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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by vinesqueen

  1. vinesqueen

    Jessica O's Story

    How very, deeply sad. I sit here with tears welling in my eye, and hard lump in my throat. It's amazing how the life and death of a stranger can touch us so profoundly. It reafirms my failth in people.
  2. vinesqueen

    Home for the Holidays

    Thanks Jack, but I'll be flying home this time. Can I take a rain check? Sally (and everyone else), how does Tuesday sound? The Starbucks next to the See's candy accross from Bell Square? (Next to the Cost Plus)
  3. vinesqueen

    Do you weigh...

    I can think of nothing more depressing than weighing myself. Stupid being a turtle.
  4. vinesqueen

    What PS will you get when you reach goal?

    My DH will need to have the full body lift once he gets closer to his goal. He said I could help pick out his new belly button. I get terrible rashes too, that's why I'll need the TT and the BR.
  5. Wow Nancy, I don't even know what to say! I know we've had at least one other bandster here with a similar physiology, but I think they were able to be banded. Yeah, cutting off the blood supply to the liver would be a bad, bad thing. Maybe you could do a search on "liver" or "blood supply" to try to find that thread. I honestly don't remember who had a similar issue. So sorry (((hus))))
  6. vinesqueen

    how can you tell if you have a leak?

    Okay, I had my 4th fill 10/20, another .5 cc. Again, I felt like I had good restriction for a week, and 3 weeks later, I'm hungry all the time, and I can still eat just about anything. (Except for turkey apperently, but that's another story.) DH Tells me that Jessie does take out all the fill, but don't know about the folks here in ID though. So I have currently about 3 ccs in my band and no restriction. Well, I take that back . I have the same amount of restriction I had before my first fill. cheese Burgers and pizza, sandwiches and french-fries all go down.
  7. vinesqueen

    Slow Losers - Unite!

    Excellent work Madonna! Bit by bit, ounce by ounce we will get to our goals. I'm scheduled for my 5th fill next week, and I'm gonna talk to my surgeon to see if he can figure out why I have lost 7 pounds in 6 months. I didn't lose any weight since fills 3 & 4. I can eat pizza and cheese burgers with a supposed fill level of 2.8-3. I lost all restriction a week after my last fill. they only seem to last me about a week, then I lose all restriction.
  8. vinesqueen

    Suddenly Single

    {{{{{hugs Doll}}}}}
  9. vinesqueen

    Surprised & Confused

    My cholesterol is up too, from my normal 145 to 190 YIKES! I suspect it is because I've all but cut out grains from my diet.
  10. vinesqueen

    What PS will you get when you reach goal?

    I'll have the tummy tuck and the breast reduction, Oh to be something small, like a D cup. I'll have the key-hole type surgery where they don't remove the nipple. I kind of really like the sensation they give me, if you know what I mean. My arms are looking pretty saggy lately, but I am a turtle, so who knows how much they will tighten up.
  11. vinesqueen

    Way OT: I just have to vent here

    Okay, I was struck by how funny it was for a Bandster to be freaked out by burping and farting. Sorry, just stuck me as funny.... "am I in heaven? I must be since I just heart the trumpets of the angels" (my dH)
  12. vinesqueen

    Something is holding me back

    well, of course you are stuck, you are about to do something that will change your life forever. Of course you are daunted. This is a huge step. If your only fear is that you will have lose hanging skin, well get a grip woman! Get a grip! Baby, you are only 23! you have the skin elasticity of an rubber band! Besides, even if you were an old lady like some of us, you could always get plastic surgery. I'll need both a tummy tuck and a breast reduction, and I might need my arms done as well, but I'm a sight bit older than you are. Tomorrow, get up and get going!
  13. vinesqueen

    I need help

    when I had my last "girl" surgery I had the terrible headache and dry heaves, even with the nausia patch. I think the gall baller remoal was worse than getting banded.
  14. vinesqueen

    Need To Vent

    that is very interesting. Could be that the fat women understand what you are going through, I mean I think their reaction is as expected. It may be that the thin women have body issues? I know at least one woman in my dance class feels she has this huge poochy belly. She's a size 12-14 athletic build. She's our our school rugbey team. She showed us her "huge poochy belly" I laughed at her. It was at most a couple of ounces, and because it wasn't flat as can be felt it was huge.
  15. vinesqueen

    Turtle Tribe Holiday NSV Challenge

    Alright Ladies and Gentlemen, time to check-in with your NSVs. 11/5/05 All my pants are starting to look like giant clown pants, none of them fit in the butt or thighs anymore. If I didn't have this damn thick waist, I would really be in honest size 18 jeans. My black leather jacket is going to have to be retired soon. It's rediculously large on me now. The sleves alone now hang past my finger-tips and it looks like I could smuggle a medium sized ham in each shoulder. So I tried on my big winter coat, and now it really is my huge winter coat. It's about XX too big. It's fully reversable a suede stadium jacket, with lepord fake fur on the other side. I love this jacket, but next year, some other lucky bandster gets to love it. It's important for me that last winter before I was banded I couldn't zip the black leather jacket up. There was a 2-3 inch gap that just wouldn't meet. While the stadium jacket fit, it was pretty snug. Not any more! 11/10/05 Lastnight I was using my laptop. In my lap. This means that I HAVE A LAP!!!!! Woot! 11/14/05 When I sit on the floor or in a hard chair, I feel the bones in my butt. Not only my tail bones, but other bones (probably my pelvic bones?) as well.
  16. vinesqueen

    Lapbandtalk Holiday Challenge

    No change in anything for me. I will choose Garnet with a silver clasp, althought I have a question about the Olive, from the little pix it looks like there is lots of color variation, is this how it looks in larger bits of the cloth?
  17. vinesqueen

    Okay Crystal--Start TODAY?!

    First week down. Yesterday I was at the gym and when I stepped on the scales I was down 10 whole freaking pounds! I was so elated! Woot! 10 freaking pounds! Then of course, I realized that was WAY too good to be true so I asked someone about the scales... They are broken. Everyone one weighs 10-15 pounds less on that set. I was crushed. Just more proof that the scales lie!
  18. vinesqueen

    Waiting for the other shoe to drop

    and it's also possible that you need more fill. If you are not losing the 1-2 pounds per week with this fill, you probably need another fill. I had my 3rd and 4th fills very close together, and I'm getting my 5th fill next week when I go home and see the surgeon.
  19. vinesqueen

    Question for the banded...

    I'm with Capt'n Jack. I didn't feel so much depressed as the "oh my gawd, what have I done!!!???" I don't know that it helped that my body was freaking out as well. ("what is this thing?????? Ahhhh!!!" ) Things have to shift to accomidate the new port and tubing and band. But very soon I started to feel ever so much better, and the NSVs started to roll in. I did get depressed because I was a turtle, but I'm working on that. (well, the turtleness was only part of my depression.)
  20. Uhm, when you said picky eaters, I assumed you were talking about kids. You need to do what you need to do. If that means that you stay completely out of the kitchen, then you stay out of the kitchen. I assume you have cookbooks, and I assume he can read and folow directions. He can cook his own damn food. My son went through a phase where he decided he wanted to be a picky eater and thought that if he didn't want to eat what I'd cooked that I should have to cook something else. Heh, wrong assumption on his part! If he didn't like what I cooked then he could make either a cheese or a PB&J sandwich. Being selfish is not a bad thing. It gets a bad rap, because if we are not selfish, if we do not fulfill our needs then we have nothing for anyone one else. Can't get water from an empty pitcher. Obviously, you can't carry this to the extreem, otherwise you are either a 3 year-old, or my Mother. My family doesn't like certian foods and flavors, so I rarely if ever use them. For instance, they don't like mushrooms or olives. If I want these thing, I am usually out of luck, but sometimes I make things to my tastes and they are out of luck. Ok, when I'm at home, I always make to their tastes because I feel sorry for them and me. But if you husband is such a picky eater, then I say he should have to cook half the meals. If he doesn't know how to use the crockpot, he can learn. I don't think it is reasonable for you to *have* to cook during this phase. Especially for someone who is capable of feeding himself. You are his wife and not his mommy.
  21. vinesqueen

    OT-Need fashion help! DESPERATELY!!

    Brown goes with every thing. It's a neutral. Think about trees, trunks are brown yet flowering trees come in all shades. Think about all the different shades of green that pair with those tree trunks. (I am by no means compairing you to a tree trunk.) Think about all the different way browns combines with other colors in nature. Think about all the colors of fall leaves, reds, golds, oranges, yellows...
  22. vinesqueen

    Diet Pills after surgery

    Right, and believe me, I sure understand wanting to jump on the weight loss wagon! Many people, not all, but many people find that they lose a fair bit of weight on the liquids and soft foods after surgery. You will not be getting much calories right now as it is, and You need all that you do get for healing. Of course, you should be talking this over with your surgeon as well. I just think they are not needed. Be kind to yourself
  23. vinesqueen

    Diet Pills after surgery

    Hey Bigman, I don't know where you are in your journey, but I would say no. If you've just had your band, you need to worry about healing, not losing weight. If you have been banded 6-8 weeks, this is about the time you need a first fill. If you've gotten your first fill, and are still hungry, then you need an additional fill. If your fill level is good, then you won't be hungry. You won't need diet pills any more. Oh, just so you know, you will still be hungry because you are human. But you shouldn't be hungry for about 3-4 hours after you eat. Cheers!
  24. vinesqueen

    Thanksgiving Dilema

    Okay, schedule an unfill! This is important, because you can cause more harm by being too tight than not tight enough. Being too tight is not working the band, it is abusing the band. Take care, get that unfill, and enjoy some food!
  25. vinesqueen

    Feeling Great

    Excellent! Welcome to Bandlandia!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
