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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by vinesqueen

  1. vinesqueen

    Corticosteroids anyone????

    I was on Advair for several years. But since banding, my asthma has gotten so dramatically better than I don't need any inhalers at all! (okay, I'll use my provetil maybe once a month)
  2. vinesqueen

    "First Bite Syndrome" ???

    I've been thinking about this question and the whole "first bite" thing. I know that if I try to eat when I am H-U-N-G-R-Y the first bite is going to try to kill me. Having lost a lot of interest in food and eating, it is not uncommon for me to wait to eat until I have this gnawing hunger. The thing is, I know that when I get this hungry, and try to eat the smallest bite I can, I will get stuck. I have to wonder how much of this is because other people have gotten too hungry too. I haven't tried to have a hot beverage before eating, but that's basically because I'm already too hungry, and the idea of waiting for the Water to boil and the tea to steep... yeah, don't wanna wait that long. So, one thing I try to be very mindful of is to not let myself get too hungry. How weird is that? Talk about a paradym shift! So I try to keep small Snacks in my backpack, typically some nuts or trail mix, since those seem to work the best to keep me away from the junk food machines.
  3. vinesqueen

    Accidentally Ripped Off Steri Strip

    A butterfly bandage would work well in the place of a sterri strip. Try to stay away from the neosporine type ointments, many people are allergic to them, or they soon develope one. Bacitracin is much better.
  4. vinesqueen

    *SCREAM* 5wks post-op & eating 2 much

    I'm so sorry you are so stressed over this. Basically without a fill, you are almost like you were never banded in the first place. Were you happy with 1/2 a cup of food before banding? Probably not, since you got banded (laughing). Please stop beating yourself up over this! You are doing great! I have no patience for people who are supposed to help us who give us crap. Telling Gwendolyn to "tough it out" sure wasn't helping her, or giving her any comfort. I sure wish you had been told "do your best" instead, since that is all you can do. (((hugs))) everyone.
  5. vinesqueen

    I did it!!!

    Wow, that is simply astounding. I'm proud of you and your successes. You deserve the best! So.... does this mean you are now a skinny biotch? (not to be confused with a skinny biotech)
  6. vinesqueen

    pouch packing

    I've only heard the term once, but I have no clue what it means.
  7. vinesqueen

    Pregnancy okay at 4 months post-op?

    My only advice is to talk to your doctor about this. I don't know that your body has completely healed within 4 months, you just had major surgery. I know we tend ot forget that it's major surgery, but whoa nelly, it is. So, talk to your doctor about this.
  8. vinesqueen


    My DH has lost a couple of his E widths since losing 200 pounds. I haven't noticed any change in my shoes.
  9. vinesqueen


    I'd say that you might want to call and schedule another fill. If I'm readiing you right, you got your fill about 5 days ago, and you are still hungry after a sizable meal, then you could use a tweek.
  10. vinesqueen

    Any one in NW WA

    Sorry Little One, I haven't checked the Indiana forum. Perhaps try checking the states that border Indiana? I know I'm closer to Utah than I am Boise, but I live in both Washington and Idaho...
  11. I didn't want to talk about fear of not losing weight Margo. I wanted you to focus on the amazing job you have done so far. More a case of "wow, I have done really well so far, haven't I!" If you must listen to that fear of not losing weight, simply do that, listen to it, but then tell the fear, "thank you for your input, I'll take it under advisement" and then just ignore it. Let it think it's been heard, but don't actually pay it any mind. Okay repeat that after me: "wow, I have done really well so far, haven't I!" Write it on a sticky note, and post it on your car dash. Write it in red lipstick on your bathroom mirror, a grease pencil on your fridge door, sticky notes on the insides of your cupboards.
  12. vinesqueen

    100 pounds in one year

    See KS, that's just it. It will probably be realistic for you but that doesn't mean that it is realistic for Flower. We don't know any of her stats. She could be an extrodinary bandster with a BMI of over 55, or she could have started out at 220, and her body needs to weigh 145 because of her muscle mass. Oh, and don't for a minute think that living the model bandster life will always work. Because it doesn't always work.
  13. But you are still losing you silly duck. I know that many Rabbits start to worry once their weight loss slows to "reasonable" or even "plateau." Well, maybe worry isn't strong enough, ya'll turn to down right panic, even though you are still losing. I know that you got used to a certian weight loss rate. You got used to the weight just melting off your body, and you came to expect that weight loss rate to be "normal" because for you, it was. I haven't heard of any Rabbits converting to Turtles, not a single rabbit pops into my head that fits this discription. I know that sometimes a plateau can last for a few months while the body gets back to a state of equilibrium. I know that some people have long plateaus because they need time emotionally to catch up with the changes phsycially.
  14. vinesqueen

    Winded Wabbits

    I've decided to bump this thread since there seems to be several Winded Wabbits lately.
  15. vinesqueen

    Crystal's complete list of NSVs

    Well, I haven't had that many NSV's lately, or if I have, they have been lost to me. I need links removed from my beautiful watch, and I can wear more of my rings. I have to stop wearing one of my rings because when my fingers get cold (winters in SE ID are COLD!) it flies off my finger! Woot! So, 3 NSVs for Feb 06!
  16. vinesqueen

    No help for the wicked (2-2-5)

    No help for us. We are fat, we are gluttons, we are weak and undeserving of help, sympathy, or adequate medical care. Like Orson Wells said, “Gluttony is not a secret vice.” Do I believe that? Some days I do in fact believe it, when I’m down, and lately more because of how ill I have been. Mostly it is a load of hog wash. Fat does not equal ugly. There has long been a weird relationship with food, the body and the Christian church. And of course, we all know the impact that both Protestant and Catholic sects have had on Western Civilization… Some of the Christian based weight-loss schemes are screaming “fat people don’t go to heaven,” and “use our program based on Leviticus and you will loose weight and be closer to God!” Sorry, I’ve read Leviticus, and I am NOT eating bugs…. (I call them schemes because I think we all here have come to the understanding that “diets” are just schemes…) If you had better self-control, more self-esteem, more will-power, were a better person, loved God more…. You would lose weight and be a better person. There is no understanding for the overweight from most doctors. Before my husband had his band installed, the cardiologist said “Have you just tried cutting out sweets?” Now, on the face of it, this is good advice, advice we could all use. However, this showed a complete lack of understanding on the part of the doctor. You see, before my husband had his band installed, he weighted 596 pounds with a BMI in the high 80’s. Cutting out sweets would have certainly helped, it wouldn’t have stopped my husband from eating two or three fast-food meals at one sitting, or any of the other overeating behavior some of us know intimately, and other behaviors we are only starting to understand in ourselves and others. I am currently having difficulty with my asthma: hospitalizations, steroids, greatly reduced lung function, other things as well. What am I told? Well, just lose some weight, we aren’t going to help with this, we are just going to pass judgment on you. Sudden and unexplained weight gain? Well, just don’t eat as much… (never mind that I gained 10 pounds overnight with severe edema…). I have to suspect that part of Delarla’s current adventure with gauze might have been caught earlier if she was thin. I was told by my doctor that I just need to take up running. Yes that’s right, take up running. Can you imagine a woman with a BMI in the high 40’s running? (Please see the thread about giving one’s self black eyes…) Being fat or overweight or big boned, or under tall, or metabolically efficient or famine resistant doesn’t make us failures, bad people or jerks. We might be over sexed (skin is the largest sex organ…), but we are not failures, or bad people or jerks. If we are failures or bad people or jerks, it is independent of our weight or size.
  17. vinesqueen

    No help for the wicked (2-2-5)

    No help for us. We are fat, we are gluttons, we are weak and undeserving of help, sympathy, or adequate medical care. Like Orson Wells said, “Gluttony is not a secret vice.” Do I believe that? Some days I do in fact believe it, when I’m down, and lately more because of how ill I have been. Mostly it is a load of hog wash. Fat does not equal ugly. There has long been a weird relationship with food, the body and the Christian church. And of course, we all know the impact that both Protestant and Catholic sects have had on Western Civilization… Some of the Christian based weight-loss schemes are screaming “fat people don’t go to heaven,” and “use our program based on Leviticus and you will loose weight and be closer to God!” Sorry, I’ve read Leviticus, and I am NOT eating bugs…. (I call them schemes because I think we all here have come to the understanding that “diets” are just schemes…) If you had better self-control, more self-esteem, more will-power, were a better person, loved God more…. You would lose weight and be a better person. There is no understanding for the overweight from most doctors. Before my husband had his band installed, the cardiologist said “Have you just tried cutting out sweets?” Now, on the face of it, this is good advice, advice we could all use. However, this showed a complete lack of understanding on the part of the doctor. You see, before my husband had his band installed, he weighted 596 pounds with a BMI in the high 80’s. Cutting out sweets would have certainly helped, it wouldn’t have stopped my husband from eating two or three fast-food meals at one sitting, or any of the other overeating behavior some of us know intimately, and other behaviors we are only starting to understand in ourselves and others. I am currently having difficulty with my asthma: hospitalizations, steroids, greatly reduced lung function, other things as well. What am I told? Well, just lose some weight, we aren’t going to help with this, we are just going to pass judgment on you. Sudden and unexplained weight gain? Well, just don’t eat as much… (never mind that I gained 10 pounds overnight with severe edema…). I have to suspect that part of Delarla’s current adventure with gauze might have been caught earlier if she was thin. I was told by my doctor that I just need to take up running. Yes that’s right, take up running. Can you imagine a woman with a BMI in the high 40’s running? (Please see the thread about giving one’s self black eyes…) Being fat or overweight or big boned, or under tall, or metabolically efficient or famine resistant doesn’t make us failures, bad people or jerks. We might be over sexed (skin is the largest sex organ…), but we are not failures, or bad people or jerks. If we are failures or bad people or jerks, it is independent of our weight or size.
  18. vinesqueen

    Suggestion For Adult Board

    No Renebean, I'M the biggest ass... Not you, me! (mutters something unintelligible about stupid rabbits complaining because they've only lost 80 pounds in three months.. mumble mumble. stupid rabits....) I think it is enough that thread titles are tagged "Adult" or "XXX" or "Dr. Ruth" but not having seperate forums. If a thread starts out not talking about sex, but moves that way, then the title should be editied by a Moderator to refect it's new status.
  19. vinesqueen

    I Need Some Help

    I think you are too tight, and need an unfill. For me the key was "I can eat some ice cream -- slowly." Dead give away there. Being too tight is miserable, and you don't deserve to be miserable. Make sure you make that appointment first thing in the morning Monday. (hugs)
  20. vinesqueen


    yup, that was indeed sliming and sort of normal/expected behaviour if you are not careful. :faint: I'm at what I think is a good level of restriction and I hardly ever slime, get stuck or PB, but I'm careful because I HATE it when I PB. HATE, HATE, HATE. I feel the same way about being stuck.... Anyway, yup, that slime is what I refer to as "ectoplasm" ... ick ick ick
  21. vinesqueen

    new problem

    Please call your doctor RIGHT AWAY! This could be something serious, and best not left to a bunch of yahoos (like me) on a message board!
  22. vinesqueen


    My clinic doesn't use any sort of numbing stuff, they don't need to. Just a small pinch and we are done. When I got a couple of fills by an interventional radiologist, it did hurt, and I needed the numbing shots and cream. It all depends on how experienced your fill nurse/doc is. And as for how long your stay is, well that all depends on a bunch of factors. I had to stay overnight because I was a high risk patient. I went home the next morning, but went shopping on the way home. My DH had to stay in hospital for several days because he was Super Super MO, and weighed 600 pounds. He had really bad swelling, and needed to stay until the swelling went down. Most of the patients done by my clinic are done as an out patient.
  23. vinesqueen

    100 pounds in one year

    Yes, losing 100 pounds in a year is an unreasonable expectation. Of course, it all depends on who you are, doesn't it. Obviously, for most of the folks who've posted in this thread already, it is reasonable, but if you are a Turtle, it is completely out of the question. And the thing is, you don't know you are a Turtle until you are a Turtle.
  24. Congrats on everything! How wonderful and special your life is right now! I can see the glow in your post!
  25. Crap Margo! you've lost more than 60 pounds in 6 months!!!!!! Crap! Or should I say, Woot! Wait just a second Missy... YOU LOST 60 POUNDS IN WHAT??? 4 MONTHS???? Ok, so you've lost 6 pounds in 2 months, but you are STILL LOSING Okay, I fell like I can't really comment on losing weight, and why people don't lose for a while. I really can only go from what other people tell me. But I would expect you to be on a plateau, 'cause your body's probably going AHHHHHH!!!!! You have to give it time to re-arrange, re-pack and re-group. You have done a marvolous job,

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