drain every time I shower and when I brush it and blow dry it, it's a ridiculous amount, I know it's just hair but it still makes me sad and makes me cringe after seeing all the hair I lose on a daily basis =\
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    manderdjs reacted to PdxMan in But WHY? ...   
    My hair started falling out at the 6 month mark. Continued for 3 months and then started coming back. 12 months post-op, you would have never known I had lost any hair.< /p>
    I have heard of the anaesthetic playing a role in Hair loss, but I have had 3 more procedures since my VSG where I was put under and never had any issues with hair loss. Of course, it is going to affect everyone different and I am not saying it isn't what happened for anyone here, but for me, I don't think it is related.
    If you look up reasons for hair loss, hormones do play a role. I know of folks who stuggle with this (non-sleevers) are referred to endocrinologists for help. We also know that hormones are stored in fat, so ...
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    manderdjs reacted to May Kelley in But WHY? ...   
    I can't wait for my hair to come back!!
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    manderdjs reacted to Webchickadee in But WHY? ...   
    General anaesthetic plays havoc with your system. The shock to the body will cause the hair to fall out in the majority of patients. As well, the dramatic change in diet composition and calorie amount is also a huge shock to the body and one of the responses is the hair falling out.
    You are doing everything you can to balance that out and slow down the "falling out". Try not to stress too much about it. It will stop and you will have new growth. In time it will be as good as it was pre-op or even better, now that you're eating so healthy and exercising!
    I started losing my hair approx. 3 months post-op and it continued at a steady pace for approx 5 months (8 months post-op). I did get new growth starting around 7months post-op (little "spikies" that I thought were broken hairs, but are actually new ones!). Now my loss has basically stopped completely. My hair was thin beforehand and is quite thin now, especially on the sides and back. But I know it's growing and it will come back and be great in time. By this time next year I'm sure I'm be close to when I started this whole crazy ride.
    In the meanwhile, I've lost over 120 lbs and my entire life has changed for the better! So what's a bit of lost hair? It left with the excess lbs, so I'm happy!
  20. Like
    manderdjs reacted to PdxMan in But WHY? ...   
    I don't believe there is as I was eating close to 1,800 calories, getting ample Protein and carbs, exercising like crazy, taking all my Vitamins and Biotin daily. What was happening was I was losing weight rapidly. It is my belief they hormones contained in the fat being constantly released is the reason. If you have slower weight loss, more in line with "normal" diets, you may be able to curb the hair loss as your system wouldn't be quite as flooded with these hormones.
    But do know that the hair does grow back and this is a temporary thing. Well worth it, in my books.
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    manderdjs reacted to KarissaKhaos in Question for those who have already lost a lot of weight.   
    I don't know about anyone else but mine are gone, I do know what you're talking about though. I had them under my armpits from the fat hanging over but after 105 they are gone
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    manderdjs got a reaction from mom2five in Isopure leaves a film in my mouth   
    I drink one a day b/c I can't drink the creamy type shakes. Yes it leave a little film but I use ice. Equal ice to drink and let it melt to dilute it down. I drink and crunch ice until it is all gone then pour the rest of the drink with ice. Helps me to get my Protein and liquid down with less firm taste.
  23. Like
    manderdjs got a reaction from mom2five in Isopure leaves a film in my mouth   
    I drink one a day b/c I can't drink the creamy type shakes. Yes it leave a little film but I use ice. Equal ice to drink and let it melt to dilute it down. I drink and crunch ice until it is all gone then pour the rest of the drink with ice. Helps me to get my Protein and liquid down with less firm taste.
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    manderdjs reacted to nikki82 in What a 150 lb weight loss looks like...   
    Well here it is. I'm so embarrassed by my before photo smh, but that was me. All 330 lbs of me. Yikes!! My highest was 346 lbs at the start of this journey, but I lost 16 lbs pre op and 134 lbs post op and still going.
    330 lbs day of surgery 196 lbs
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    manderdjs reacted to ThikNjuCee in Im On my way!   
    Omy to the Hospital to start my new life! Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers.

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