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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by vinesqueen

  1. oh (((((Jody! ))))) Crackers are actually okay for most people. No, slimfast is more a diet gimic food, lots of sugar, but not enough protien. The school nurse is a jerk, so forget about her. get some liquid calories into you, especially with that bug! You might try some Ginger Altoids, if you can find them. Ginger is really good for nausia. Or some ginger tea. I hope you feel better sweetheart.
  2. vinesqueen

    Crystal's complete list of NSVs

    I had two NSVs this week. One is that I went to a party where I only knew one person. Big deal? Yup, big deal since I am terrified of groups people. It's not like they are spiders or kittens or something like that, but I have avery difficult time with groups of people I don't know, I'm very shy. (yeah, who would believe that?) But I went to the party, and I was charming and talked to everybody. I don't think my husband would have recognized me.... The other NSV is that I've accepted that I'm not going to lose weight. Not until this Cushing's thing has been addressed or resolved. But because I've accepted it, I don't have to stress over it. I don't have to beat myself up any more. Oh wait, one more NSV, I need to take my watch to the Jewlers to have one of the links removed from the band!
  3. vinesqueen

    Rabbits and Turtles United New Year Challenge

    I think I"ll just have my weight ticker tattooed in place, it's never going to change. I had two NSVs this week. One is that I went to a party where I only knew one person. Big deal? Yup, big deal since I am terrified of groups people. It's not like they are spiders or kittens or something like that, but I have avery difficult time with groups of people I don't know, I'm very shy. (yeah, who would believe that?) But I went to the party, and I was charming and talked to everybody. I don't think my husband would have recognized me.... The other NSV is that I've accepted that I'm not going to lose weight. Not until this Cushing's thing has been addressed or resolved. But because I've accepted it, I don't have to stress over it. I don't have to beat myself up any more. Oh wait, one more NSV, I need to take my watch to the Jewlers to have one of the links removed from the band!
  4. vinesqueen

    WLS is the easy way

    No, that's not easy, that's not even realistic. Although we do have some bandsters who've lost weight that way. Of course there is hard for for many of us. I'm talking about "relatively" easy, if that makes it more tollerable for some.
  5. vinesqueen

    Hello from Germany

    Welcome Sabine. Willkommen! You've asked a very big question! Differences in what?
  6. vinesqueen

    Music - Whats your flavor?

    Hmm, interesting. I just had a job interview last week, and one of the questions was "what are the 5 bands you are curretnly listening too?" Rammstien, Smashmouth, No Doubt, Southern Culture on the Skids and Strong Bad. Of course, for the last couple of days I''ve been submerged in my Big Band Collection. ... Okay, here's what my music collection basically breaks down to... BigBand, 30 hours, Rock, 120 hours, punk/new wave, 25 hours comidy, 10 hours Classical, 15 hours sound tracks, 10 hours Greatful Dead, 5 hours
  7. vinesqueen

    WLS is the easy way

    this has me absolutely fasinated now that I think about this, and looking at all the reacations. Oh, and Dawgy-dear, I'm the Turtle Spoke's Model. I might, on a good week, lose 4 ounces. But most people aren't turtles, if they were, very few people would be getting WLS. The passion around this facinates me. I know all about the pain of surgery, bla bla bla. Been there, done that, got the beautiful purple lines. I'm talking about after we are all healed up from the incisions, the cuts and wounds, the pain meds just a distant hazy memory. But I'm serious, hasn't the weight loss success you've achieved with the band been easier than "just" diet and excersize alone? I know we've all tried everything, every crazy diet from only eating one food, to only one kind of food, to just Soup to electric shock therapy to only eating one color of food per day (oh today is Tuesday, only white foods, tomorrow I only eat pink food....) you know the crazy diets. But with the band, and I'm not talking to the Turtles (we are special), hasn't this been the easiest weight you've lost and kept off? Or maybe The Turtle Tribe too. I know that while I'm not losing, I'm not gaining, and that is worth something too. But why the pasion? Why do so many of us bristle at it being cheating? Why so many bristle at it being the "easy" way? Is it because at some level we figure that we have to "work" for it to be meaningful? Is there something else that I don't understand?
  8. vinesqueen

    are my fills working??

    So sorry to hear about your news! ((((hugs))))) I'd say, call me if you need to talk, but well, for the cost of that phone call you could probably come visit me in the garden spot of SE Idaho... (((((hugs))))) Your story with the quarter pounder reminded me of the joke, how do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. You can probably eat anything if you take enough time. You did this 5 hours after your fill, right? Well for some folks it takes a while for their fill to kick in, and say, by tomorrow night, you will be lucky to get in half of that. Some bandsters can eat bread when they are at a "proper restriction" level. Each band is different. When I'm filled to the point where I can't eat bread, I'm too tight and have trouble eating anything. Just part of the weirdness of me. If, in a week, you can still eat that much food, or more to the point, want to eat that much food, you might need more fill. Also, you are under a lot of stress. For some of us, stress makes us tighten down like a vise-grip, others get wide open. You might be one of the ones that gets wide open under stress. So be kind to yourself right now. You are going through one of the hardest things people go through. I want to tell you to not worry about your weight loss right now, because most people gain weight in times of stress. We will be here for you.
  9. vinesqueen

    Slow Losers - Unite!

    I'm thinking that if you have only lost 25 pounds, and you are doing all that you say, then it's time to talk to someone other than your surgery. You might have something metabolicly going on. your surgeon's only tool is surgery, so all problems should be fixed the same way. You know, if the only tool you know is a hammer, all problems are nails.
  10. vinesqueen

    Going to work 2 days after surgery?

    Your boss can't dictate your medical needs. If you have a note from your doctor, you have a note from your doctor.
  11. vinesqueen

    It's Official!! I am a Bandster.

    welcome to the Banded Gentry!
  12. vinesqueen

    Body Fat %....again

    Hi Kelly Wow, that much variance from day to day... I think you need a new scale. I can see where it would vary a point of a percentage, like from 39.0% +/- 0.5% but not the kind of swings you see. Oh! are you barefooted? you have to be barefooted, there has to be bare skin contact with the plates. Okay, as for how they work, your body is mostly Water. Water holds an electrical charge really well, which is why you never take a bath with a radio. DEATH! So, what happens is these scales have a small electrical current that runs through your body. Depending on what your body composition is, you have so much muscle, water/blood/fluid, bone and fat. Each of these diffferent parts of you has a different way the electrical current runs through. The scales that have the body fat percentage checker work better for men because women generally have more fat in our legs than men do, so it gets sort of hung up with the fat there. A better place to measure our true body fat percentage is in our hands or arms. Bell brand makes a nice hand held model, as do ither companies. (this is not an endorcement per se for Bell, it's just the brand I have). :eek: Also, your hydration level matters for your body fat%. any other questions?
  13. vinesqueen

    Not Losing Weight

    okay, if you continue to be slow in your loss, don't hesitate to follow up with it!
  14. vinesqueen

    Update!!! NOT THE BAND!!!

    Oh Kathy! Sending you waves of healing energy. ((((hugs))))
  15. do not wait for them to fit you in, call and tell them this is serious. You are NOT GETTING ENOUGH nutrition or calories. This is very important Jody honey. Go suck down a shake, you need it
  16. Hi Diane, Welcome to our little family, you are now part of an amazing group of poeple. Some are very outspoken, some are very passionate, some are more measured in their posts. We care about everyone who posts here, it really is unique in any support board I've been on. Please don't feel that anyone here is beating you up, that isn't what they are meaning. Delarla, sunshine, this one might not be ready for your tough love. We don't want to scare her off. I am so very sorry you have to deal with what you have shared. I was in a relationship similar to what you describe with my first marriage. Which is why it was a first marriage and not my current marriage. It wasn't that I left, but he did because after beating me down verbally and emotionally for years, he didn't like what I'd become. Diane, please feel free to send me a private message (PM). The constant put-downs, treating you like a servant or a child, the emotional blackmail are all forms of abuse. He is not being excentric, he's being abusive. The thing that forced me to get help was a sticker in the women's bathroom at the school I was attending. It said "domestic violence affect you and your children forever." It took many years of therapy, but I am free of that. And I'm serious, you can contact me any time you like.
  17. vinesqueen

    pictures in my mind

    I would not say that you are ungreatful. I would say that you've had a taste of success, and now you want more.
  18. vinesqueen


    that's so wonderful! Congrats!
  19. vinesqueen

    The Band is taking the easy way.

    so many of our bansters, our celibrated Rabbits, it really does seem like magic. It has worked almost like magic for my husband, who most definately is a Rabbit. Something that has me viewing eating as a chore many days MUST BE MAGIC. Something that has given me back my life MUST BE MAGIC. Something that has given me back my husband MUST BE MAGIC. In many cases the only difference between magic and technology is understanding the science. Since they don't know exactly why the band work, because they only theorize that because of the way the band is place people feel satiated. This is in some respect the easy way. I mean, I can't even begin to count the number of people who've lost 50, 75, 100, 150, even 200 pounds with the band. For the first time ever for so many people, they have success. THEY HAVE SUCCESS. Not only have they lost the weight, but they have kept it off. They have success. THEY HAVE SUCCESS. This is from a thread earlier from this evening. http://lapbandtalk.com/showthread.php?t=14566 So, what's so wrong about taking the easy way? Why does it make it better if it's a struggle than if it is easy to lose weight. Is the weight loss less valuable, less worthy of celibration than if every ounce is a struggle like mine? Need to start an entire new thread.
  20. vinesqueen

    The Band is taking the easy way.

    so many of our bansters, our celibrated Rabbits, it really does seem like magic. It has worked almost like magic for my husband, who most definately is a Rabbit. Something that has me viewing eating as a chore many days MUST BE MAGIC. Something that has given me back my life MUST BE MAGIC. Something that has given me back my husband MUST BE MAGIC. In many cases the only difference between magic and technology is understanding the science. Since they don't know exactly why the band work, because they only theorize that because of the way the band is place people feel satiated. This is in some respect the easy way. I mean, I can't even begin to count the number of people who've lost 50, 75, 100, 150, even 200 pounds with the band. For the first time ever for so many people, they have success. THEY HAVE SUCCESS. Not only have they lost the weight, but they have kept it off. They have success. THEY HAVE SUCCESS. This is from a thread earlier from this evening. http://lapbandtalk.com/showthread.php?t=14566 So, what's so wrong about taking the easy way? Why does it make it better if it's a struggle than if it is easy to lose weight. Is the weight loss less valuable, less worthy of celibration than if every ounce is a struggle like mine? Need to start an entire new thread.
  21. vinesqueen

    Major Nordstrom NSV

    Oh Kim, you made me cry! I'm so happy for you! That's so wonderful. Lisa, hand me a tissue.
  22. vinesqueen

    Friend says it's a magic pill

    Wait, bot so many of our bansters, our celibrated Rabbits, it really does seem like magic. It has worked almost like magic for my husband, who most definately is a Rabbit. Something that has me viewing eating as a chore many days MUST BE MAGIC. Something that has given me back my life MUST BE MAGIC. Something that has given me back my husband MUST BE MAGIC. In many cases the only difference between magic and technology is understanding the science. Since they don't know exactly why the band work, because they only theorize that because of the way the band is place people feel satiated. This is in some respect the easy way. I mean, I can't even begin to count the number of people who've lost 50, 75, 100, 150, even 200 pounds with the band. For the first time ever for so many people, they have success. THEY HAVE SUCCESS. Not only have they lost the weight, but they have kept it off. They have success. THEY HAVE SUCCESS. And not everyone has struggles with eating around the band. I say if your friend is interested in the band, why are you upset?
  23. vinesqueen

    Not Happy

    Hello OMC, welcome to my life. I'm sure you are doing everything you should be doing, so it's time to take different action. Make an appointment with your doctor and demand answers. You might have a metabolic disorder, you might not. You might need another fill, you might not. Keep your chin up, and keep looking for answers. I know it's hard. Trust me, I know and feel your pain. Feel free to PM me. And welcome to the Turtle Tribe.
  24. vinesqueen

    Calling all March 05 bandsters!

    Well, at 10 months out, I'm down what, 30 pounds? Pardon me while I go rail at the universe.
  25. vinesqueen

    Hello Friends

    Wow, way to go Doll! I can practically hear the happiness ooze out of your post. (although I wonder if those word choices are good given you new piercing...) :puke: anyway, congrats on your progress. I know it's hard, but you are strong.

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