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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by vinesqueen

  1. vinesqueen

    considering insanity

    which test are you talking about Pat? I've had the thyroid test, and they all came out smack dab normal. I just checked my body fat percentage, and I'm now at 42%, so I've lost muscle mass. I haven't had the various test that the Endo will suggest, since I don't know what they are. I'm so very tired of this. I just want the band to work. I want to be just like everyone else.
  2. vinesqueen

    considering insanity

    Sorry, I had to wait to see him because he's in the Seattle area, and I spend most of my time in SE ID, about 10-14 hour drive, depending on who's driving. So, 700 calories didn't work. I lost 1.5 pounds that entire month. I got unfilled shortly after being home, so I'm at about 1200 calories and, well I gained 10 pounds. I weigh the same as I did in July. The thyroid tests all came back normal, but I've been on the meds for almost 2 weeks, and they haven't started working yet. My PCP is baffled. When I get back from DC at the end of the week I'll start looking for an Endocrinologist here in ID. I dicided that I won't want to wait until March when I go home for Spring Break. So Mike just dropped me off here in SE ID, he was able to spend a day with me before he had to go back to Seattle.
  3. vinesqueen

    I've been zapped! Laser Weight Loss

    Lisa, honey, I thought your days of crazy diet ... things... were over with!?
  4. vinesqueen

    DeLarla's Feeling Better Fun Thread

    Before I went home for the holidays I thought I'd cleaned out the fridge really good. I missed the baggy that had an onion. I apperently forgot it when I moved out for the summer... Well, not really, but oh my gawd! It was hiding behind the bottle of 7up that I keep in the fridge for my little friend Katie... Anyone know the half life of an onion?
  5. vinesqueen

    Lap Band in the News!

    My DH was this big when he was banded. He weighed 596 the day of his surgery, and last week he went down hill skiing.
  6. vinesqueen

    Slow Losers - Unite!

    Hi Stacy! Yeah, I think that qualifies, but I'm not in charge of anything Hmmm, is 130 pounds a reasonable goal? I only ask because I personally have more muscle mass than that. My frail 94 year old grandmother, who is stick thin, weights 137 pounds. (we apperently have the density of ununbium)
  7. vinesqueen

    Map your location for LBT!

    bumping, I second the motion to make this a sticky! The motion will now come to a vote....
  8. vinesqueen

    My fill is gone, and I'm huuuungry

    Also, find something to do with your hands. it's hard to eat when you have a piece of fine needle work going on, or power tools. It's hard to eat when you are washing down the walls to repaint the bathroom. (just remember to wear gloves when you use TSP because it's really hard on your skin, and will eat your acrillic nails.)
  9. vinesqueen

    Who did you tell?

    I'm a teller. It just doesn't make sense to me to keep this secret since it isn't a secret that I'm fat. I don't wear a shirt with the slogan "as me how I lost my weight" basicailly bacause I haven't lost any weight. I do feel somewhat like a fool and a charitan, because I haven't lost weight, and I am right back to where I was after my first fill. 5 fills and 2 unfills and weird things where I thought I was getting filled but I wasn't. (inexperienced interventialist radiologist)
  10. vinesqueen

    Vinesqueen, Jessiebear

    It is amazing what a pair of contact lenses and belly dancing before several hundred people will do for an old woman!
  11. vinesqueen

    Biggest Loser or South of France

    Oh, South of France, no question. They have these new fangled things now called "aeroplanes" that actaually will fly across the Atlantic ocean much faster than the usual ocean liner. They have also invented new ways to use the Ameche, although many people are calling it a "telephone."
  12. vinesqueen

    Why restriction?

    Also, as people lose weight, they lose bulk inside around their stomach, so the is more room inside your body cavity.
  13. vinesqueen

    Vinesqueen, Jessiebear

    thanks Guys, y'all are making me cry!
  14. vinesqueen

    Star Jones

    I just find it interesting, that we are supposed to be thin, but not too thin. Fat, but not too fat. I have only the vaguest idea who this woman is, but if she is touting her weightloss journy, then she needs to be honest.
  15. vinesqueen

    Lapbandtalk Holiday Challenge

    Okay, I get back to my apartment in SE ID and I discover that there is a package waiting for me!!!! I hadn't ordered anything from anywhere, and my DH swears he didn't send me anything either. It was a lovely package from Nana~ with some of here lovely bath tea bags! I cried! Thank you Nana~ it was such a thoughtful thing to do!
  16. vinesqueen

    have not lost a pound

    Hi Bigmama, have you tried to up your calories? Some people find that when they are working out that much, they need more calories. Are you tight enough? Also, have you checked your body fat percentages? Do you know what you started out at, and do you know where you are now? This is very important to find out. You might be building muscles and those weigh more than fat. Just a thought
  17. vinesqueen

    I completely utterly absolutely blew it

    food is such a diffiuclt adiction, because we could never smoke another (fill in the blank) and not die. But if we stop eating we die. I'm sorry you are having such struggles. But every really is a new day and we always have a new chance in the morning, or even late in theday. The band is not all or nothing. It is the best we can do. Sometimes it means that our weight loss is slower than others, and sometimes it means that we gain a little weight. And sometimes, just sometimes, the band works even when we are working against it. If you were able to eat and eat and eat, you might need even more fill. Trust me when I say you can be too tight to eat anything, but that of course, is way too tight and isn't good. Courage, and we are here for you
  18. vinesqueen

    Problems with Sit-Ups or Crunches?

    When you first start crunches people frequently find that their tummies hurt. Just don't give up on them, and you will be doing 70 in no time at all!
  19. vinesqueen

    Jessiebear's complete list of NSVs...

    Oh Jessie, how wonderful! I'm so very happy and proud of you!
  20. vinesqueen

    Kim's Slow Loser NSV List

    Oh Kim that is wonderful isn't it! I remember the first time that happened to me, we went to a private showing at the SAM (Seattle Art Musium) because the DH supports it through the matching charity giving at his work. I know how exciting that is for you! Well done, and weare waiting for the newest installemtn!
  21. vinesqueen

    Slow Losers - Unite!

    Feel free to PM me any time! Brenda, copy the BBcode, the top option for getting the ticker in your signature. And as for what keeps me motivated, well, it's my NSV list. Some days it is the only thing that keeps going. Right now, I've been reviewing it, remembering where I was last year, now sick I was, and how .... debilitated I was. I am amazed that have progressed so far, with so little scale victories. I'm depressed right now, because after getting my unfill, getting to the place where I can eat a massive 1200 calories a day, I've gained 10 pounds in 3 weeks. I spent about 30 minutes crying, and I'm sure I'll cry again.
  22. vinesqueen

    Rabbits and Turtles United New Year Challenge

    Okay, I got to ID, and my scale, and, well. Crap. My weight is 244, again, not 235. This sucks. I'm back the same place I was in July.
  23. vinesqueen

    Slow Losers - Unite!

    Hi Brenda. Well, he's baffled and has no freaking clue. The fine folks at my clinic are baffled and frankly mystified as well. The only folks that they see who don't lose weight are non-compliant ones that need extra head work, and not someone like me. The next step is to find an Endocrinologist, I think I'll try to find one in SE ID and not wait until I get back home for Spring Break. Even though all my thyroid tests came back "normal" as in smack dab in the middle of the expeced range, he put me on thyroid meds to see if we can jump start my loss that way. I've been on them a week, and will weigh myself tomorrow to see if there has been any loss in a month.
  24. loose pouns per day???? what a novel idea Yup, we use pounds primarily because most of the folks on this board are Americans, and we are still on the Imperial system.
  25. vinesqueen

    Met a goal - a big one!

    Alex, you rock! You just rock.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
