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Duodenal Switch Patients
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  1. Like
    HopeFaith reacted to cuteasabutton in Constipation   
    I am a month out and I stopped taking the Iron supplement because it made me so constipated it was awful! Anyone with a good solution. I tried stool softners ducolax prunes. Finally go things moving better afraid of the iron!
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    HopeFaith reacted to stephhine in Uncomfortablity in Abdomen?   
    Thanks for the feedback everyone. I'm pretty confident that it's nothing to worry about, just my "innards" healing. I did notice that standing and walking stretch it out a bit so I think I need to focus on doing that more. I keep telling myself, two more months, two more months... I will be good as new. Fingers crossed.
    Good luck to you all!
  3. Like
    HopeFaith reacted to Takingcontrol in Almost one month Sleevers Dec 17, 2013 , how YOU doing ( in my wendy williams voice )   
    I'm Dec 17th too, evidently I am one of the "slow losers" :-(. Only down 15 lbs..but hey, that's 15 in the Right direction! I am VERY happy with my decision to get the sleeve...I have had absolutely NO problems thus far! :-)
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    HopeFaith reacted to Mrs Jacobs in Almost one month Sleevers Dec 17, 2013 , how YOU doing ( in my wendy williams voice )   
    I've lost 28 pds, and my biggest challenge is overcoming Christmas dinner and seeing my coworker stuff there faces with greasy oh so tasting food I was enjoying before surgery
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    HopeFaith reacted to hinportland in 5wks PO, and YES I regret   
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    HopeFaith reacted to castiel in 5wks PO, and YES I regret   
    I can say it does get better. I'm almost a month post op, but I've had no complications and only some days do I feel tired or crappy.
    Try getting in all your Protein and remember to hydrate. I don't know how your diet works, but I'm already on soft foods and I feel almost normal while eating. It's just a matter of measuring stuff so it doesn't get stuck or feel like it's rising back up in your throat. GOTTA CHEW AND GO SLOW. Savor every bite.
    It will get better. You just have to keep telling yourself that.
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    HopeFaith reacted to ultravas02 in 5wks PO, and YES I regret   
    I think fish is pretty easy to get in also. Its very soft if you bake it in the oven.
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    HopeFaith got a reaction from Takingcontrol in 5wks PO, and YES I regret   
    Best of Luck to you! I'm only 2-1/2 weeks out. I'm eating baked fish, cottage cheese, cheese sticks, I made spinach/chicken Soup, and a variety of light Progresso Soups. I drink Water from the minute my feet hit the ground in the morning (always have though). I add Protein to coffee, SF hot chocolate, plus i drink Protein Shakes. Sorry it's giving you a hard time, hang in there - keep posting - everyone here is GREAT tough love and all. Water and protein, plus Vitamins - you'll be the better for it. Again, best of luck!
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    HopeFaith reacted to Alithinos in 5wks PO, and YES I regret   
    My energy levels returned around the 3 month mark. The first 6 weeks were pretty tough despite having my parents along for the first three weeks and a very supportive husband. Hang in there. You will notice improvement as you go. I also recommend getting a weight loss surgery specific cookbook.
    Also, you might consider looking into joining a support group. I dont think they have requirements that you must have surgery at their center and they are usually free.
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    HopeFaith reacted to happydaisy in 5wks PO, and YES I regret   
    Could be. I was 208lbs and my goal is 150lbs. My bmi was 33. Thanks
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    HopeFaith reacted to deltadawn817 in 5wks PO, and YES I regret   
    I would start of with trying to get more fluids in you will feel better. Try G2, Also get a good chew able Iron to take it will help with energy. Once you are tackling these things focus of foods next. Time does make things better and I get really tight with stress so that it hard. Also try drinking something hot in the am to relax your new tiny tummy. It helps a lot.
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    HopeFaith reacted to happydaisy in 5wks PO, and YES I regret   
    I take my Vitamins, B12, and Calcium. They do answer my questions when I email them. They're great, its just better going to see your doctor. I can have solids but they seem to kinda get stuck. It goes down but its just easier eating Soups. I eat some mushies but again it seems to want to pile up in my throat. The previous post said that she felt normal again in 6mths. I hope by then I will too. Thank you guys so much for your encouraging words. Im so thankful for this site.
  13. Like
    HopeFaith reacted to Supersweetums in 5wks PO, and YES I regret   
    I know you probably don't want to hear it, but it honestly gets better. I remember being exhausted for at least a month afterward. By 6 months out I was eating fairly normal, and now over 2 years out, I live a pretty normal life. The beginning is the worst. You feel like ****, you can't eat anything, and you keep thinking "What the hell did I just do to myself". Good luck and I hope you start to feel better sooner rather than later.
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    HopeFaith reacted to roiansmom in 5 days postop band to sleeve and have a few questions...   
    I have been taking the Celebrate chewables, they are gross Where did you get the peach chewables? Those sound doable.
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    HopeFaith reacted to It's all new in Omg im so cold!   
    I had my sleeve May 2012, was cold before and am even colder now! My husband is getting sleeved next week. He runs warm and has always considered my cold nature a... weakness, like if I just would make up my mind it wouldn't bother me. I am a little evil, but I CAN NOT wait for him to find out that being cold is not something you can control!!! I want him to be cold too - which does seem a little mean spirited...
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    HopeFaith reacted to dreamerfalava in Omg im so cold!   
    I'm doing ok first day bck to work I'm pretty sore lol I'm a nanny for a 2 yr old but it felt so good being back at wrk I've been doing good with food I have been really into baked potato's the only thing I'm not really Intaking my Protein Shakes I'm finding it really difficult
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    HopeFaith reacted to 12345 in Omg im so cold!   
    Before the surgery I was ALWAYS hot. Summers were terrible. Air conditioning was my friend! But as soon as I got home from the hospital, I was FREEZING. I cranked the heat up to 75 and my husband thought I was crazy. No complaints here.
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    HopeFaith reacted to cygnusatratus in Omg im so cold!   
    Ditto this. I ran warm before. Now cold all the time. Hands especially. Maybe our metabolisms shutting down. Explains my stall anyway.
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    HopeFaith got a reaction from BewhoGodcreatedmetobe in Omg im so cold!   
    I have always been the warm one, I kept my office really cool. I would need to meet with my employees in a separate conference room because everyone complained my office was too cold. I wore short sleeves year round. I had surgery on 12/28/12 - I can't get warm enough now. Heating throws while i watch TV and a heating blanket on my bed. In my office, I'm constantly drinking something warm - I'm freezing!!!
  20. Like
    HopeFaith reacted to FishingNurse in NEVER eating a french fry again!   
    ooooh I am slightly jealous. I am sleeve of steel cause I could tolerate anything post-op and still can. Its a blessing and a curse. I eat fast food maybe once a month, but I could totally eat an entire small fry and still want more nowadays! Thats why I go once a month or less. I am 19 months post op by the way.
  21. Like
    HopeFaith reacted to Lisa :) in NEVER eating a french fry again!   
    At 15 months out I've had a few "I'm never eating that ever again!!!" experiences.
    At about 6 months out I was craving a Shamrock shake. So I got one, drank the entire thing in about 20 minutes and had my first, and only, dumping incident. NEVER again do I think I will ever WANT a shake.
    I also thought, at one point, in that first 6 months that I was "missing" Jersey Mike's Subs in my life. So, I ate 1/2 (which was 2 inches) of a Mini Sub. Not a good idea!!! I lost it all soon afterward! So that's a No Go on Jersey Mike's from now on!!
    Lastly, I thought I wanted Nachos Supreme from Taco Bell. Nothing horrible happened after eating 4 bites other than coming to the conclusion that Taco Bell tastes like dog food....or what I imagine dog food to taste like!!! No more Taco Bell for me (which was my favorite pre op)!!
    One of the greatest gifts my sleeve has given me is an aversion to fast food!!! I have no desire for it anymore because it tastes so processed and artificial!!! Now, if only I could develop that same aversion for Pirate Booty!!!!
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    HopeFaith reacted to ibehere10 in 5 days postop band to sleeve and have a few questions...   
    I too was told to use gummies! I got peach flavored and they are like candy!! Lol the gummie b complex are awful though , have to get something different!!
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    HopeFaith reacted to Lander in A little concerned   
    Yup, that's right around the point where I started to feel hungry all the time. It's so hard to know if its head hunger or real hunger. Not to worry, your diet should be increased about now if its like most peoples. Once you get some yogurt it will stay in your stomach longer. In the meantime, acid in your stomach for some reason will feel like hunger. Is that an issue? Are you hungry when you see food online or tv? that's head hunger, or it could be that you're used to eating at a certain time of day so that's head hunger too. I just know I thought I was starving at 5 days. Things get better soon. Just try to stay on the liquids.< /p>
  24. Like
    HopeFaith reacted to imlosingit in Okay here goes.......   
    I wasn't going to post but why not?
    Sleeved Oct 17th
    Hw: 304.6
    Day of surgery: 297
    Current: 254
    I feel great!


  25. Like
    HopeFaith reacted to deltadawn817 in 5 days postop band to sleeve and have a few questions...   
    What Vitamins are you taking? I had stretching and pulling till 3 weeks post op and my back hurt on and off. Not a constant pain just when I moved certain ways or sat for a long time with out moving. I could not keep my eyes open for the first week and half as soon as I sat down I was sleeping. (it was so odd for me as I am never like this) I have good days and bad days with fluids sometimes I am tight. I try to drink something hot/warm in the am to loosen me up sometimes I have to drink a warm drink mid day for this also, stress really effects me.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
