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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by vinesqueen

  1. vinesqueen

    why is YOUR nose bent out of shape?

    oh yeah, another thing that just gets up my nose is the phrase "drive safe!" You can't drive safe. They don't have steering wheels or engines or plush leather seating. You can drive safely, but you can't drive safely. Safely is an adverb to modify drive... Oh, and I hate the way marketing changes spelling, like "kwik" (flames)....
  2. vinesqueen

    why is YOUR nose bent out of shape?

    Thanks TommyO, that's how I live my life, I expect people to give me their best, I expect people to always want to do their best, not just coast. And so I treat them accordingly. I always try to give my best to them in return, to make things easier for them. As a manager, I figure my main duty is to clear away obsticiles so my minions can do best what they do best. I also feel one of my main jobs is to always make my boss look good.
  3. vinesqueen

    Why do we make bad choices

    I'm with Donali! I think this is going to take some quiet time on your part. The first thing that came to me when I read your post was that you've lost quite a bit of weight in a short amount of time. *holy rice cakes, Batman!* about 10 pounds a month! You've managed to lose more in your 3 months that I've lost in 11, well done! Sorry, back on track here. (it's the pain meds...) You've lost like what, 10 pounds a month?! I suspect that there is some subconcious panic on your part. Are people starting to treat you differently? Men paying more attention to you? Less overt hostility? I don't know, but with that dramatic of loss, poeple are sure to notice, even if you are Super MO. It could be that you are eating more Cookies than you want because some part of you has noticed the extra attention and is starting to panic.
  4. vinesqueen

    Exercise! When do I see results???

    Well, you are warmer now than you were before, so that's "seeing" some result. What are you expecting? Toning? Definition? Weight loss? All of the above? Muscle does indeed weigh more than fat, so you might be converting fat weight to muscle weight, which in the long run is what you want. The more muscle you put on, the less fat you have to lose. Yay! Have your fat free mass (FFM) checked now so you know where you've been. Easier to know where you are going that way. Before you start to "see" any changes you will notice increased strenght and stamina.
  5. vinesqueen

    Welcome back Becky!!!!

    Okay, cross post time! Yay! Becky and Darcy! Yay! Now if only we could coax Darcey and Hagerterssa back.
  6. vinesqueen

    Welcome back Darcy!

    WAIT!!!! Darcy and Becky???? Woot! Party! Missed you guys!
  7. vinesqueen

    Still Miss Blossom :0(

    Isn't this funny. I was just talking about her the other night. I think it is amazing how people we will never meet can touch us so deeply across time and space.
  8. vinesqueen

    Here's one of my birthday gifts...

    Donali, you can hijack any of my threads any time you want!
  9. vinesqueen

    *ADULT* I Miss Grrreat Sex.....

    Hi Tia, some people have a difficult time with sexuality. Frequently we shut ourselves out of that part of our being. But this is the lounge, so this isn't specific band issues.
  10. vinesqueen

    why is YOUR nose bent out of shape?

    P'nut, honey, not sure why this has you frazled. I think you give great advice, and generally have a lot to offer here. Here, come sit by me, and I'll stroke your hair, and get you some nutcracker spice tea with some milk and splenda. (that always makes me feel better...) Trust me, if you were dispencing snake oil, I'd call you on it. But it's like Betty clarified for me. It is NOT okay to eat solids a few days out of surgery, and it isn't okay to tell other people that it is. It isn't okay to tell people things that could hurt them. I also think it isn't okay to get upset when someone points out the error of the way. But part of it too is a black and white thinking, black and white attitide. That there is only one way to do work the band, and if you don't do it my way, you are WRONG. But that doesn't permit any shading, doesn't permit any texture. One of the biggest things is that LBT was a very civil board. No name calling, no flame wars, no "you're a big poopy head" sorts of things. I know that other poeple get used to dealing with people on boards a certian way. They expect to be attacked, so they start on the defensive. So something that really is harmless get's taken out of context. Many of us come from a hurting place. Frequenly when we get large influxes of new people they don't understand our culture. And one of the things we have always prided ourselves here on has been our gentle and kind nature. Not "tough love" since that is a hard place. It's hard is what many of us have had too much of. Usually when we do have someone who needs some tough love, albout the harshest thing is a pix of Zoe's boot. LBT has been a refuge from the harshness of what we have to endure "outside." We want to keep it that warm and inviting place, but we have to figure out how to keep it warm and inviting. I think this is the root of the issue. Tommy, I think it sounds like reflux too. You might have to give it up for a while, or perhaps eat it earlier, or have a cuppa tea before you go to bed. It could be that it just doesn't want to leave your pouch and when you lie down it has to go one way... up. Doll, go put on your boots and jump in the mud puddle. Why would you think you can't do that? oh sure, you just have to make sure you have the right shoes on, or not care about your shoes.
  11. vinesqueen

    *ADULT* I Miss Grrreat Sex.....

    I'll PM you later Donali.
  12. vinesqueen

    why is YOUR nose bent out of shape?

    I'm with Jenna, folks giving advice, hard and fast rules when they don't have the slightest clue what they are talking about. I'd write exactly what you just did. Of course, I give folks advice on their bands, but I feel like a fraud since I cannot see losing weight with the band anytime in my future. I'm considering taking a break but only because I'm so frustrated with the Cushing's. I gained another 3 pounds and I start to cry just thinking how many months that is going to be before I lose that. But everytime I try to slip away quitely, someone send me a PM asking me to come back. Now, what is currently bending my nose out of shape: People that only loot the good stuff out of chests, and don't help when you are being ganked by a bunch of mobs. Oh, and people that drive too fast in Parking lots and don't stop for pedestrians.
  13. vinesqueen


    I don't believe I would ever even try it. Or even consider trying it. For me it's a couple of things, I don't like the thought of injecting a deadly poison into my body for cosmetic reasons. I can't get past that. But for this life I picked really good genetics for skin anyway. I got carded this week at the grocery store. But I look at my dear grandmother who will be 95 in a few months and my mother who is 72 and I marvle at their skin. I am a snob I suppose. Oh, and I just turned 44 on Sunday
  14. vinesqueen

    What a journey it's been..

    Excellent Corgi! 45 pounds loss is great!
  15. vinesqueen

    Evil Minds Unite

    okay, I wouldn't fake a band thing... But he does have freak out from blood.... so you might have to take some people into your confidence. Start complaining about a tooth ache, nothing strong at first, just hint, then work up over a couple of weeks. You are going to need a few blood capsles. So. Go out to dinner somewhere not too nice, but not a dive, maybe a burger joint, or someplace like that. A step up from a fast food place. You need to let your waitress or waiter in on this, so they don't freak out. Wear an old shirt you won't mind ruining. Mention the tooth ache. Make sure you put the blood caps in so they have time to disolve. Take a sip of Water, but don't swallow, let the blood slowly drip out of the side of your mouth, but don't notice the tiny little dribble. Then suddenly! WHAM! a big gush of blood!
  16. vinesqueen

    *ADULT* I Miss Grrreat Sex.....

    Wow. Okay, unless you hit the G-spot, women do not have vaginal orgasms because of the way we are wired for giving birth. Clitoral stimulation is really the only way to achieve orgasm, so don't thing you are weird. Some positions provide some clitoral stimulation from the penis, but not all of them do. Hmmm, yeah, sugar and honey bad news in the making, but that splenda trick.... hmmmm
  17. vinesqueen

    Two Dogs dumped at my house...

    Oh man Megan! I cannot believe people would just drop their dogs off like that! I don't have any pets in SE ID because I life in student housing and its against the rules. But my DH did bring me a stuffed dog that he adopted for me. *sniff sniff* if there was any way I'd take the lab mix right now, this very minute.
  18. vinesqueen

    Evil Minds Unite

    what have you done so far? I need a starting place so I know where you've been. What is in bounds, what is out of bounds?
  19. Gives Jenna that look.... Why would someone be pissed off at this thread?
  20. vinesqueen

    Here's one of my birthday gifts...

    Donali, I wouldn't ever expect you to get a tattoo... (someone cover Donali's eyes) they use (someone have her sit down) *shhhh* needles. (Maybe someone should get her a glass of Water.... Actually, Vera, there is no orange in my design, but in my belief system, orange is the color of emotions but not healing.
  21. vinesqueen

    "You're Not The Same Anymore"

    Marcelle, you are just post op, and soon you will be physically fine. Not sure why he things you will be taking meds for the rest of your life. You must have a real heart to heart about this, in a loving and non-confrontational way of course. Not only have you just gone through the first steps to a major lifestyle change, but you are forcing your husband to change too. Not bad, just is. I think it's very interesting that he feels like he is losing his "eating partner." I'm not even sure what that means. But it's important to him, so that's important to you. It might be that the whole basis for the way you two relate to each other needs to change, must change. You might consider seeing a couple's councelor to help him with this. This is important. You are important, but so is he. He just needs to understand that right now you are not as fragil as he thinks. After my DH was banded I wouldn't touch his port, no matter how many times he asked me to. I just couldn't touch it. It wasn't because I didn't love him, just that I couldn't touch that .... weird foreign object. Give him time, give him love.
  22. vinesqueen

    I'm terrified and crying

    Sunta and Julie*, I wish you the best tomorrow. Sunta, I was a complete wreck before my surgery, and I'm still amazed I didn't wear a path through my living room carpet. You will be fine, but keep in mind that you are in charge here. You are the boss. If you decided that you didn't want to go through this after all, not right now, all you have to do is say "I don't want this." Sending you healing thoughts, calm thoughts for both of you
  23. vinesqueen

    It's Time :-)

    Hey Leatha! Make sure you keep this site on your favorites, and don't forget to check in us from time to time. You don't want your PM box to fill up. We love you, and wish you nothing but the best
  24. vinesqueen

    Happy Birthday Vinesqueen

    Gosh! Thanks everyone! This was one of the best birthdays ever! (if you want to see some examples of not so great birthdays, you will have to read what I posted for Kare Bear... ) My DH came and spent the entire weekend with me, so even if I haddn't gotten any cool toys it would have been the best just for that! But he completely spoils me, you know, being a Queen and all... Thanks everyone for the great birthday wishes! I was so blown away by this thread! Thank you so much!
  25. vinesqueen

    Anyone else falling behind?

    I feel exactly the same Jenna, and it all the harder because I have some of my own issues to work out... like school work and other things that keep me away... I too feel bad that I don't get to welcome everyone to Bandlandia and to the Banded Gentry.

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