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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About kikitrixie

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    Senior Member

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    Mom, wife, friend :)
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  1. kikitrixie

    RIP livesaveremt

    Prayers and thoughts to his friends and family..
  2. kikitrixie

    Crazy craving

    I'm so glad it's not just me....idk what it is about BBQ lately!
  3. I'm just wondering if anyone has gone through crazy cravings?! I can't get enough of wanting anything with BBQ sauce on it..Normal?!
  4. I had my surgery Dec. 27, 2012... Roughly 9 weeks post op..that's it?! As I write that it just hit me it hasn't been that long ago! I have lost close to 50lbs! I don't notice it unless I weigh myself or my pants slide off..I've always hid in largely closes so baggy clothes don't bother me ????. I've had to get rid of some clothes which was hard! Idk why but I was holding on to them like a crutch! Anyway, we have an event tomorrow....husband asks what are you going to wear...my reply was I haven't any idea-I'll figure something out. He needed to get pants so we went to the Gap...he pointed a dress and told me to try it on.. Reluctantly, I did...and boy am I happy I did!!! It fits and I will be wearing it tomorrow stripes and all!!! (Stripes have never been my friend! Until now ????) I am in no way strictly able to shop at Gap..still get clothes at LB, AS, Avenue..but I can now entertain the possibility of shopping and getting some stuff there!! Just wanted to share!
  5. Will do! TY! I really appreciate everyone's input this is a little weird for me with all these food issues
  6. It's pretty much every time I eat.. Even as simple as mashed potatoes....will log my reactions to food..I had one meal that I felt ok with yesterday! One In the last 4 weeks.. It was chilli I thought weird but ok?!
  7. Am I the only person that gets sweats and nausea when eating something?
  8. kikitrixie

    Not eating enough

    4 weeks...I'm all whiney sorry
  9. Ok so I'm not losing anything but then again I'm exhausted and apparently not eating enough...but I can't even tolerate eating other foods...I'm whiney! Sorry! I just looked at another menu sample and nearly croaked! An egg AND a sausage patty..I barely finished the egg! I feel like I am such a failure already! I was told to try soups which my stomach can tolerate then upgraded and take 5 steps back! Can you possibly not lose wt? Cause this is how I'm feeling! Ok sorry that was a little whiney..
  10. I had revision. I have pain by where the port was if I move arm back while laying down, picking up some stuff...it helped at times if I put a pillow on opp side under stomach. But I'd get that checked my pain got better then I over did it and it began again so I'm thinking for me it's learning my limits but you sound like you are in constant pain
  11. kikitrixie

    2 weeks out..frustrated a tad

    I eat oikos yogurt.... i love the yogurt.. It takes a while to eat it too.. I think if I am getting 30 g of protein I'm exaggerating :/
  12. Hi everyone... Ok so I am 2 weeks out...tried egg salad and it felt like a ton of bricks in my stomach...I haven't seen my scale budge minus the initial loss.. As I sit here writing this I keep scrutinizing myself-have you had all the Protein... My answer is no... I have no appetite..and when I do eat I can barely eat 4 oz of food and it takes me about 1 hour to finish those oz...is this normal??? So the 60 grams of protein is out the door even with shakes it takes me a whole day to have one shake...
  13. I was taken out for 4 weeks... From my understanding it all depends on what type of job you have and your healing. I don't have a desk job so I am not able to do my job yet..and I do a lot of driving, stairs, and getting up and down from floor so I def am not ready..
  14. kikitrixie

    All of my December sleevers...

    Hi! Sleeved 12/27 and when I went for check up 16 lbs

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
