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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by vinesqueen

  1. vinesqueen

    Huge NSV and pictures!!!!

    Congrats on a job well done! You've done great work and aren't NSVs just the best?
  2. vinesqueen

    Pro-Anorexia Websites

    Hi Maggie, my thoughts are still forming on this, but like I said, I feel like there is something important in what you've posted. I know that you are currently in a very hard place. You are living with your mother, and you find that situation very, very difficult, since she isn't supporting you in the way you feel you need. Trust me when I say I understand financial hardship, and I understand not being able to make it on one's own. Have you been able to continue your education? Education is the best way out of financial harships in the long term. You also said that you felt that you would take a hand-full of pills if not for your darling son who rightfully needs you. Maggie, Sunshine, you are not ugly. You deserve only the best this universe has to offer. You are worthy of being loved, not only by your son, but by the man who loves you. But most importantly, you are worthy of being loved by you. You said you are not depressed, but suicidal thoughts and ideation are halmarks of being deeply depressed. Please please please seek trained councelors who can help you through this dark period. You have not posted your size, at least not that I've seen it. Not that that matters. I understand that tiny little size 2 women can be just as devistated by their size as women who are a size 30 and beyond. Maybe even more so. I've watched the young women in my PE classes stress over bellies that are invisible to me, but that doesn't mean that their pain is any less than someone who has a 60 inch waist-line. Please do not put off happines because you do not weigh 150 pounds. Do not postpone your life, because you deserve the best, you deserve to be loved by you. Please, please, please find a professional councelor who can help you with your body image. With your feelings of not being pretty enough, with your low self esteme.
  3. vinesqueen

    In a rut...

    I wasn't successful. I gained weight between my consult and my surgery. But I was on steroids and that does it to me every time.
  4. vinesqueen

    How do I know

    Perfect, PERFECT! You are doing it perfectly! If you are relying on restriction then you are using the band as a crutch and not a tool. The goal is to eat until you are satisified and still loose weight! The point of the band is not to "be restricted" the point of the band is to BE SATISFIED. I think that if we are constantly and consistantly going to the Golf Ball pain stage then we are doing something wrong. Pain is a bad thing. Okay, it's a good thing too, becuase the purpose of pain is to let us know we've GONE TOO FAR. Congrats for figuring out what I have not yet learned!
  5. vinesqueen

    How Long Since U Saw Yours? (adult)

    okay, I have to say that I find the need and obsession to remove secondary sexual charictaristcis disturbing and more than a little creepy. A hairless vulva looks like a childs's vulva, a little girl's vulva and not that of a mature woman who is physically and emotionally ready to handle sex. this obsession with requiring men to shave or wax their backs and chests turn them into adolecent boys or unics, who again, are physically and emotionally not prepaired for an adult relationship. Personally, I was a virile he-man with rich chest hair to run my fingers through.
  6. vinesqueen

    Help! What am I doing wrong?

    yup, sounds like you are too tight. You may find that you have difficulties with meat-- roasted beef and chicken can be really difficult for me, if I'm not careful. Ground meats are easier for me. You might try something with the consistancy of taco meat, and always, make sure you have some good sauce handy. Just make sure that you are not using really high calorie stuff--some BBQ sauce has almost 100 calories per serving! Contrast this with the la victoria brand taco sause with 5 calories and no added sugar!
  7. vinesqueen

    How Long Since U Saw Yours? (adult)

    oh no, I'm never had much in the way of body hair at all. I believe when I was working out 20 hours a week I had awesome circulation! I believe it's because I have Native American blood lines. My older sister and mother don't have much, nor does her mother. so how do ya'll deal with the ingrown hair???? I don't shave anywhere because of the ingrown hair. Well, that and because I don't have to. I'm with you <3 Kare! They either found me au natural, or they weren't for me!
  8. vinesqueen

    I need a kick in the butt

    First off, no butt kicking for you! I wouldn't even worry about telling your current insurance that you have has WLS. You have a pre-existing condition, and unless you let your coverage laps, you should still be covered. You've done supper since you haven't had any fills in the last year. You should be proud of what you've done. And if your sugeon yell at you, simply remind him that he or she works for you, not the other way around
  9. I know that last Monday was your big day, and I'm just hoping that everthing went well for you. Anyway, I thought I'd start this thread to generate some healing psychic energy for you! cheers and hugs and getter better soon!
  10. vinesqueen

    Dealing with comments like....

    that sounds like Jessie alright!
  11. well, if you were not nervous, you probably aren't human, that or you are lieing! We really don't think you are lieing, since I think everybody was a complete wreck before their date ... Hugs, and you will be just fine. And yes, none of us are going to tell you to get any other procedure We are funny that way!
  12. vinesqueen

    How Long Since U Saw Yours? (adult)

    I can't for the life of me imagine why I would need to shave. But I have practicially no body hair to speak of. I waxed my legs before the vegas trip, but you still cant' see any hair on my legs, and I'm a brunet.
  13. vinesqueen

    Head Cold Hell

    what did you take before, and why are you not taking it now? when I have a killer head cold, nyquel is my drug of choice. The occasional OTC drug is not going to damage your pouch, especially if you wash it down with a big glass of water or hot tea.
  14. vinesqueen

    It been 1 year

    congrats to both of you!
  15. vinesqueen

    Dealing with comments like....

    I like the "poke 'em in the eye" approch too, but unfortunately, two rudes don't make a polite. Just because someone else doesn't use social graces doesn't mean I have to stoop to their level. Or should for that matter. I understand that no-one like the food police. No one. But I think that many people do this out of genuine concern for our well being. Of course, there will always be busy-bodies who think it is their duty to monitor what other poeple eat or buy. When I was on food stamps, complete strangers would think they had the right to go through my cart and remove food items. One person actaully went to far as to remove all the meat from my cart because they didn't think I needed to be eating such luxury items. Mind you, this happened to me more than once too.
  16. vinesqueen

    Name your Band!

    My favorite local morning radio show did an 'Idol" sort of thing, where the winners formed sort of a pick-up band. The co-host of the show is named Spike, and the name of the band is "Spike and The Impailers." Great name for a band. It, like everthing else, got me thinking. If I were to form a band, what would I call it? hmmmm. My techno band would be called "Crystal and The Reports." (for obvious reasons....) My rock band would be called "Crystal & The Shards"
  17. vinesqueen

    Dealing with comments like....

    Tell these well meaning busy-body types that yes, indeed you are permitted an occasional treat, potato, thing... being short with them won't help, they will just get offended and their feelings hurt because they "are only trying to be supportive." Smile, pat their hand and thank them for their support. the nominal lead for our group questioned my choice of having a candy bar one afternoon (I had a snickers bar). I told him that it was my first candy bar in weeks, and that I probably wouldn't have another one for a couple of weeks. All the truth mind you. He harumphed but I didn't care.
  18. vinesqueen

    How has your relationship with food changed?

    bumping because I want to.
  19. vinesqueen

    Pro-Anorexia Websites

    I don't know what it is, or why it is important. That's why I have to think about it.
  20. vinesqueen

    How Long Since U Saw Yours? (adult)

    .... since I'm a girl type person, I don't believe I've ever seen my it parts without either minor or major gynastics. (and yes, I spelled it that way on purpose.) I believe I caught a fleeting sight of the carpet a long long time ago, and then I had to shift ... well, the twins were in the way.
  21. vinesqueen

    Pro-Anorexia Websites

    One of the supervised diets I was on when I was 20 the doctor wanted me to be on 300 calories a day. I was a size 12 -14 at the time, with probably 165 pounds of muscle on me, and I weighed 190 pounds. There are lots of these pro-ana sites out there. Maggie, I need to think about what you posted. It's important.
  22. vinesqueen


    Here are my current favorets on changing habbits, since this is what I assume you want your daughter to do, change or create new ones. Charles Dickens Subdue your appetites, my dears, and you've conquered human nature. J. R. R. Tolkien Little by little, one travels far. Mark Twain Be careful about reading health books. You may die of a misprint. Habit is habit and not to be flung out of the window by any man, but coaxed downstairs a step at a time.
  23. vinesqueen

    Name Your Band

    I am apperently not sentimental, nor creative. It is simply my band, part of me, like my foot or my elbow. Of course, I didn't name any other body part, so I don't see any need to name a new body part.
  24. Well, my husband started out his banding journy at officially 596 pounds. The support group he likes and uses is the Extraordinary Bandsters Yahoo group. He's currently down to about 420.
  25. vinesqueen

    Pro-Anorexia Websites

    I have friends that told me about them. They thought they were awesome, and said something like "no one knows how to lose weight like an Ana!" I konw that many want to ligitimize anorexia as a "lifestyle" and not a disease. I was horrified.

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