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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by vinesqueen

  1. vinesqueen

    Sons says I look like Hippo on Madagascar!

    When my Spudboy was about 5 or 6, he came in the house crying inconsolably. His heart was broken. I asked him what was wrong, and he told the that he was sad and crying because his little friend Katie would never have a fat mamma, and how everyone needs a fat mamma. Fat mammas love you more.
  2. vinesqueen

    Slow Losers - Unite!

    Well, Friday I had my blood drawn for the latest round of blood work for my metabolic testing. They did an insulin resistance test, the first one I've ever had. Not sure why I've never had one before, perhaps because all the glucose tests have always come back good? My thyroid is enlarged, but I don't know what means yet. I've been on the thyroid meds now for almost a month. I'm actually down a couple of pounds in a month, me! Back down a couple pounds, who woulda though?! More importantly, since I've started the meds I feel better. I can't quite put my finger on it, but I'm not as tired all the time as I was before I started them. I am going to see the internist on Tuesday. They should have the results by then, and they already have some of the test results. I suppose the I feel good because I finally have a doctor who isn't blaming me, who is taking this seriously.
  3. vinesqueen

    Is anyone else as sick of this as me?

    Yeah, I'm with you. I just don't know why those of us who've have WLS are some how... less deserving. Like it's cheating and so it doesn't really count.
  4. vinesqueen

    I dare U 2 beat my NSV... I rode the bull!!!

    Lisa, are you seriously challenging me to see who's had the most Wild NSV? I'll see your bull riding, and raise you Bellydancing ...
  5. vinesqueen

    Heather's Swift Kick in the Bum Thread

    Okay, as for knowing why you did this, make a reverse NSV list. List all the things you CANNOT do, then start looking at your NSVs. The scale lies.
  6. vinesqueen

    Want to Drink while you eat?

    I occasionally do this, especially since I don't like the feeling of food being left in my mouth after eating. I occasionally will take the smallest sip humanly possible. I couldn't do this on a regular basis, since I would be tempted to automatically drink the Water, the whole glass of water.
  7. vinesqueen

    Scared After Walking Today

    call your doc if you are having such severe simptoms. Sorry, but that's all the advice I can offere about that As for 25% bla bla bla. Well, that just means that 25% of that study. As far as I know, there have not been any recent studies. And, that means that 75% WONT have problems. One year ago I couldn't walk across my living room without needing an inhaler. I was afraid my DH had sent me to SE ID to die alone. I'm serious, my asthma was that bad. Two weeks ago I spent the better part of a week in DC WITHOUT AN INHALER. The last time I used my inhaler was in mid-Dec.
  8. For any medication questions, please speak with your doctor and pharmaisist. All we can do is offere what we personally do. That said, even when I was over filled, I was able to take my meds.
  9. Welcome Doll! I think you have found the right place too. We run the entire gambet from pre-band to post-band to rock-band. I'm with the rest of the gang, I think an unfill might help with your nausea, other poeple have reported that they spent a month or so completely unfilled and that helped with their nausea. There are so many different ways to measure success. Some only look at the scale, while others do our best to ignore it. (It isn't working for me, I'm concentrating on my health right now.) I measure my success with my list of NSVs, although a few SVs would go along way. But I digress. I wouldn't sweat not being interested in not losing or even being interested in losing right now. Ye Gods Woman! You have your plate full, and probably don't need the added stress! But that's part of the beauty of the band, it will be there for you when you are ready. (Hugs Donali)
  10. vinesqueen


    Woot! Way to go Leatha!
  11. vinesqueen

    Happy Birthday Nykee !!

    May the cities in your wake burn like candles on your cake!
  12. vinesqueen

    Star Jones

    also, I think that one of the reasons that diets don't work is because they are a short term solution. Diets can generally not be maintained for months or years at a time. Which is good, because diets are generally not designed with the most sound nutrition in mind, but the quickest weight loss. I think folks that are successful in the long term, banded or not, have taken that one crutial step, they have made a lifestyle change. (proven that they have a metabolic thing. Yes, some people are very successful at changing their lifestyle, but not when they are in a diet mentality. Diets, in my mind, are all about deprivation, and who can live that way happily? Not many. I know some do it for spiritual reasons, but most people who diet are not doing it for spiritual reasons, but something much more earthly.
  13. vinesqueen

    Looking old after weight loss!

    All the before-and-afters of the bandsters here look so much younger after they have lost a lot of weight. I don't know if I will ever lose weight, but I do know that once I turned 40 I realized that I didn't have to take crap offa anybody any more.
  14. Honey, You've only been banded a couple of weeks, and right on schedule, you are inthe "OH MY GAWD! WHAT DID I DO????" phase. You have just had major surgery. Just because it was done laproscopically, and you don't have this huge gapping wounds doesn't mean you didn't just do something tramatic. Also, the band just is not designed to work without a fill. Give your self time to heal, but most importantly, be kind to yourself. If you want to start working out, wear something tight around your tummy, like a leotard or a super tight t-shirt.
  15. vinesqueen

    Star Jones

    LMAO, which is apperently the only way I'll lose my A (dyslexia strikes again)
  16. vinesqueen

    Diet Foods & Fake Sweetener Experiment

    Over the Christmas break I was drinking way to many of the minute maid light fruity beverages. And my fybromiagia went nuts. And by too many, I mean 1 or 2 cans every day. Didn't affect my hunger levels, but my my entire body hurt. Too much artificial sweeteners is bad for me. Corn makes me go nuts and want to eat everything in sight. Espeically corn syrup, and it's amazing how many different products use it to sweeten their stuff!
  17. vinesqueen

    The one piece of clothing every plus size girl needs?

    A good bra, no question. and the second thing? a sexy bellydance outfit!
  18. vinesqueen

    full body lift?

    This is what my DH will be having when he gets close to goal. The full body tuck. I think when he gets close to 300 pounds he will start looking seriously for a surgeon. Right now, he's just researching.
  19. vinesqueen

    Turtles and Thyroids

    Okay, I met with a doc yesterday and he said that I do indeed have a metabolic disorder. He was horrified to learn that I'd gone a month at +/-700 calories, and even more horrified to learn that I'm managed to only lose 1.5 pounds. Much better than the last doc that was baffled... This one is actually starting a plan in motion. I'm glad I didn't wait until March. I'm glad I didn't wait to see how the thyroid meds would take to work. I have more blood work on Friday, and I meet with the Internist next week. It's so weird to be happy there is something wrong with me. I must be my mother.
  20. vinesqueen

    Just a Big Thank-you

    I just wanted to just say Thank-you to everyone here at LBT and expecially to Mr Alex for providing me with this forum. I have always found this forum a source of support and community. When I need to vent about being a Turtle, I have never once been accused of not following the rules, of cheating, of exageration or lieing about my journey. No one has told me that I'm a quiter, a finger-pointer, or having a victim mentality. I have been having a very difficult time accepting my status, and lately all I want to do is rail at the universe. I know it isn't really productive, but sometimes I have to kick and scream and basically act like a 2-year-old. Thanks for being here, and thanks for letting me vent when I need to.
  21. vinesqueen


    uhm, hmmm. pre banding if I ate too much fat, like a burger from Wendy's I would feel terrible because of the fat content. (no gall bladder.) Try ginger tea or ginger altoids. Ginger is known good for nausea.
  22. vinesqueen

    Suggestion for Biggest Loser Video ASAP!!

    Boy, are you in trouble.
  23. I don't know if they are accepting fill patients or not, but give the fine folks at NWWLS a call. I don't have the phone number handy, but their website has all the contact info. www.nwwls.com If they can't help, perhaps they can direct you to someone who can help.
  24. vinesqueen


    I'm Pokey. (funny, how being "in the pokey" is old slang for being in jail....)
  25. vinesqueen

    Kathy's Slow Loser NSV List

    Wowee Kathy!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
