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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by tpietrowski

  1. tpietrowski

    feb 2013 sleevers weigh in

    2/28 surgery at 217 Today 203... Down 24% body weight
  2. I took 1 week. I'm on my 2nd week and work about 6 hours. I get tired and need a nap. Listen to your body.
  3. tpietrowski


    I can have coffee. I have 1 from Dunkin but its a small iced with skim milk and equal NO decaf
  4. tpietrowski

    How do you cope....

    I crockpot. This way it's cooked, they can eat and I sit in the other room. Lately I'm ok with sitting with them talking.
  5. tpietrowski

    Newly sleeved 2.28.13

    I'm 32 had surgery on 2/28... Down 11 lbs but 32 total since preop appt. Hi walk about an hour every day Monday through Friday. I still have a very hard time getting in my fluids and Protein. If I take sips it still feels like it's upsetting my stomach but I do find drinking from a straw helps a lot. I have my check up tomorrow with my nutritionist and hoping that she will give me some suggestions or moved me onto the next stage. I did have some scrambled eggs tonight and that went okay but I ate them too fast and ended up feeling sick. I also have tried some small bites of chicken chewed very well and that went down okay so I'm hoping that I can get the protein in that way or by a Greek yogurt. Preop weight 238 Surgery weight 217 Today weight 206
  6. Was sleeved 2/28 at 217. Almost 2 weeks later only down 10 Total loss with pre-op is 30 pounds Hard time with Water and Protein intake. Walking about an hour a day.
  7. tpietrowski

    Am i doing this right?

    Appointment with nutritionist tomorrow and I'm down about 11 pounds since my surgery. Having a really hard time getting liquid and protein shakes in so I'm hoping she will forward me to the next stage of puréed foods
  8. I was sleeved on 2/28 and I'm down 11 pounds. I am having a very very hard time getting in my liquid and very minimal protein as it seems like all the shakes are upsetting my tummy. I am not going to lie I have cheated a couple times and have had some small pieces of chicken and chewed them very well, I've had some applesauce, and a couple small bites of Ham. They all went down well as long as I didn't rush to eat them. Because I had no protein intake today I did come home and make some scrambled eggs with a little bit of fat-free mozzarella cheese again went down okay but I think I ate it too quickly. I have my appointment with my nutritionist tomorrow and hopefully she oks me to the next stage because I cannot do this liquid stage.
  9. tpietrowski

    feb 2013 sleevers weigh in

    2/28 sleeve... 217 day surgery. Almost 2 weeks out and down 10 .... 207 now
  10. tpietrowski

    Am i doing this right?

    Thanks. I can't seem to stomach any protein shakes. Got flavored Isopure drinks but they dry your mouth. Tried fruit smoothie protein drink and its all gritty. Tired of jello and broths. Thought I wasn't loosing cause I don't have enough water & protein
  11. tpietrowski

    February Sleevers

    Had my 1 week post op appt today. Dr would like more liquids and if tolerable protein shakes. Have lost 5lbs in a week. Bad reaction to tape over incisions...
  12. Hi Michelle I am moving along as to be expected. The surgery went great with no complications. I am moving around as much as possible but it is very hard to get these liquids in. I'm finding the bigger incision is what's causing me the pain. I also have an allergic reaction to the surgical Band Aids they used so I have pretty pink dots around my incisions.Lol Things are going well and I'm very grateful for everyone support. Pretty soon you'll be on the losing side of the bench to
  13. I am 4 days out postop. I'm having a very hard time getting my liquids in. I spoke with my nurse today and she said to go with the water over protein so I don't get dehydrated. I did walk for about an hour and 20 minutes in Walmart today and hoping to continue walking each day. I'm having a hard time moving as the larger incision is still painful. I am just now releasing gas and have not had a bowel movement. There were no complications with my surgery so any suggestions regarding the belly pain would be greatly appreciated. I am also a belly sleeper so finding it very hard to sleep. I am able to tolerate about a half a jello at a time, of all popsicle and tomorrow I will be adding some soups. Good luck to all those who are sleep this month
  14. Surgery on Thursday and I'm still in a lot of pain. Trying to get down as much liquid as possible but it feels impossible. Have some rashes around my incision sites and I feel like I'm constantly still taking pain med. I hate taking them but it seems like the only thing to curb the big incision pain
  15. Surgery went very smooth yesterday. Walking around... Little gas. Just got my tray of jello and broth. Dr said I should be going home tomorrow if I can tolerate liquids.
  16. tpietrowski

    February Sleevers

    Doing good from surgery yesterday. Little sore at biggest Incision. Walked last night and I just got back. Had a hard time urinating but it finally came out. Just got my tray of jello and broth. Totally wiped but I am so excited for all our new journeys. Xoxo
  17. tpietrowski

    February Sleevers

    Good luck!!! They just moved mine up an hour
  18. tpietrowski

    February Sleevers

    Heading to hospital now. Moved surgery up an hour....
  19. I am also at Lahey and having my surgery tomorrow!
  20. tpietrowski

    Getting approved?

    I got mine on Monday nigh with surgery on Thursday. Pretty close
  21. Thanks. Surgery is at 2:30
  22. tpietrowski

    February Sleevers

    I'm excited to be starting my new chapter tomorrow I have surgery at 2:30pm
  23. Congrats in your surgery date! Good luck
  24. tpietrowski

    Where Is Everyone From?

    Windham, NH.... being sleeved Thursday

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
