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    HopeFaith reacted to UndercoverBariatricGal in All of my December sleevers...   
    I'm 5'6 and my goal is 165... I am not sure if I want to be 145/147 or whatever they say I should be I personally think that is to small but hey you never know I may change my mind when I get there and see 20 pounds would make a difference I wont know until i reach goal and i will take it from there!
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    HopeFaith reacted to dgoerlitz in All of my December sleevers...   
    Let's all remember one thing that my doc said to me at my 30 day check up - this is NOT a sprint...it is a marathon! Helped me feel A LOT better about the speed at which I was losing.
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    HopeFaith reacted to slimforme in All of my December sleevers...   
    Sleeved 12/19/12 HW 298
    Pre-Diet -18 280
    Current -26 254
    Total -44
    One week exactly to my 3 month anniversary....really trying to drop 6 pounds to hit my 50 pound 3 month goal...if not would love to be 50 down by Easter!
    I went on vacation last week...I had seafood every night, but shared with my boyfriend and only had things that were grilled or steamed. A couple bites each night really filled me up with half a side salad...and I saved money!
    You all make me feel so much better! At times I think what if I fail and don't loose all the weight, but when I see you are all in the same place as me I feel so much better! Thanks for the inspiration.
    ***What is everyone's height and goal weight?***
    I'm 5'6, goal at the moment is 140....but I'm starting to think that might be too low.
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    HopeFaith reacted to UndercoverBariatricGal in All of my December sleevers...   
    I just want to come in with a quick happy report that I am down now by 49 pounds since surgery (12/6/12) and I will be busy for the next 2 days with work I pray i return on that 3rd day with the 50 i been waiting for.. Wish me luck December sleevers! I am feeling super great today! Keep up the good work guys
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    HopeFaith reacted to MaryDrew in All of my December sleevers...   
    Non scale victories are just as good, if not better, than the weight loss pounds. This is a journey and we are not in a race. Just keep eating your Protein, getting in your Water and the loss will follow. I am one pound away from 60 pounds but I have lots of NSV that I experience everyday that keep me going.
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    HopeFaith reacted to dltrautman1 in All of my December sleevers...   
    I am so thankful to all my December Sleevers. I read your posts every day and you help keep me going. I was so excited a week ago Friday as I was heading down to Humble (outside of Houston) to compete in my first TKD tournament since I began this process. I was getting close to having lost 40 lbs which is half way for me. 5 miles from our destination was go rear-ended and the person took off. Me and my girls were hurt - my youngest had a concussion. The rest of us also had whiplash. I got so depressed but I didn't binge eat. I kept thinking I wouldn't be able to work out and I couldn't compete. I have enough points right now for state champ in two categories and needed those points. However, believe it or not, I recovered very quickly. (Of course, muscle relaxants help!). A big note was that I didn't bing eat or emotional eat. I kept reading everyone's post and that kept me going.
    Last Saturday, I got my assessment for soccer (I am a referee). The top assessor in the area assessed me. He hugged me three times. Told me how impressed he was with my running up and down the field. In areas of concern, he said "None at this time". That NEVER happens. Playing indoor soccer that night, everyone commented on how fast I was running.
    Big goal reached this morning. I have lost 40.4 lbs. This is half way for me!!! I can now do so much more and my knees and ankles aren't hurting. I can finish a TKD class without my feet killing me! I have gone from 16/18 pants to size 12. I used to wear 1X to 2X tops and I am now in Larges. I can even steal my daughters close now!!! (Paybacks@!)
    Sleeved: 12/13/2012
    Starting: 195
    Today (almost 12 weeks later): 154.6
    Goal weight: 115
    I am 5'1" - yep, I short!
    Anyway, wanted to give a shout out to all my December sleevers! Y'all have been a big help to me. I am lucky to have a great support system at home and work, but everyone here really understands what I am going through and has really helped!
    Everyone have a great day!
  7. Like
    HopeFaith reacted to hjtj112 in 8 days post opo   
    Sorry 10 days post op and yes pureed 1 1/2 ounces along with fruit or veggie puréed 1 1/2 ounce's but I can't get it in only 1 or 2 tsp of Protein.< /p>
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    HopeFaith reacted to DUBrookie03 in All of my December sleevers...   
    High Weight: 288 lbs
    Surgery Weight 12/24: 277lbs
    Today: 225
    Went from size 22 to size 16 so far. Oh and I can no longer shop at Lane Bryant!!! I bought 2 dresses recently in their smallest size and they are too big!!!
    It is AMAZING being able to buy clothes in the regular size section!!
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    HopeFaith reacted to UndercoverBariatricGal in All of my December sleevers...   
    I agree in the last 3 months I have had 2 stalls one for 2 weeks the other for about 3 weeks and through both of them I came her to vent and felt supported and funny no matter the stall I am within the average December sleevers weight loss (I know we shouldn't compare) Some loose faster then others and more then others but I seem to be loosing at a steady paste now and thats fine with me. besides before the surgery I couldn't loose any weight or would loose a little then gain it back and then some. so I am grateful for the life changing choice I made. I am happy I am at a place I have not been in years with everything from walking up stairs to sitting.. Laugh if you will but the other day I discovered I can touch my knee to my head again lol (translation) my stomach is no longer in the way.. I love it! Its the simple things we dont even notice that bring the biggest smiles on our faces!
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    HopeFaith reacted to kat40223 in All of my December sleevers...   
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    HopeFaith reacted to heathfirst13 in All of my December sleevers...   
    I know we are all dazzled/befuddled/annoyed/enthralled by the weight losses...the numbers oh how we watch the numbers on the scale. but I would like to humbly suggest we remember even if it's not perfect or falling off or we're stalled or we're making bad decisions or we're making great ones, we all made a commitment to our health in doing this. So, tonight, i will not share a weight update.
    I will tell you I don't need to take a nap twice each weekend anymore.
    I am taking classes at the gym I never thought I could do and I am proudly doing my push-ups against the wall - and no one even cares!
    I am wearing clothes I never thought would go over my hips again.
    My son says my face is way prettier now.
    my Husband grabs my A$$. So did my mother :-)
    I can do things well into the night and not feel exhausted every day.
    I am smaller and I am healthier and even though I struggle to get through this, I am proud I did this.
    It is saving my life.
    We are all doing wonderfully and I am so happy to read the replies to our group.
    Good night December sleevers. You rock.
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    HopeFaith reacted to newkat12 in All of my December sleevers...   
    Everyone is doing so great! Yay December sleevers!!!
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    HopeFaith reacted to Jennifer616 in Sick and tired of full liquids and protein shakes!   
    I am 4 days post OP. Had surgery March 6 I'm drinking the Isopure Protein Drinks from GNC they taste really good!!!! Like a Gatorade and it has 40 grams of Protein in one bottle!!!
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    HopeFaith reacted to tedamar in Sick and tired of full liquids and protein shakes!   
    Is it really that awful? I am going to have surgery on April 16th and I've found a great shake at costco that I've been drinking. It's called Premier Protien and has 25 grams. The chocolate is wonderful. You can also find it online. Also, the vanilla one you can add fruit (a bit) to it and mix it up.
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    HopeFaith reacted to jen1211 in Sick and tired of full liquids and protein shakes!   
    Sometimes, you just have to choke em down but keep trying to find ones that work. Hang in there and eventually it will get better. I am 12 weeks out and it is kind of just part of your norm now.
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    HopeFaith reacted to StayMal in Sick and tired of full liquids and protein shakes!   
    Hey guys, hang in there. I too was not feeling the Protein Shakes but i had to keep trying different varieties and flavors until I finally found one that I can tolerate. It is so so important to get at least 60 grams of Protein in your system a day. Cream of chicken Soup was so good while I was on liquids. You can do this cause u have no choice. Change your mindset because if u believe u can't do it u won't. I was where u were at too. I just made up my mind that this is what I wanted, and now that I have did the surgery I'm gonna make my mind up to do what I gotta do. Stay in touch and lets get that protein down. I have no regrets and neither will u. Take care ladies and good luck.
  17. Like
    HopeFaith reacted to jtdavis71 in All of my December sleevers...   
    Starting weight 275
    Day of surgery 247
    Today 195
    Total loss 80 lbs
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    HopeFaith reacted to jtdavis71 in All of my December sleevers...   
    12/11 down 52 lbs.
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    HopeFaith reacted to pattycake71963 in All of my December sleevers...   
    Hello Kat
    I too do know What you mean about standing on your feet all day..... I am also a retail store manager..... I work crazy shifts..... So getting a consistent exercise schedule is been very difficult.... I am entering week 11. Of my post surgery.... I did enroll myself into Gold's gym last week... I am going to try to commit myself to two days a week.... I have had a lot of plateaus....this week I have been 222.2 every day ..... Even though it's very slow I still have managed to lose 42 pounds since my surgery... Presurgery I lost 32 pounds. Altogether 74 pounds
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    HopeFaith reacted to ashleywi in All of my December sleevers...   
    I was sleeved on 12/3.
    223 at first surgical consult
    208 on day of surgery
    168 this morning
    I always feel like a slow loser and I guess I am but when I see it there in black and white, I'll take it. 40 pounds in a little more than 3 months feels pretty good. And down 55 overall feels great!
    Congrats to all of you. We got this!!!
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    HopeFaith reacted to Aaronmadeit in All of my December sleevers...   
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    HopeFaith reacted to SylviaMom in All of my December sleevers...   
    Hi all! First congrats to everyone who is improving their health-- you all rock! I just want to shout out to all my fellow slow losers and remind them enjoy their own journey. I've lost 22 lbs since my surgery on 12/17. It's a little shy of two lbs a week. I also just turned the corner from a stubborn 3 week stall. Comparatively, my loss is puny...but for me, it makes a big difference. It means my sleep apnea, blood sugar, blood pressure and ability to be active are all better. I will reach goal. It may take me a full year or even two...but baby steps are steps in the right direction.
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    HopeFaith reacted to rsmont77 in All of my December sleevers...   
    Just visited the doctor at 8 weeks.... Have not lost as much as he wanted and got scolded. I have been eating what I should be so in talking with him, we determined that I need to change Protein Shakes and cut calories to 500 a day from 6-800. I have to lose 28 pounds in 30 days, not sure how I will do it, but will try my hardest. I'm going to change from total lean shakes GNC to Isopure. I will get 6 less carbs, 15 more grams of Protein and 10 less calories, plus 6 more ounces of liquid. Wish me luck!
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    HopeFaith reacted to stinker in All of my December sleevers...   
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    HopeFaith reacted to DanaInNewOrleans in All of my December sleevers...   
    Yep, I saw Alli today. She'll probably tell you to up your protein... Where in New Orleans are you? Don't you just love how easily guys can lose weight? My husband can say that he's going to cut back this week and he'll lose 5 lbs. I cut my calories to 800 and can barely lose 1 lb!
    You can tell Alli on Wednesday that we're on a forum discussing our slow weight loss!

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