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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by vinesqueen

  1. vinesqueen

    Last Chance

    No one can tell you whether you will have regrets or not. Well, that isn't quite true. The first few weeks I'm sure there will be plenty of regret, plenty of 'OH MY GAWD!!!! WHAT DID I DO?????" Trust me on this. You body will be freaking out, your head will be freaking out. But that's all normal, and I can't think of a single bandster that didn't regret what they had done during the first couple of weeks. You will probably regret the Band the very first time you have a massive PB where you are sure you are going to vomit stuff you ate last week. You will probably regret your band when it won't let you gorge on pizza and beer. BUT! And this is a very big but, after you heal, after you get your first fill, and after you start racking up your non-scale victories (NSV), you will be amazed and the change in quality of your life. I can't even begin to tell you how your life will change. I've lost about 30 pounds in my year being banded, and I wouldn't give up my band. Sure I rant and rail about being a Turtle, complain a lot because I don't lose anywhere near that 1-2 pounds a week. But it's one of the very best things I've ever done for myself.
  2. vinesqueen


    sniff sniff, no one's ever called me "Little C" before. Heck, the last time I was called "Little anything was when I was a Freshman in highschool...
  3. vinesqueen

    Help, I need a formal gown!

    Yeah! How was the Ball?
  4. vinesqueen

    Missing Lesbian

    I dunno where she went... Some one go find her please
  5. vinesqueen


    thanks everyone. I admit to that part of me is releaved to finally have an answer, but I'm terrified by that answer. I don't know if this is the answer. I'm terrified if I have it, and yet I'm terrified if I don't have it. I can't find the energy to be supportive for hardly anyone here. I'm scared, freaked out and I don't know what else.
  6. vinesqueen

    does it feel weird to be loosing weight?

    Nope, doesn't feel weird. But then I haven't lost any to speak of...
  7. vinesqueen

    Morality VS Self Preservation (Neighbor issues)

    Okay, she threatened you. She doesn't get to do that. That is assault. Start making a list of everything and documenting everytime you call the police. Next question is how thick are your walls? Of course, I don't think an adult has any business in hitting a child, except in extraordinary circumstances. I sure would never hit a kid in anger, never have, never will. If you could hear her hitting the kids through a thick wall, then I would call CPS.
  8. vinesqueen

    Track your statistics

    Hello Campers! Okay, I just wanted to start a thread to remind everyone the importance of keeping a journal that tracks their progress. If you are a Rabbit, then it is a whole lot of fun to watch yourself melt away. If you end up being a Turtle, then it gives you concrete proof of your non-progress that you can take to your doctor. I've been able to get doctors to take me seriously for the first time about my weight-non loss
  9. vinesqueen

    Anyone else sick of food?

    I'm right with you, there are many days that I eat because I have to eat, not because I want anything, and nothing really sounds appealing, not the way it used to. I dunno if this is an NSV or not....
  10. vinesqueen

    Please Help! Son With Behavior Issues;

    My dear Spudboy was diagnosed as ADHD when he was in first grade. I did a lot of soul searching, not wanting to put him on ritalyn because my older brother abused his when we were kids. (raised by wolves and all.) I took him to the specialists and finally realized that my baggage should not get in the way of my son's health and happiness. When he was in High school he decided that he was going to take himself off all the meds, and worked really hard at anger managmenet techniques. He ended up being one of the most popular kids in his school with staff and students alike. Do not let your baggage interfere with your son getting help, if that's what he needs. And let's face it. Raising a kid with ADD or ADHD is no pic-nic. PM me if you like, I'll be happy to talk to you about our experience. We need all the support we can get.
  11. vinesqueen

    I HATE flossing.

    The reach flosser has made it much easier for me to floss, especially around my wisdom teeth.
  12. vinesqueen

    Made it home alive!

    Welcome to the Banded Gentry
  13. vinesqueen


    TommyO you have managed to hit the mark and miss it at the same time. I think this is really a gurl issue, for many of us we really have no idea what we actaully look like, we have no idea what we can realistically look like. Many of us have been lied to and were told that we were fat, even when we were looking good and were at a healthy size and shape. I think partly this is a way of reasuring ourselves that in our LBT community that we are not freaks, even when we are of extraordinary size. I find it a little comforting that I'm built close to what Jessebear has posted. That I'm not a freak, even though she and I won't be built similarly for long as she continues to lose weight. I have never attached any sort of value, aside from the numerical value of a fill. I know that 2 ccs in my band is WAY too tight, but other people tolerate it just fine. I think the fill number gives many folks another way to not feel like a freak. And you are so very right. We need to find ways to feel good about ourselves that don't tear others down. Other than a few anual explosions here at LBT, we are pretty much committed to buiding each other up. I don't ever get the vibe that people feel better about themselves here because they are less fat thank someone else. We feel better about oursleves because we are less fat than we used to be. This is exactly what I think TommyO. Perhaps it is time to bump that thread again.
  14. vinesqueen

    Eating vicariously through DH.........

    Funny, I never do this. And it isn't because I covet what my Dh is eating, because if at home we eat the same, or he eats less because he likes to be tighter than me. When we go out to eat we frequenly split a meal, or we order orderves or we order so that I'll have left overs for a week. (two adult Entrees means I don't cook for a week, typically) But food, for the most part, has lost it's luster for me. I'm just not that interested, and I find myself viewing eating as a chore, something I gotta do.
  15. vinesqueen

    SPELL Check Holy Cow

    but not as part of the quick reply.... :confused:
  16. vinesqueen

    Lots of doctors banded, here!

    I think we only have two band docs here....
  17. vinesqueen

    A Wow moment..

    oh WOW!!!!! That' so wonderful! I'm a tinsy bit jelous, but in the best way, you rock gurl!
  18. vinesqueen

    Slow Losers - Unite!

    I am afraid that lots of "failed" bandsters are being converted to a bypass when something else is going on. If the band doesn't work, then soemthing else is wrong, and needs to be address. The only tool surgeons are comfortable with is the knife.
  19. vinesqueen


    So far it's a clinical diagnosis, and I'll be starting the blood work next week.
  20. vinesqueen

    Little One

    Excellent! I know for many that insurance hurdle is the hardest.
  21. vinesqueen

    Slow Losers - Unite!

    Contact your doctor. If your band surgeon is not any help, talk to your PCP. Bring all your journals, you food journals and your stat trackers (weight and inches lost) so she can see exactly what is going on. If you doctor if baffled, like mine was, ask for referals. Ask to see an Endocrinologist, ask for that referal.
  22. vinesqueen

    Slow Losers - Unite!

    Hi Cathy, WHY is exactly what I started to demand and answer to in November. I started to question my non-loss in July, which would have been 4 months after banding. It Just didn't make sense, maybe losing one pound in a month?! I started to get the "you need more fill" or "you must be eating around the band" answers to my questions but those were not the right ansers for me. I started to develop an eating disorder, something related to anorexia. I figure I was the fatest anorexic on the planet, since I went to sub 700 calories on many days for the better part of a month (I was too tight). And I lost 1.5 pounds in a month. So I started to DEMAND an answer. I took a lot of flack from it, NOT ON LBT, but on a different board, where I was trying to see if anyone there had an answer for me. (lesson learned: don't go anywhere but LBT.) I'm really pushing all Turtles to go see their doctors and demand answers.
  23. vinesqueen

    Back home

    Wheetsin got her ba-and! Wheetsin got her ba-and!
  24. vinesqueen

    im scared please read

    you poor thing. Yes, you are going to be generally swollen after this last surgery, so it isn't surprising that you are having trouble with food. Go take a nice nap, listen to something soothing, and take care of your self in general. I think it's a good idea to be on liquids after such a bad PB, so be gentle with yourself too.
  25. vinesqueen

    How bad is eating before bed, please?!

    many people find that they are too tight in the morning if they eat at right. I think that if you are not too tight for breakfast 'that you are still booing good loss, and no reflux then there probably is no issue with late night eating

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