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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by itstheamarie

  1. itstheamarie

    Calcium chews ?

    Well, I was following my doc's g carbs= g protein recommendation, but it's not coming off how it should, based on my deficit. I started C25K 3 weeks ago and the scale hasn't really moved since then, so I guess I'll give in and try lowering carbs more. Thanks! And regarding the original topic, the Bariatric Advantage chews are great! They also make a 500 mg version now so you only need 2-3 per day, depending on your doc's recommendations.
  2. itstheamarie

    Calcium chews ?

    Ah, OK! I didn't realize you were doing it Atkins style. I recall that diet very well. Did you deduct fiber also?
  3. I have found that diet Swiss miss hot chocolate will take care of my sweet tooth for 25 cal, 2g protein, 2 g sugar.
  4. itstheamarie

    Why am I a Slowwwwwwwww loser?

    I understand your pain! 20 lbs in 8 weeks, but the average is 2.5#/week. You are closer to 4-5#/week, and that's awesome! It's natural to be impatient when we see so many "I lost 100 lbs in 5 months" posts, but hey, what's the rush to a lifestyle change? It's not like we will ever go back to our old ways, so we might as well get used to eating healthy, whether we like it or now :-)
  5. itstheamarie

    10 weeks post-surgery praise

    Congrats! What's your daily intake? Calories, carbs, protein,water? Just curious!
  6. So true! It is hard not to compare. I am down 20# in 7 weeks (haven't weighed in over a week). After losing 12# in the first 10 days, I've only lost 8 in the past 6 weeks. The scale won't move for several days, then I will be down a half pound or so. Working out, getting 100 oz of Water, 80 g of Protein, and obsessing over food these days.... the math isn't adding up, but I did this for a lifestyle change, not a quick fix. However, it would be nice if the scale could help reassure me that I'm doing this right!
  7. Bama girl here! I like to make decaf tea with splenda, and it tastes great to me! But for the bulk of my fluid intake, I stick with plain ol' water- there are several ways to jazz it up naturally: Lemon + Cucumber, Lemon + Raspberries, apple slices + cinnamon stick are a couple I've tried/read about. Here's a link for "50 awesome flavored water ideas" http://www.52kitchenadventures.com/2012/09/17/fifty-awesome-flavored-water-recipes/
  8. itstheamarie

    Greek Yogurt Recs?

    Dannon light and fit cherry or peach are my faves and have the lowest sugar with the best texture, IMO. Sometimes I blend 1/4 cup fage 0, 1/4 cup cottage cheese, a tbsp of SF cheesecake pudding mix, packet of Splenda and dash of vanilla for a cheesecake treat for about 80 cal and 8g protein.
  9. Yes, your body needs fuel to repair muscle tissues and replenish the energy you burned. You can google low carb post workout snacks for ideas, and they are all based around protein good carbs. Shakes, cottage cheese, Greek yogurt, baby bell light, hummus or something along those lines. I haven't ventured into protein bars, because I don't trust my self control yet. Whatever you choose, just make sure to stay hydrated and budget for your post workout snack! It will help prevent muscle loss :-)
  10. itstheamarie

    Midnight munching

    I completely understand! I can eat on a schedule all day, but after dinner, there is a void space that I used to fill with food.... now, I have my strongest urges to graze at night. It's tough, especially since I work out of town so much and am at a hotel. I typically work out before dinner, so I have to find something to fill the time. If I am home, some things that have helped me: prepare my meals for the next day, lay out my clothes, iron, do my nails/toes, take a long bath, clean, meditate.... anything to distract me!
  11. itstheamarie

    My Fitness Pal

  12. itstheamarie

    Ladies! Did your cycle change?

    I started mine the day after surgery, and I haven't seen it since then(8 weeks later)!
  13. itstheamarie

    5k run3 weeks post op!?

    Please confirm with your surgeon, but any activity beyond walking is usually restricted 4-6+ weeks post op. I was barely able to walk on the treadmill at 2.0 MPH for 20 min at 3 weeks, whereas I used to jog at 5 MPH before surgery. It takes a while to start feeling normal again, and it's not worth risking any type of injury or complications. I'm in Dallas and totally understand the summers :-) Congrats and good luck with your surgery!
  14. I use the fitbit attached to my bra, and it has been working great for me! No one ever knows it's there, and it syncs with my phone, computer, or ipad automatically. It is a huge motivator to see how much I did or didn't move each day. It doesn't account for strength training, but you can add it in online. It also links with myfitnesspal and will deduct the calories from your intake (if you believe in net calories). It also sends a weekly report so you can see when you've been most active. The accountability has helped motivate me to keep moving. It was about $60 at bestbuy, so it depends on what is best for you.
  15. itstheamarie

    Started 'Couch to 5k today' Anyone keen?

    Thanks for the inspiration! I am on W1D3 :-) By the end, I feel so energized that I don't want to stop! I am afraid that the knee pain from before surgery will return, so chi-running and minimalist running shoes sound like a topic to look into.
  16. itstheamarie

    Vitamin D Deficiency

    They sell vit D "vita melts" at Walmart and drug stores.
  17. itstheamarie

    I'm thirsty all the time!

    The psychiatrist and Nurse Practitioner at our last support group meeting strongly advised against any ice cream! They said it is the main trigger that lead people to fail with the surgery and/or regain the weight. A "slippery slope" is what they called it, since it's a slider.
  18. itstheamarie

    Fit Bit One and the Aria Scale

    I'm glad to hear that, because I couldn't understand how I was walking all day at 6 flags but had no calorie adjustments. Hopefully it is restored soon! I manually added an hour of walking on MFP just to estimate.
  19. itstheamarie

    Puttin it out there

    Milk of Magnesia didn't really work for me, so I do Miralax every other day, per Dr.'s orders. Upping fluids seems to help, too! Good luck
  20. itstheamarie

    feb 2013 sleevers weigh in

    Sleeved 2/7 lost 10 pre-op and 16 post op. 13 of it was in the first 2 weeks then the next 3 weeks have been super slow. I may see 1# 1 day per week then stick.
  21. Awesome! Congrats! Did you change anything around that time that could have possible helped break it?
  22. itstheamarie

    is anyone 1 month post op?

    I was sleeved 2/7/2013 and have lost 26 including preop, 16 of it since surgery. I lost 13 lbs in the first 10 days and have been losing slow for the past 3 weeks. The scale didn't move for about 2 weeks. It sucks, but I am following my Dr's orders (currently in the soft food phase). I was still on full liquids when it slowed down. 60+ g protein, 64+ oz water, and 600-800 cal. I'm trying to keep my carbs low, but my calcium supplements account for most of them. I am walking 3-4 times per week, so mathematically, I should be losing over 2-3# per week. I wish!
  23. I noticed even some of the sugar free creamers have partially hydrogenated oils, aka trans fats (even though they're allowed to list 0g). So I have switched to skim milk instead of creamer. At least it has protein and little sugar comparatively. Syrups or protein powder can help you change up the flavor :-)

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
