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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by vinesqueen

  1. vinesqueen

    Tax Breaks and the Band?

    Insurance paid for me, so no bax break. Love those golden handcuffs
  2. vinesqueen

    Slow Losers - Unite!

    I know Kathy, I saw your update This is one of the reasons I bumped this thread. It's too important to let it slide away, hide out of sight. Iwas seriously feeling like I was the only one who wasn't having the results I expected. I was angry and frustrated, depressed and mad at my self. Turns out I think I was just the most vocal about my slow loss I think it is so very important to let others out there that they are not alone. Thank you again Kim for starting this thread.
  3. vinesqueen

    Slow Losers - Unite!

    How is everyone doing with their list of NSVs? It doesn't matter if you post them or not, I just think it is important for us to create and REVIEW those lists. I think that we've seen how powerful they are, so ladies and gents, LET'S BE POWERFUL! I know it is so easy to be focused on the damn scale. Espeically when the only measure socity has for us is the scale. I say it's time to redefine our definition of success, to expand and widen that definition to include us, the slow losers.
  4. vinesqueen

    couldn't possibly be true

    Hi Vicky, no almost I never go to the support meetings. ... It's almost 800 miles one way... and I have an 8:00 am class on Tuesdays. sooo it doesn't really work for me My DH usually goes though.
  5. vinesqueen

    Loosing It!!!!!!!-help

    Oh Micki! I'm so sorry! Please give yourself a big hug! You should know that we are all sending you hugs. Please give yourself some time right now. That is one of the beauties of the band. Your life right now is out of your control, so it is no wonder you are feeling out of control. You need to give your band a few days rest on liquids and soft foods. We can get into a terrible cycle of PBs and irritated stoma and feeling sick. Schedule a fill if you can, but if you cannot do this, please do not fret. Your band will be there when you can get back to it. You must be kind to yourself. You must be. No one else will be. You cannot give to others if you are empty. So, if you need a scale, why don't you buy one yourself? I don't own one, nor will I, except maybe a food scale. (calories are my current obsession). 2 years is a hell of a long time to go without sex. *sigh* 6 months after getting married my husband fell into a deep bowl of butter and gained 200 pounds. He was terribly depressed, and when you weigh 600 pounds, well I expect that even the thought of sex was too much effort. I almost left him over it. I came within a hair's breath of stepping out. Get thee to a marrage councelor. If he won't go with you, go alone. It is not reasonable to expect someone else to live a celibate lifestyle. Not reasonable or fair. We are here for you.
  6. vinesqueen

    Eating Disorders: Present and Past

    I do not have a eating disorder. I've seen a couple of therapists about my weight in the past, one was part of a supervised weight loss program where I lost 50 pounds. It was great. But not great enough apperently. There is nothing like the look of confusion on the face of a doctor that deals exclusivly with obese patients when he is faced with an obese woman with no eating disorders. I have been on steroids and hospitalized probably 50 times in my life for asthma. Each course of steroids caused me to gain weight, along with other medications that caused weight gain. Hard to get much excersize in when you get out of breath trying to catch your breath... I may not have lost much weight so far, but I haven't died from resperatoy failure.
  7. vinesqueen

    To All SCI FI FANS

    okay, how wacky is this? The first thing I thought was NO FRELLING WAY! The Operative 94% Kaylee Frye 94% Zoe Alleyne Washburne 81% Simon Tam 81% The Operative You are dedicated to your job and very good at what you do. You've done some very bad things, but they had to be done. You don't expect to go to heaven, but that is a sacrifice you've made for a better future for all. The Mechanic. You are a natural mechanic, and you are far too sweet and cheerful to live out here. How you can see the good in everyone around you boggles the mind occationally. Still you don't seem to be any crazier than that, and it is a nice kinda crazy.
  8. vinesqueen

    A NSV I Can Hardly Believe...

    Woot! excellent work! we are all proud of you!
  9. vinesqueen

    What is wrong with me???

    here's hoping that you will get some answers soon! (((hugs)))
  10. welcome to LBT Kim. We haven't had too many cases such as yours. Sorry you are having such troubles. If your band was stiched into place, which I believe is the usual way, how would losing weight affect this? Anchoring is anchoring... This sounds odd to me. Congrats on the loss, btw!
  11. vinesqueen

    Psych Evaluation Question

    actually an eating disorder would not necessarily mean no band for you. If you have serious binging things you can still be banded successfully. My DH was a serious Binger and has lost close to 200 pounds so far.
  12. vinesqueen

    couldn't possibly be true

    fat chance of that! If only, But I'm sure that Even if I turned into a Rabbit I would still be a turtle-for the first year any way
  13. vinesqueen

    I need some help!

    Well, the very first step is to stop beating up on yourself. You deserve to be treated better than that. I'm not going to add to your stress by telling you anything you haven't already said. You have an incredibly difficult schedule. You are what, gone 16 hours a day? It looks like you have a 3 hour commute, oh man, I can relate to that. Is it possible to change that by either working 9 nine hour shifts or 4-ten hours? That would give you more free time, since you wouldn't have to commute as often. okay, baby steps might be what you need, instead of the harsh break. Perhaps tonight (or the next night you work), and you have to stop at McDonalds, you will order one of their salads. You don't even have to eat the veggies, you can just pick out the chicken if you like, but it will get you in the habbit of having green stuff, right? Also, pick up one of theri nutrishonal guides that lists how many calories and the like each menu item has. The damage might not be a great as you think. You are eating 4 nuggest, not 40, right? You are eating one breast, not 3, right? Hugs and be kind to yourself
  14. vinesqueen

    I'm in the 100 lb club.. FINALLY!!!

    Congrats Michelle! This is wonderful news and congrats!
  15. vinesqueen

    Rebanding and insurance

    Yay! Darcey's back! Sorry I dont' have anything constructive to add, other than to say "Yay! Darcey's Back!"
  16. vinesqueen

    Lapbandtalk Holiday Challenge

    weight 242 under bust 42 waist 44 hips 47 my under bust fluctuates by a half inch weekly. Weird.
  17. vinesqueen

    Did anyone else see it? (Cold Case on CBS)

    pig parties are nothing new. In the Victorian days it was a somewhat popular dinner theme to charge your guests by how much your female companion weighed. Women were expected to have a waist no bigger than what a man could put his hands around. Fainting couches where a must have piece of furniture.
  18. vinesqueen

    Game: What leader and movie are you?

    It's okay Terri! Hitler had great vision and focus. He was able to take a country destroyed from WWI and built it into one of the most feared and powerful nations in the world. Sure he was a wack job and a complete psycho, but you have walked again! Right? Right!!! That took great vision and focus on your part.
  19. vinesqueen

    considering insanity

    I haven't had any tests, I will have an appointment to do that when I get home. I have PCOS and my thyroid is low, but normal low. I test my body fat percentage, and I'm down .9% for the month of September, down 3.3% since May. I'm down from 45% to 41.6% total body fat. I have lost 4 pounds in a week since my last fill. 8oz of that was muscle. I don't know, 4 pounds in a weeks sounds highly suspicious, considering that is what I've lost in 4 months. The first half of the week I was eating closer to the 1500 range, but after my fill, closer to the 1000 mark. I just don't know. I do know that 600 will not be reasonable. I know this. I will do what I can to not get talked down to a super tight fill, just because Jessie says too. I know she gets results, I know this. But I don't know that the cost of those results are resonable for me. I just feel desperate enough to so something crazy because I haven't had any movement on the scale. I'ts driving me off my nut. To have weight loss surgery, but no weight loss. I think I need to go to the chiroporacto, I've had a nagging headache since I got my fill. I don't know if it is from not enough Protein or just my neck being out. Why can't I do things the easy way???? Why? I really appreicate all the input. This is a puzzle I just haven't been able to figure out myself. With your help, with your wonderful insight, I will be able to puzzle this out.
  20. vinesqueen

    considering insanity

    Thanks for the input Chichigirl. You ask some very good questions. I've considered my activity level, and I don't think I qualify for couch potato, since I work out 2 days a week doing both pilaties or yoga and belly dancing (aerobic and anaerobic); plus I walk all over campus, take the stairs and hardly drive anywhere. As far as I know, you only measure BMI strictly based on height and weight, which is why these charts are useless for athelets. My first fill was over filled, and no, I don't really want to go there. Not really. It isn't my idea to get such few calories. Jessie told me that I might have to go that low. I think that is insanity, but gee what do I know? I've added another day working out to my schedule, so we shall see what kind of results I end up with. I also do eat a wide varity of foods, but that will be intresting to watch too. And yes Margo, I have considered going higher, but the last supervised program I was on had me at 1200 and I lost 50 pounds. Of course, I couldn't keep it off, which is why I'm banded..
  21. vinesqueen

    Game: What leader and movie are you?

    My movie was Easy Rider, I just want ot maintain a cool and comfortable environment. I am JFK... I am a thrill seaker by nature and dont shy away from risky behaviour.
  22. vinesqueen

    Sorry, But I Have to Rant =-(

    Welcome back Heather! You've recently been through some trama, being banded at the end of Aug plus the withdrawl from the pain meds. You body if freaking out for sure. hair loss some times takes a month or two to show up before it starts falling out, but it should start regrowing soon. Thanks for sharing with us. I think keeping a journal is an excellent idea!
  23. vinesqueen

    considering insanity

    my basal rate (not to be confused with my basil rate) is 1252 No less than 1251.2 calories per day recommended for safe consistent Weight Loss. At this safe consistent Weight Loss Caloric Rate, you will lose 1 pound every 7 Days well, 1200 calories a day for 4 monts netted me 4 pounds lost, not 16 pounds or so. I don't know how the differences in the rate for men and women are calculated. If I was a man then my projected consumption would be 1400 calories a day to loose 1 pound every 7 days. I currently have 150 FFM, so there is no way I can ever weigh the 125 pounds Jessie thinks I should weigh. not unless I lose 50 pounds of lean muscle mass. (that aint' gonna happen if I can help it) I have good restriction since this newest fill a few days ago. We shall see what happens when it settles more. My protien hasn't been very good since the fill, at least not according to fitday. closer to 40grams than not.
  24. vinesqueen

    Weird Questions

    Thanks for bumping Steve. As for your question about food poisoning, it's a very good idea to have a current prescription of phenegren to deal with the nausia an vomiting.
  25. vinesqueen

    Can you drink skim milk 3 days post op?

    I didn't have a clear liquid diet. In the hospital after my surgery, I had low fat chocolate milk, Dr's orders.

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