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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by vinesqueen

  1. vinesqueen

    Home for the Holidays

    Hey Victoriana! Welcome to LBT and to the Banded Gentry! Of course you can join us! How does Dec 21st Tuesday sound? The Starbucks accross from Bell Square (Bellevue) at, oh, 10:30 am sound?
  2. vinesqueen

    Where did my fill go??

    Yes, Ithink it is quite usual to lose restriction a few months after each fill, if you are losing weight. As you lose weight, there is more room in your tummy. If there is more room, there is less pressure on the band, so there is less restriction. Hmmm, well, it very well could be that you didn't get a complete fill, but instead, some of the fill was accidently removed. Weird I know, but that seems to be what happened to me. Instead of getting more fill, the radiologist was actually letting fills out. Since I've gone longer than a week since my last fill, and I still have amazing restriction, I think I don't have a leak, but someone who needed more training.
  3. Damn, I want Delusional Narcissism too, not garden varity depression. I think my older sister has sporatic hyptertension, but I think that is being treated by high blood pressure drugs. My younger brother has decided that he is the only true Webb Heir, and that he should have gotten all our grandfather's everything, and our father's everything. He sent notice to our Aunts and Uncle to notify them that they are not the true heirs of their father, but that he is. Mind you, our grandfather lost everything, I mean everything, in a wrongful death lawsuit (car accident).
  4. vinesqueen

    I'm home and bandless

    Wow Michelle! That is really important! Please continue to be good to yourself, you are such a strong woman!
  5. vinesqueen

    Update on Francesca

    Thanks Dave for the update. I know she's been in my thoughts and while this isn't the best news, it is so much better than waiting for an update. Cheers, and take care
  6. vinesqueen


    Way to go! Excellent work, and to hell with the husband!
  7. I understand that my clinic has done this. I don't personally know anyone who's had this done, but I do know that my surgeons have done it.
  8. vinesqueen

    Motivation and type of excercise

    Well, when I think I spinning, I think of wool and yarn, since I have a beautiful spinning wheel. I think the spinning they are talking about is an organized class with stationary bikes. I can only use recumbant bike, regular ones make the parts I sit on fall asleep. Yikes! Recombant bikes would be good, as would Water aerobics.
  9. vinesqueen

    Hi Ho Morning Lunacy Sing-a-long

    uh oh, uh oh, This current fill's a bit real tight My turtle status I must fight! Uh oh, uh oh!
  10. vinesqueen

    Losing a Family Pet

    Oh sure, make me cry before I go to my accounting class. No fair!
  11. vinesqueen

    Okay Crystal--Start TODAY?!

    Nope, no ear muffs or hood, but I do have a very nice wool hat that I spun "in the grease" which means that when I spun the yarn I didn't wash all the lanolin out of the fleese when I worked with it. I find my ears stay toasty warm with my head phones on, given the amount of hair I have Yup, it has been cold here! We got another inch of snow last night too. The sidewalks are very tretcherous with all the ice. Yesterday I walked for an hour in that weather, plus I danced for about 20 minutes. It was snowing plus there was blowing snow too! BRRRRR! So, are you keeping your elipical outside or was that the room temp? 61 degrees says it's time to turn up the heat.
  12. vinesqueen

    Slow Losers - Unite!

    Oh Candykisses, I am right there with you and your pain and frustrations. At about 4 1/2 maybe 5 months out I pitched the BIGGEST hissy-fit I've had in a long time. I actually threw my shoes I was ao mad. I came this close to breaking a window my the clinic, this close! I'd had my first fill, and after a month and a half, I lost one pound. Man, I'm starting to cry writing this. I've been such a good girl with this thing. And yet because I haven't had any significant losses on the scale I feel like a failure myself. 1200 calories a day didn't do anything. 1000 calories a days didn't do anything. Well, I'm down around 700 calories aday. and we will see if this has any effect. I plan to go weigh myself this Thursday. That will be 1.5 weeks after this latest fill. I will continue at this level at least until I go back next month for my next appointment at the clinic. Candy, you started at almost 300 pounds. I'm going to bet that you were not very active before you were banded. Certianly not very aerobicly active. The fact that you are going to yoga 3 days a week is AMAZING and this, for me, would be a huge NSV! You said yourself that you are feeling better than you have in a long time. I think you should stay with the yoga for now. It will continue to improve your strength and flexibility. However, I don't think that it will do much to tone you up, and it certianly isn't aerobic. It probably won't tone you up like working with weights will, but it is making you feel better, and it is also making you better. I know how hard this is. I also know how hard it is to deal with folks who suspect that we are cheating, especially when by all logic we should be losing weight. We shouldn't need to resort to Diet pills. But maybe Kathy needs one now and again. If I don't lose any weight at 700 calories I'm going to march into my PCP's office and demand answers. I have a low thyroid, but it falls in the "low normal" range, and she wouldn't prescibe any medication for it. Maybe I need to go on meridia for a while, maybe I need to go on diet pills too. I wish I had answers. All I have are weak platitudes, all I have are questions.
  13. vinesqueen

    serial killer or computer programmer???

    2 out of 8 too.
  14. vinesqueen

    Lap Band Ad

    I haven't seen it in SE ID or in Seatlle
  15. vinesqueen

    Do You Ever Wish You WEREN'T Banded?

    regret being banded? No. I was never a binger, so I don't miss that over eating like that. Like Jack, I to did have a feelinging of "OH MY GAWD!!!! WHAT DID I DO????" but it passed and I'm a happy camper. (mostly )
  16. vinesqueen

    My band has *unslipped*. :)

  17. vinesqueen

    Discovered kinked tube at 1st fill!

    Wow, that sux. Hope everything goes well, you kinky thing you Keep us posted!
  18. vinesqueen

    My Firstborn Furbaby went to Heaven

    Oh Lisa, I know this is hard. I'm so very sorry. Let me know if you need anything
  19. vinesqueen

    Midwest ice/snowstorm

    We got hit Saturday, they closed the airport in and re-routed us to a different airport with a "good luck finding your own way to where you were going." Saturday we had white-out conditions and it's snowing again.
  20. vinesqueen

    My doctor is a crackhead? Please confirm...

    Okay, with this new fill I'm getting in around 700 or so calories. When I go weigh myself (probably tonight) I'll see if I've lost any weight. I figure I'll try this for a month, unless I have a leak, in which case, I'll do it while I can.
  21. vinesqueen

    Okay Crystal--Start TODAY?!

    Okay, got my walking in, but it is soooo cold here! about 17 degrees to do my walkies, and I forgot my scarf!
  22. Well Penni, she is mentally ill, you know that but it sure doesn't make it any easier. My younger sister won't have anything to do with me because everyone thinks I'm younger than her. It burns her up, really chapps her hide because I look younger. (she's been a smoker since she was 15, and I've never smoked.)
  23. vinesqueen

    considering insanity

    Time to revisit this thread. I have gained and lost the same five pound again and again. Today I weigh exactly the same as I did when I started this thread, almost 2 months ago. I've tried to increase my calories, and up my excersize. Nothing. I'm eating low glycimic, nothing. So, I recently had my 5th fill, so I am at 2 ccs and not the nearly 3 ccs like I thought. Which is good, because I have amazing restriction. I've spent the last week trying to get used to this fill level, especially at this altitude. Okay, I just tracked my calories for the last two days, since being at home wasn't really a good indication, what with Thanksgiving and all. So, for the last two days I've around 700 calories. I'm not hungry, we will see how this goes. Nothin else has worked. I just thought I'd give y'all a heads-up.
  24. vinesqueen

    The Power of the mind

    Hey Kids, I just wanted to post something to remind y'all of the power of the mind. I know that folks are worried because we have had several of our dear friends having really bad issues with their band. So naturally, we think, what if I'm next? What if? What if? What if? The mind is powerful. If you look for something, you will find it. The power of the mind/body link is not completely known, but it is there. I might have a leak, but then again, I might just have had someone doing my fills who actually let out my fill. That is what I am planning on, I am planning for the best. I am expecting the best. I used to have a job I completely and totally hated. H-A-T-E-D. Data-entry clerk, and I thought I was going to die from shere bordem. So you know what? I got up hating work, I spent all day hating my job, I would leave that job hating it. So my mind/body took over and I ended up with sever carple tunnel. It was so bad I couldn't move my hands, couldn't move my fingers. If I couldn't move my fingers, I wouldn't have to do that job I hated. My mind fixed the problem for me. The mind is powerful. So I challenge everyone who is stressed about their band, I challenge you to be positive about your band. If you have a PB, it is just that, a PB. The chances are very small that you are going to have trouble with your band. Yes, there are a small percentage of people who have trouble, but keep telling yourself that you are not going to have trouble with you band. This is a support board. Chances are we are going to hear from folks who need support because they are having issues. We don't hear from folks who are doing great with their bands. We don't hear because they are all off having a great time being skinny. Again, I challenge you to think positively about your band. It is important.
  25. vinesqueen

    Lapbandtalk Holiday Challenge

    weight 238 (again) underbust 40 waist 42.5 hips 46

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
