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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by vinesqueen

  1. vinesqueen

    This has been a GREAT day!!

    Congrats Penni! I've never had a new car either, but once I finish school and go back to work I get one! Woot! Sounds like you had a blast last night!
  2. vinesqueen

    Have the types of food you crave changed?

    I don't know if "crave" is the right word for me. When I was preggers I craved green salad olives, I would eat a cup at a sitting. I would crave the brine they come in, so I'd drink it. Lucky for me I never had a problem with high blood pressure! But I still long for the same foods I've always wanted. I want a sandwich. I want a sub with ham and roast beef and turky, and cheese and walk that sucker through the garden! I want a pepper turkey sandwith with pepperjack cheese, and walk that sucker through the garden. I still want pizza and cheese burgers. I want salty things occasionally and I want chocolate occasionally. None of these foods are "bad" I think the only bad food is one that has spoilded and will give someone food poisoning. Food is not my enemy.
  3. vinesqueen

    Friday Fun Thread ~ Weird Fears

    One of my dearest friends is afraid of ..... kittens! Cute little furry bundles of love, she's afraid of them.
  4. vinesqueen

    Yes!!!! I Had My First Pb!!!!!!

    now it's official! You ARE a bandster!
  5. vinesqueen

    Will we lose our laughter?

    I'm a middle child. If I wanted attention, or at least positive attention, I had to figure out some way to draw that attention to myself.
  6. vinesqueen

    Cushing's Syndrome

    1/27/06 I feel like this all make sense, like I've been working with a jigsaw puzzle with out the box, blindfolded. The more I read about this, the more it is just an ah-HAH! I figure I'll just track my cushing's stuff here, just to keep it in one place. This is what I posted on 1/24: Well, I have a tentative diagnosis. The interist thinks it is very likely that I have cushing's syndrome. So, I go for a new round of tests Friday to find out what kind I have, so i can start a treatment plan. I'm in a weird place. This sort of makes it real, but yet not real. I don't want to go to work, but well, I have to. I just want to go to bed and sleep, which is what I usually do when depressed. I thought I'd be happy with an answer, but I have a head ache. My DH reminds me that it is only a tentative dignosis, even if it makes sense. Cushing's Syndrom http://www.niddk.nih.gov/health/endo...s/cushings.htm Cushing's syndrome is a hormonal disorder caused by prolonged exposure of the body's tissues to high levels of the hormone cortisol. Sometimes called "hypercortisolism," it is relatively rare and most commonly affects adults aged 20 to 50. An estimated 10 to 15 of every million people are affected each year. ... Treatment depends on the specific reason for cortisol excess and may include surgery, radiation, chemotherapy or the use of cortisol-inhibiting drugs. If the cause is long-term use of glucocorticoid hormones to treat another disorder, the doctor will gradually reduce the dosage to the lowest dose adequate for control of that disorder. Once control is established, the daily dose of glucocorticoid hormones may be doubled and given on alternate days to lessen side effects. *** So, I've had a few days to get used to this. Funny. Right now I'm not scared of this at all. I could have a brain tumor, and I'm not scared. I'm not stressed, I'm not freaked out, well not very freaked out anyway. Weird, weird, weird. I guess part of it is that now that I have a name, or even might have a name, it isn't scary. It's like in Fantasy, you never give your true name to the bad guys, and once you have the true name of a demon you own it. You control it, and it has no power over you. I sort of feel like I have it's name. This thing that has prevented me from the weightloss success I so desperately crave. I called my sister last night. Under pain of never speaking to her again (I know, an empty threat) I made her promice that she wouldn't tell our mother. I just really can't deal with my mother having to come up with her own rare-and-potentially-deadly-but-very-treatable disease just so she gets all the attention. I didn't tell her that it was potentially deadly, but that it was rare and treatable. No sence causing her stress where she doesn't need it. She said she couldn't deal with our mom needing another new rare-and-potentially-deadly-but-very-treatable disease either. Today I had more blood work done because that's what they do, more blood work. I was able to get my appointment moved up a week, so I'll see the internist next week instead of in two weeks. 3 days is easier than 10 days. **** I have to admit that I'm afraid that they won't be able to do anything to help me. That I'll be fat forever. That there will be nothing that they can do, and I'll just have to live as a failure. I try so hard to not read about other people successes. I know that makes me so very shallow. But I can't help it, I feel so miserable when I read about how someone with a lower starting BMI has lost 75 pounds in the time I've gained and lost the same 5 pounds. I feel bad that I can't share in their joy, that I can't celibrate with them,
  7. vinesqueen

    Cushing's Syndrome

    1/27/06 I feel like this all make sense, like I've been working with a jigsaw puzzle with out the box, blindfolded. The more I read about this, the more it is just an ah-HAH! I figure I'll just track my cushing's stuff here, just to keep it in one place. This is what I posted on 1/24: Well, I have a tentative diagnosis. The interist thinks it is very likely that I have cushing's syndrome. So, I go for a new round of tests Friday to find out what kind I have, so i can start a treatment plan. I'm in a weird place. This sort of makes it real, but yet not real. I don't want to go to work, but well, I have to. I just want to go to bed and sleep, which is what I usually do when depressed. I thought I'd be happy with an answer, but I have a head ache. My DH reminds me that it is only a tentative dignosis, even if it makes sense. Cushing's Syndrom http://www.niddk.nih.gov/health/endo...s/cushings.htm Cushing's syndrome is a hormonal disorder caused by prolonged exposure of the body's tissues to high levels of the hormone cortisol. Sometimes called "hypercortisolism," it is relatively rare and most commonly affects adults aged 20 to 50. An estimated 10 to 15 of every million people are affected each year. ... Treatment depends on the specific reason for cortisol excess and may include surgery, radiation, chemotherapy or the use of cortisol-inhibiting drugs. If the cause is long-term use of glucocorticoid hormones to treat another disorder, the doctor will gradually reduce the dosage to the lowest dose adequate for control of that disorder. Once control is established, the daily dose of glucocorticoid hormones may be doubled and given on alternate days to lessen side effects. *** So, I've had a few days to get used to this. Funny. Right now I'm not scared of this at all. I could have a brain tumor, and I'm not scared. I'm not stressed, I'm not freaked out, well not very freaked out anyway. Weird, weird, weird. I guess part of it is that now that I have a name, or even might have a name, it isn't scary. It's like in Fantasy, you never give your true name to the bad guys, and once you have the true name of a demon you own it. You control it, and it has no power over you. I sort of feel like I have it's name. This thing that has prevented me from the weightloss success I so desperately crave. I called my sister last night. Under pain of never speaking to her again (I know, an empty threat) I made her promice that she wouldn't tell our mother. I just really can't deal with my mother having to come up with her own rare-and-potentially-deadly-but-very-treatable disease just so she gets all the attention. I didn't tell her that it was potentially deadly, but that it was rare and treatable. No sence causing her stress where she doesn't need it. She said she couldn't deal with our mom needing another new rare-and-potentially-deadly-but-very-treatable disease either. Today I had more blood work done because that's what they do, more blood work. I was able to get my appointment moved up a week, so I'll see the internist next week instead of in two weeks. 3 days is easier than 10 days. **** I have to admit that I'm afraid that they won't be able to do anything to help me. That I'll be fat forever. That there will be nothing that they can do, and I'll just have to live as a failure. I try so hard to not read about other people successes. I know that makes me so very shallow. But I can't help it, I feel so miserable when I read about how someone with a lower starting BMI has lost 75 pounds in the time I've gained and lost the same 5 pounds. I feel bad that I can't share in their joy, that I can't celibrate with them,
  8. vinesqueen

    I am really ticked off!and ripped off!!!

    Francesca honey, you come to my house and we will both rail at the world!
  9. vinesqueen

    Will we lose our laughter?

    Thank you for starting this Thread! (althought i have to admit when I first read it I thought you said "daughter" so I was a little freaked out. My sparkling personality has nothing to do with my size. Absolutely nothing to do with it. Usually my self depricating humor comes at what I've done, not what I look like. Sometimes I wonder if we ar fatter because we take a bigger bight out of life. I have a great appitite for life, and I sometimes feel that I am more passionate about things around me than others. My life's work isn't a job, it is my passion. Maybe I take a bigger bite out of life than skinny people... I don't know. I did lose my sense of humor once when I was a young woman. The greatest gift I ever recieved was getting that back, and I will always love the man that helped me find it again. I will sparkle all the brighter when I lose all this extra weight because there will be nothing to hold me back. Better get your sunglasses ready now.
  10. vinesqueen

    Friday Fun Thread ~ Weird Fears

    flocks of birds at night. Gives me chills just thinking about it. Focks of ravens or crows at night...
  11. vinesqueen

    Tentative diagnosis

    I went and had more blood work today. Now I have to wait until Tuesday for more answers. I was able to move the appointment up a week, so I'm happy about that
  12. vinesqueen

    Delarla was right!!!

    it might be that you are sensitive to the chemicals in the artifical sweateners I don't seem to have a sensitiveity to splenda in that it makes me want to eat the house, but I try to limit my artifical sweeteners. As for your question if honey will make you go wild, the only thing I can tell you is to try it, but be mindful of what you are doing. Use the honey to sweeten whatever it is you were going to sweeten, but then watch your behaviour, what how you feel and act. It might be that you are fine with honey, it might not. Oh, one more thing. For this experiment, do NOT have anything with protien or fat, because they will stay in your system longer and help cut a spike. Because what you are looking for is a wild spike. Honey doesn't do this to me, but give me some corn, and watch out! Corn sweetener is the worst. But because I know what corn does to me, I take care when I choose to have it. I always make sure that I have some protien and fat when I have corn. Because it will stay in my system longer than the wild spike and help even out my hunger.
  13. vinesqueen

    Some help from the ladies, please?

    Well, a week after my banding I was in the ER having an emergency D&C. I got out of whack and stayed that way. I finally had to have a uterien ablation in July to take care of it. Hugs to her, hope she's feeling better!
  14. vinesqueen

    Help, I need a formal gown!

    Correction, you need an Amazon sized. Amazons are sexy. Well, Lumberjacks are sexy too, but in a differet, hairier sort of way.
  15. vinesqueen

    filled too tight?

    I'd get a small unfill. There is no point in being too tight. The point of the band is not surgical bulima. Be kind to yourself
  16. vinesqueen

    Fills...............Do they hurt ????

    when I get a fill at my clinic I hardly feel it at all, and they dont' use any sort of numbing agent, they don't need it. Oh, and I've never had to sit up with a hypodermic hanging off my belly. Not once!
  17. vinesqueen

    Happy Birthday Renebean

    hippo birdies, two ewes!
  18. vinesqueen

    Happy Bandiversary Jessiebear

    So, give us your top Ten NSVs for the year. (you knew I was going to ask this, how could I not?)
  19. vinesqueen

    My DH is T-Bone.

    I guess I didn't consider this an NSV for me because the reason I haven't been skiing was because my asthma had gotten so bad. I didn't even bother to find a way to haul an O2 bottle down the hill behind me... But I've been off O2 for several years.
  20. vinesqueen

    The Core Secrets

    http://www.bellfitness.com/fitness_focus_october_2005.html is the link for Bellfitness, and an article about what to do with the ball. I think the weight limit on mine is 300 pounds.
  21. vinesqueen

    The Core Secrets

    I love my ball! it's great for ab work, as well as ballance. I can almost perch on it without toughing the floor for more than a couple of seconds. I'm amazed at the aerobic workout it provided by just doing a touch-step-bounce. I have the Bell brand ball.
  22. vinesqueen

    I'm Home

    Welcome to the Banded Gentry!
  23. vinesqueen

    Banded! Banded! Banded

    welcome to the Banded Gentry!
  24. vinesqueen

    I'm Home and banded!

    Emily got her ba-and! Emily got her ba-and!
  25. vinesqueen

    How Many Calories do YOU eat?

    Heh, I don't plateau then drop a bunch, heh, but I have seen this behaviour reported. I guess if Iwas going to design this, I would have included a bunch of dependent variables, since we know that men lose weight faster and differently than women. I would also look at age, to see if those were dependent or independent factor. I would also want to see how excersize affects loss for here at LBT. I'm thinking this would be chi square, yes? or were you going to use something else to look at it, like the dependent vs indepented (calories vs fat consumed?).

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