Hello Everyone! I am new to this forum and figured I should introduce myself. Been looking around here for about a week now and have found so many valuable resources and inspiring stories and people! I am a single father to an amazing 5 year old boy. I am 6'5" and 396 pounds. I have been overweight as long as I can remember. I do not have an exact weight goal (maybe 240) in mind but rather I just to get to a healthy weight that will enable me to feel confident in myself and be a more active father to my son.
WLS is something that I have known about for a few years but only in the last few months have I given it serious consideration. I have 100% come to the realization that I need the help of the VSG to assist me in reaching my WL goals. I have found out that my insurance covers WLS and am meeting with my chosen surgeon on Friday. Shooting for around the middle of March to be sleeved. I have never had any type of surgery in the past and the idea of surgery has always freaked me out, however I am managing those fears and genuinely excited to proceed.
I look forward to getting to know some of you, receiving guidance, and hopefully being able to pay it forward in the future.