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Everything posted by vinesqueen

  1. vinesqueen

    I Told A Big Old Lie

    Since this isn't a personal reslationship, I don't see much trouble with what you told him. UNLESS you have trouble with it. If you have trouble with it, then you need to come clean. Good luck.
  2. vinesqueen

    Suckiest Birthday Of My Life!!!

    Happy Birthday Kare Bear! May the cities in your wake, Burn like candles on your cake! Well, at least you weren't admitted to the hospital for pneumonia, you didn't have poison oak so bad you look like your face is meltling, you weren't in the hospital having your apendix removed, no body stabed you so you required stiches, your pet birds were not eaten by your room-mate's cat, and your husband didn't decide that was the day to tell you he was leaving, after clearing out your joint accounts. See, it could be worse.
  3. Wow Sho, amazing journey you've had. I know you've been through hell and back, but I would strongly recommend that you get your body fat percentaged measured. My goal weight is 190 to 170, and I will look damn fine at 180, if I ever make it. (stupid Cushing's) But at 180, I'll have a BMI of 30 as well. But at a BMI of 30, I'll have a body fat percentage of close to 30%, which is right where it should be for a woman of my age. RIGHT THERE. If you need help figuring out your FFM, please drop me a PM and I'll help you figure it out. Best of luck to you Sho.
  4. vinesqueen

    Why do we allow temptation?

    Thanks for posting this. One thing you probably don't realize, partly because you don't have the band and partly because p'nut hasn't reached this stage yet. One of the things about the band is it forces us to look at past behaviours, forces us to learn new ways to deal with food, and many of us after being banded for a period of time, start to have real insights about why we deal with food the way we do. For some of us it is a flash of insight, an epifany if you will. Others come to the place of understanding more gradually and gently. Right now, we have so many baby bandsters that they don't understand some of the process. and telling me that this thread isn't for me makes me want to post on this thread all the more. You have, in effect, made it forbidden to me. If someone tells me that I can't have something, I want it all the more.
  5. vinesqueen

    Alive and Kickin, but not so well

    oh Geeze! I had a "sizable" cyst rupture this summer, and baby doll, I sure feel sorry for you! (((((hugs)))))
  6. vinesqueen

    Why do we allow temptation?

    Nope, I didn't miss the point. My point was that perhaps if people do not view food as a temptation, as bad, then they will just see it for what it is, and nothing more. Perhaps if people look at the real issue with the food, then perhaps it will not have power over them any longer.
  7. vinesqueen


    Oh P'nut, you haven't read all our xxx threads then...
  8. vinesqueen

    Why do we allow temptation?

    But I do strive for all things in moderation. I strive for balance in my life. For me, saying that if all food had to offer is taste and no substance then it should be forbidden is like saying sex is only for procreation and not for pleasure. Fat is an important part of our diet. There are many vitamines that cannot be metabolized without fat, the As the Es and I think K as well. But don't quote me on K. Fat is vital, but it must be done in moderation. I couldn't disagree with you more about your analagy to the battered wife senario.
  9. Sorry NewSho, but I had to read and re-read what Maygoddess posted trying to find what was so offensive. I just did not read what you did, or rather how you read it. The written word is like that, it's so hard sometimes to read what other's truely intended. Frequenly our more experienced bandsters will include how long they have been banded simply because they have more experience. And yes, their experiences tend to have more weight if you will because they have the experince. We value where they have been because they have been there. Since you are a long time bandster, your insights are of course valued. I understand your frustration at a certian level. You feel like you are stuck with a BMI of 30, but just like any scale, the BMI scale lies. It does not take into account a person's muscle mass. You might already be at goal because your body fat is right where it should be for a woman of your age. I don't know these things specifically about you, since they are not easily handy. According to your blog, you "only" have about 16 pounds to lose, but it is quite possible you are basing that number on some arbitrary number, not one to your specific body needs. On a broader note, I always wonder at that 25% that don't lose with the band. After taking 3 statistics courses, I have to wonder at any given statistic, it's just my nature I guess, skeptic to the core.
  10. vinesqueen

    Why do we allow temptation?

    hmmm, temptation implies that something is forbidden. Human nature desires that which is forbidden, it is more aluring, more desireable than things that are easily had. food is not "bad" unless of course it is past it's pull date or was left out too long. It's like emotions, it simply is, not good or bad. Okay, I'll be the first to admit that there is yummy and there is icky, but I do not believe that food has any intrisnic value beyond what it is. Okay, except for ice cream, since ice cream equals love. But other than that... I always have candy or chocolate in the house. I have ice cream in my freezer all the time. But that doesn't mean that I eat it constantly, or even frequenly. The ice cream bar I have in the freezer is from a pack of non-fat nestle crunch bars I bought in .... early January. But then again, I'm the one who's had to throw chocolate away because it got dusty. Just knowing that it is there is a comfort for me. I could have it any time I want to, but I don't want it, but I could have it if I wanted it, and it's there just in case I want it, but generally I don't. Except for when I do. Besides, I know that the gods want me to have chocolate, I gave it up for lent one year and gained 18 pounds from not eating chocolate.
  11. vinesqueen

    WLS is the easy way

    I"m still looking for why this is such an emotional issue. Someone posted in another thread that weight loss and easy shouldn't ever go togehter. Why? Why isn't it okay for weight loss to be easy? Is it that collectively we feel that it should be penence for the sin of gluttony? Personally, I think that weightloss should be as easy and painless as possible, as permanent as possible. Of course, all this is wishful thinking on my part.
  12. vinesqueen

    The WHY ARE MEN SO WEIRD thread.

    Well, not quite like superman, he keeps his arms at his side, I guess so he's more streamlined and can get better air speed.
  13. vinesqueen

    My first question.....

    Hello Paulax, I'm a special case, since I've been diagnosed with Cushing's, a metabolic disorder. If I'd not been banded, my Cushing's would have never been caught, so yay for that. My only heartbreak with the band is that I don't weight.
  14. vinesqueen

    Is pain normal?

    Hello Kelli, I think being crampy is normal. Your body is still going PANIC! PANIC! WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO US????? That said, do not hesitate to call your doctor if you have a fever, swelling or unusual tenderness. Don't hesitate to contact him or her if you have any questions. That's why they get the big bucks.
  15. vinesqueen

    Thank you!! NO CANCER!!!!! Thank you!!!

    Oh how wonderful Kathy! I'm so vey happy and relieved!
  16. vinesqueen

    phone call from hell.

    No, the phone call from hell would be closer to him yelling at you and giving you nothing but grief and dispair over this. Threatening emotional blackmail. He sounds like a good friend. Go take a nap, sounds like you deserve one.
  17. vinesqueen

    What are the reasons u wouldn't get a fill?

    oh yes, you generally do not need a fill if you are losing weight and are not hungry. If you are "starving" or probably more accurate, ravenously hungry, you probably need a fill. It's amazing what even a small fill can do for you. Because you are brute forcing your way though this, it's time for a fill. Hopefully your clinic is staffed by compassionate people who are interested in your journey and not just in it for the bucks. Good luck! I think part of the magic of the band is that once we are filled we are no longer ravenously hungry all the time. We no longer want to eat huge portions, not simply because we can't but because something eventually gets flipped in our brains that we don't need to eat dinner at Claim Jumpers. (This restaurant chain has several locations in Washington state, I don't know if they have a wider wider market. One of their appitisers would feed me PRE-BAND for 3 or 4 meals. HUGE portions, even by American standards, which is part of their appeal)
  18. vinesqueen


    I had coffee the next morning in the hospital. I drink a pot for french press coffee (2 mugs) every morning. I prefer African coffees myself. Except Tansanian Peaberry. I don't that, but Ethiopian harrar or sidamo.... suliwsi, Kenyan.... Oh yeah.
  19. vinesqueen

    Star Jones

    Not sure why you would think that Pilaties wouldn't be good for our bigger folk, but Pilaties would be great no matter how big you are. I was doing Pilaties at 275, which was my biggest. I think it's a great work out, it just isn't very aerobic compaired with many other types of excersize. It is non-impact, and great for strenthening your core muscle groups
  20. vinesqueen

    Things that got stuck in your orifices.

    Nope, I never was one for sticking things where they didn't belong. My son, when he was first learning to feed himself... well. I'd made him a plate of scrambled eggs, all big and fluffy... they all went up his little button nose. The whole plate of eggs.
  21. vinesqueen

    The WHY ARE MEN SO WEIRD thread.

    My DH cannot simply get into bed. You know, normal people sit on the side of the bed and turn and lay down. No, my DH has to launch himself from across the room. It's not so bad now that he only weighs 400 pounds. But Let me tell you, it's a bit terrifiying when you have this 600 pound behemouth airborn and hurtiling towards at you at roughly faster than you can move out of the way. My DH also has no sense of time. He's late for everything. But when he's ready to go, he just leaves the house, doens't bother to tell anyone that he's gone out to wait in the truck, like we are waiting and watching his every move. So Spudboy and I will wait for him to be ready, and he's already gone out the door. But he sings to me, he makes up love songs and sings them to me. I think it's the most romantic thing ever. He sings to me in public. We are a very romantic couple, even living as far apart as we do.
  22. vinesqueen

    When do you KNOW to unfill?

    Yes mam'm, PBs cause swelling. You don't need to get a fill if you are consistantly losing weight. Being over filled is worse than not being tight enough. Being over filled can cause damage to your stomach, as well as making you miserable.
  23. vinesqueen

    Miss Manners speaks out

    As the Turtle's Turtle, we would be so greatful if the sigs could be dropped... I know I'm overly sensitive lately, but it is so hard for the Turtles to be faced with all the "neener neener, I'm losing weight and you'll be fat forever" sigs. Now, I know that isn't the intention of the Rabbits, but that's the effect it has on the Turtles. Or this Turtle in specific. I haven't been around much lately, for a varity or reasons. I was sick all last week, celulitus in my skin graph, and this Cushing's thing has me depressed and ready to throw in the towel, drop my membership here at LBT.
  24. vinesqueen

    Miss Manners speaks out

    You need another hobby? Geeze.... This isn't enough for you?
  25. vinesqueen

    Can I get a fill tomorrow if I PB tonight?

    if you are PBing, then you might already be too tight. Talk to your doctor, she will know better.

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