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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by vinesqueen

  1. vinesqueen

    Calling all March 05 bandsters!

    Hi Christine, welcome to LBT.You and I were banded on the same date, and you've lost more than I have. I've lost 9 pounds since May. Some of us are just slower than the others. It is so very, very important to NOT compair your results with other's. I know it's hard becaue by nature, poeople are competative, and compairisons help us guage where we are and how we are doing. The band does not work as well if you do not have proper restriction, and the only way to get this is to get your fills when you need them. Good luck on finding someone else to work with! Okay, I've had 51 NSVs since I was banded. Haven't lost a big whack of weight, but I'm healthier than I have been in years, and I feel strongr than I have in a long time too. So, that's my progress.
  2. vinesqueen

    do you feel comfortable moving your body?

    learning choreography is hard for me as well. But I like working with a trainer too. I love to move, except for days like today where I'm fighting a migraine.
  3. vinesqueen

    Mesotherapy the New Lipo?

    This is very interesting, and I'll be interested in seeing how this work progresses. I'm cosidering lipo along with the TT when I'm finished and am at goal.
  4. vinesqueen

    Two girls out on the town in NY

    You and Christina look great, and I'll be y'all had a great time too!
  5. vinesqueen

    My turn

    warm rain? I'm very familier with freezing rain, but warm rain...no. Of course, here in SE ID, it doesn't rain nearly enough by half. Of course it wouldn't, being a DESERT (eye starts twitching). Fequently when it rains here in SE ID it evaporates before it even hits the ground. I get to go home for Thanksgiving (one of my most favorate holidays, and NOT for the food) I hope it rains every single day when I'm home. Well, All but one day, I need/want to paint something outside and I need it to be dry while I do. Of course... I could string up a tarp ... Okay, it can rain every day!
  6. vinesqueen

    Never Full?

    I think many of us for the first time feel "satified" with our meals is after we've been banded, many times after our first fill. I think maybe what skinny people feel as "full" is what we come to know as satisfied. What we used to feel as "full" is skinny for "stuffed." And stuffed for us? wel... I don't know if skinny has a word for that. Hope this helps
  7. vinesqueen

    Whats wrong with me?

    uhm, I'm just told to "be kind" to myself. Patients at the clinic I use are not required to go on liquids or soft foods after being filled, just kind to ourselves. We are told to watch what we eat and be extra careful because the restriction might sneak up on us, but that's it. And as for what's wrong with you? I suspect you are human.
  8. vinesqueen

    Never Full?

    hello akgraves, are you sure you have had the proper fill level? It sounds to me like you haven't had a proper fill. I chose to have the band because I wasn't terribly interested in dieing from resperatory failure, other people aren't such drama queens.
  9. vinesqueen

    Counting Calories??

    Okay, the doc said that 800 calories should have no effect on my metabolism. That is, unless I stopped moving. Only by not moving would my metabolism shut down, not the restricted calories. They only thing they worry about is lack of energy on my part. That the reducted calories should be just fine. She said, given my history, that I might have to work out for 90 minutes a day to lose weight. (good news, I apperently cry gracefully) I'll start a new thread for the fitness assessment
  10. vinesqueen

    4.20 cc's in my 4 cc Band

    you must be very careful that the over filled band does not crimp your stomach!
  11. vinesqueen

    Forever in my heart... Jeter

    Oh Jenna, I'm so sorry, but it sounds like he went peacefully. I know it hurts, but you also did the right thing. ((((hugs))))
  12. vinesqueen

    My turn

    Not sure what EWL means, but one year we serioulsy had that many days of rain in a row. Of course, the rainy season starts in late Sept and by April it pretty much lets up. Mind you, if we go for 3 days in a row we start to miss the rain, and if we go. say, a week without rain we know something is wrong, someitmes we can't quite put our finger on what's wrong. Mind you,should we go a full month without rain -- full on draught and talking about Water rationing and cutting back watering the lawn. Oh, but August, there is no place better than Seattle in August! I moved back to SF for a while, and I couldn't figure out why none of the parents would let their kids play outside in the rain. We do everything in the rain. I didn't realize that most people's camp kit didn't include a half dozen rain tarps and canopies. It just didn't make sense to me that all tents didn't automatically come with a rain fly...
  13. vinesqueen

    Counting Calories??

    Well, in a half hour I go for my fitness assesment. I spoke with my doctor this morning about not loosing weight, not at 1200 calories, not at 1000 calories. I excersize several times a week, plus I walk lots. She suggested that I might need to excersize 90 minutes a day. ARGGGG
  14. vinesqueen

    NSV for my DH

    oh no, I'm a full on geekgurl. I'm just a few points from being dysfuntionally geeky, and we all know those types.
  15. vinesqueen

    On line Radio Sites???

    I like yahoo's launch cast www.launch.com you have to join, but only have a yahoo account. I don't pay anything, I just listend to the free version (my station is called hackerhaiku)
  16. vinesqueen

    Farty Pants Fun Thread

    Yeah, I thought this was a gas thread too... The last time DH was over to visit, he said something that I just find so... well... Mike. Sweet and funny. Since being banded, well... you know the drill.. Anyway, this is what he said to me "Am I in heaven? I must be because I just heard the trumpets of the Angels"
  17. vinesqueen

    Upsetting Breach of Privacy

    Umh, no army green for me. This is what I did to one of my windows... It cuts down of the whole "kook" thing so people just think i'm an Art student...
  18. vinesqueen

    Slow Losers - Unite!

    oh yes, for some weird reason kids and animals are drawn to me like DH to butter... Maybe because I take them seriously?
  19. vinesqueen

    I love Taco Bell. I Hate Taco Bell.

    well, I think this is a good thing. Now we can be informed, now we know and can make better choices, as opposed to being a victim of our food choices
  20. vinesqueen

    Chioptle' is my Taco Bell

    eating 1/4 of the bowl IS restriction, were you expecting something else?
  21. vinesqueen

    My turn

    Sorry about the wallet. The last time I seriously lost my wallet, well it turned out that my jacket ate it. (small wallet, hole in jacket pocket.) The wallet ended up in the lining of the jacket. I think Cindy is right, call the store, you might have left it on the counter. Which I have done... As for the rain, well being from Seattle, well I have to laugh when people complain about it raining for a week... I've been through a Double Biblical... that would be 80 days where it rains enough to have measureable rainfall. That year I think we had something like 96 days in a row of rain.
  22. vinesqueen

    Upsetting Breach of Privacy

    okay, you got me. But I see things like this all the time that are not jokes. This is why I'm in security, because there are folks out there that think a real site like this is a good idea. I think I need to switch to decaf. That or add some kaluah to my morning coffee.
  23. vinesqueen

    Upsetting Breach of Privacy

    Oh hell no! Right now the site is down, let's hope it stays down. That is going to break the Calfic privacy laws, if nothing else. it's a dot-com, so it isn't even a gov't site! This is outragous!
  24. I think since you were not having success with just Protein first, then what is it going to hurt if you mix the two? Also, you might have trouble with the hamburger meat and would do better with a different protein? My DH cannot eat hamburger unless it is the consistancy of taco mean. I have no trouble with ground meats. Hmmm, I wonder if ground chicken will be easier than not ground.... I have a difficult time with chicken, haven't tried other poultry.
  25. vinesqueen

    Sick all the time...

    oh yeah, get back on those vitamines pronto! You are obviously not getting all the nutrients you need, probably low on you Vit C and bioflavinoids. Important, important, important.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
