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Everything posted by vinesqueen

  1. vinesqueen

    Frustrated from Dani

    Sorry Dani, I know how frustrating getting the right fill level can be. But it really sounds like you need an unfill. I don't know what your fill history is, but see if you can get a slight unfill. Some people have really noticed a big difference with just .1CC removed. Being too tight is so very miserable, and I'm so sorry you are too tight! Compounded with the long drive, I'm so sorry!
  2. vinesqueen

    Any of wish you had gotten RNY?

    According to the literature that I've read about the various bypass operations, there is tussue and stomach tissue removed. "Bypass" covers a wide variety of operations, not just the RNY. Several of the procedures do in fact remove a large portion of the stomach, some remove lesser amounts, while the newer procedures for the RNY do not remove the stomach, they do bypass it and part of the intestines, providing it with a blood-source so that the tissue does not die. Scuuder, I'm terribly sorry if you are feeling attacked for your choice. You are not being attacked. I do not know how I feel, or what I think about your statement that compairs the RNY to open heart surgery. I shall have to ponder that for a while. I do know that being banded saved the lives of both my husband and me.
  3. vinesqueen

    Camping on the band....help!

    Not sure why your camping fair would be any different? To me, being restricted means that I can't eat as much as I did pre-band, but not so much restricting the types of foods. (there are some foods I don't tolerate, so I don't include them in my diet now anyway.) Why can't you have all the wonderfull grilled foods you used to enjoy? You might want to try the Jim Beam BBQ sauce instead of the well known national brands. (I can't think of the name, but they are very popular....) The Jim Beam BBQ sauce has 20 calories per 2 tbls, instead of the 70-150 calories.
  4. vinesqueen

    discouraged? you can give up....

    Fair points Kelli, but what if you were following the rules and you were still not losing? I'm not sure what you mean, do you mean that another thread suggested that you have thyroid or Cushing's? Or that this is an issue with the Turtles? There are not that many Turtles, we are just rather vocal. That doesn't make us a majority, but if the members of the Tribe say they are doing everything and still not losing, then I believe them. I don't doubt them. I tend to take everyone on face value. So just because you are not losing at the rate you want to since you say you are not following the rules, I believe you. But your reality is not mine. But this thread is not one of my Cushing's rants or a call to action to the Turtles.:speechles This thread is my answer to all the discouraged bandsters out there right now who want to give up, who feel that they are not getting all they expected from the band, for whatever reason. I'm reading a lot of threads where people feel that they've fallen and cannot get up, who are discouraged a few weeks out, discouraged before they have their first fill, or are disouraged months out of their surgery. I'm gaining weight again. On 1000 calories, I'm gaining weight again. I'm furious and pissed off and disapointed and a whole host of other emotions that I don't know how to identify. But I know what my problem is, I just have to walk that journey. Cash was right, and I think understands where I'm trying to go with this, that if one thing doesn't work, then we have to try something else. Mix it up. shake it up. But never give up. Never surrender. :hungry::faint::faint::faint:
  5. vinesqueen

    headaches help

    I'm sorry you are having headaches! If you really need to take something, take it, just make sure you wash it down with plenty of Water. If you are having lots of recurrent headaches, you will probably want to get them assessed. Depending on the headache, I take alieve with a huge glass of water or excedrine brands. Feel better!
  6. vinesqueen

    Hair Loss

    One thing to keep in mind is that the surgery and related stress will probably cause you to lose more hair than normal. The good news is that it will grow back soon enough. Personally, I've noticed that the extra protien that I eat has made my nails grow really strong and well... So that's a good trade for some folks! Sorry I can't offer anything else.
  7. vinesqueen

    Any of wish you had gotten RNY?

    I'm sorry Miper, but you will not find an unbiased opinion here. I know you are looking for one, but you will not find it here. I think you will find about the same number of people converting to RNY as you will find converting to the band after a bypass. That is my guess anyway. I know the docs at my clinic have been doing the RNY convertion to adding the band, and they feel that the RNY is barbaric. That is their opinion, that there is no good reason for removing perfectly healthy tissue and organs. And I have to admit, I share their viewpoint. I'm sorry for the folks struggling to make a decision, because it is ultimatly very personal decision. Folks that are worried about eating around the band should be aware that it is easy to eat around the bypass too. If we are really determined to fail, well, I don't think there is any surgical intervention that can fix our heads. One other thing Miper, you said you are doing everything you can to lose weight, eating right, working out, the whole 9 yards. If you are not losing now, I would strongly recommend talking to your doc about this. If you are doing everything now, it is possible that you have a metabolic issue going on. If that is the case, then I don't believe that any WLS will help you. If you really are working (and I do believe that you are) then don't let your doc brush you off with "work harder" or anyother platitude. But I also think that the band is a good choice for the super MO or super super MO. My DH weighed 596 pounds when he was banded. He easily lost 200 pounds and is now struggling with the head issues. Once he gets those resolved, I really think that he will be able to go on and lose the additional fat he needs to lose. Notice I did not say "weight." I think that people get hung up on what the scale says, and not what is the true muscle-fat ratio.
  8. vinesqueen

    Roller coaster rides?

    I can only wait until I get to go on one again. Of course, for me, the wait is simply a case of timing, not size. I LOVE rollercosters!
  9. vinesqueen

    dismantle my life

    well, currently, it is part of the decor, but that is about to suddenly change. And no, engine grease is not good for wood. Paula, there was no room for anything else in my car, so your 3 kids will have to wait for the next road trip, sorry. I've been wondering where you've been Zoe, I've been missing your smiling face. I just got off the phone with my doc's nurse, and she said everthing is ready and waiting for him to write the letter. Hopefully I'll be able to talk to him tomorrow. I was able to get down to the lab, but they couldn't/wouldn't release any information. The head office of the lab is going to mail a release form to me so they can get me the results. I'm ready to pitch a major hissie fit
  10. vinesqueen

    Jessiebear's complete list of NSVs...

    oooh brave brave woman!
  11. vinesqueen

    I've lost all motivation!!

    Hi Diane, it sounds like you've been in "diet-mode" since you got your band. Where you have been restricting yourself from everything since you've been banded, instead of trying to change your lifestyle. Bread is not our enemy. Eating an entire loaf of bread is. Eating one small dish of ice cream is not "bad" but eating an entire carton is not desireable by any means. I don't think I would care to live my life without all the foods I love, but I have learned to eat them in moderation. I buy a box now and again of those little dove bar ice cream treats, and I have learned to limit myself to ONE serving or less. One serving is 3 ice cream things, but one has 60 calories. And when I do have one or an entire serving, I savor it. Okay, I'm down 15 pounds total since April 05 and I haven't given up, so you don't get to either.
  12. vinesqueen

    Kathy's Slow Loser NSV List

    wonderful! wonderful! Oh Leatha, what a truely wonderful NSV! Please start your own NSV list so everyone can party in you yard with you!
  13. Well, I'm all home. We got almost everything in the truck and my car except for my spinning wheel and 4 totes of stuff. My M-I-L drove back with me and we had a very nice time together. I've never really spent much time with her, so this was a chance to bond. It took what felt like forever to get everything packed and cleaned, but it only took a day. I left the apartment like I like to move into one, with a few hangers, a shower curtian, soap and TP. Once you have to pass Navy housing inspections, well you know how to leave an apartment! It snowed about 3 inches of wonderful wet big flaked snow Saturday night while we were packing up the truck. We'd gone to dinner in our t-shirts because the night was so relatively warm--high 50's. That's warm when the weather has been for months in the teens as a daytime high... By the time we were done, a big storm had blown in, and I do mean blow! The temp had dropped about 25-30 degrees in an hour, and was snowing hard! By the time we got up the next morning, late because the motel lost power, all the roads were bare and wet, so we didn't have to worry about that, but it was C-O-L-D with that wind blowing. But DH got off and only had to stop the truck about 8 times to re-secure the load. It was blowing so hard that he almost lost one bin--it was litterally hanging off the end of the truck by a bungie cord! The cheze lounge was almost a lost cause too, but he was able to get it home safe and sound! It took us about 14 hours to get home. That is a long-ass trip when you are crammed into a vihicle with a big chuck of your worldy possessions... And your MIL whom you hardly know. I did most of the driving, and had to stop when it got dark. I can no longer see in the dark. This started a couple of weeks ago, I can't read road signs until they are 2 seconds close. Not a good thing. So Mary Lynn took over and drove the last 4 hours home. Heh, I was Miss Cranky-pants when we got home, so I took my meds and went to bed. So, now comes the long process of unpacking and re-integrating myself and my junk back into my family. I already have a few rules that will change, like "thou shalt put the new roll of TP onto the spinner" and "thou shalt hang up your jackets" and "thou shalt not cover the antique furniture with your motorcycle parts and gear" to implement. I'm going to take a break from unpacking to drive down to the lab and pick up my lab results. I want to thank all of you for your love and support. It really means so much to me knowing that you are here for me, weaving a mesh of love and hope around me, prayers and white lights and positive energy combining to create a cocoon of kindness to sustain me for my fight. Thank you, most sincerely and honestly
  14. vinesqueen

    home again, home again, jiggity jig

    Well, I'm all home. We got almost everything in the truck and my car except for my spinning wheel and 4 totes of stuff. My M-I-L drove back with me and we had a very nice time together. I've never really spent much time with her, so this was a chance to bond. It took what felt like forever to get everything packed and cleaned, but it only took a day. I left the apartment like I like to move into one, with a few hangers, a shower curtian, soap and TP. Once you have to pass Navy housing inspections, well you know how to leave an apartment! It snowed about 3 inches of wonderful wet big flaked snow Saturday night while we were packing up the truck. We'd gone to dinner in our t-shirts because the night was so relatively warm--high 50's. That's warm when the weather has been for months in the teens as a daytime high... By the time we were done, a big storm had blown in, and I do mean blow! The temp had dropped about 25-30 degrees in an hour, and was snowing hard! By the time we got up the next morning, late because the motel lost power, all the roads were bare and wet, so we didn't have to worry about that, but it was C-O-L-D with that wind blowing. But DH got off and only had to stop the truck about 8 times to re-secure the load. It was blowing so hard that he almost lost one bin--it was litterally hanging off the end of the truck by a bungie cord! The cheze lounge was almost a lost cause too, but he was able to get it home safe and sound! It took us about 14 hours to get home. That is a long-ass trip when you are crammed into a vihicle with a big chuck of your worldy possessions... And your MIL whom you hardly know. I did most of the driving, and had to stop when it got dark. I can no longer see in the dark. This started a couple of weeks ago, I can't read road signs until they are 2 seconds close. Not a good thing. So Mary Lynn took over and drove the last 4 hours home. Heh, I was Miss Cranky-pants when we got home, so I took my meds and went to bed. So, now comes the long process of unpacking and re-integrating myself and my junk back into my family. I already have a few rules that will change, like "thou shalt put the new roll of TP onto the spinner" and "thou shalt hang up your jackets" and "thou shalt not cover the antique furniture with your motorcycle parts and gear" to implement. I'm going to take a break from unpacking to drive down to the lab and pick up my lab results. I want to thank all of you for your love and support. It really means so much to me knowing that you are here for me, weaving a mesh of love and hope around me, prayers and white lights and positive energy combining to create a cocoon of kindness to sustain me for my fight. Thank you, most sincerely and honestly
  15. vinesqueen

    dismantle my life

    Well, I'm all home. We got almost everything in the truck and my car except for my spinning wheel and 4 totes of stuff. My M-I-L drove back with me and we had a very nice time together. I've never really spent much time with her, so this was a chance to bond. It took what felt like forever to get everything packed and cleaned, but it only took a day. I left the apartment like I like to move into one, with a few hangers, a shower curtian, soap and TP. Once you have to pass Navy housing inspections, well you know how to leave an apartment! It snowed about 3 inches of wonderful wet big flaked snow Saturday night while we were packing up the truck. We'd gone to dinner in our t-shirts because the night was so relatively warm--high 50's. That's warm when the weather has been for months in the teens as a daytime high... By the time we were done, a big storm had blown in, and I do mean blow! The temp had dropped about 25-30 degrees in an hour, and was snowing hard! By the time we got up the next morning, late because the motel lost power, all the roads were bare and wet, so we didn't have to worry about that, but it was C-O-L-D with that wind blowing. But DH got off and only had to stop the truck about 8 times to re-secure the load. It was blowing so hard that he almost lost one bin--it was litterally hanging off the end of the truck by a bungie cord! The cheze lounge was almost a lost cause too, but he was able to get it home safe and sound! It took us about 14 hours to get home. That is a long-ass trip when you are crammed into a vihicle with a big chuck of your worldy possessions... And your MIL whom you hardly know. I did most of the driving, and had to stop when it got dark. I can no longer see in the dark. This started a couple of weeks ago, I can't read road signs until they are 2 seconds close. Not a good thing. So Mary Lynn took over and drove the last 4 hours home. Heh, I was Miss Cranky-pants when we got home, so I took my meds and went to bed. So, now comes the long process of unpacking and re-integrating myself and my junk back into my family. I already have a few rules that will change, like "thou shalt put the new roll of TP onto the spinner" and "thou shalt hang up your jackets" and "thou shalt not cover the antique furniture with your motorcycle parts and gear" to implement. I'm going to take a break from unpacking to drive down to the lab and pick up my lab results. I want to thank all of you for your love and support. It really means so much to me knowing that you are here for me, weaving a mesh of love and hope around me, prayers and white lights and positive energy combining to create a cocoon of kindness to sustain me for my fight. Thank you, most sincerely and honestly
  16. How can you tell if you have a leak? My second fill was at the end of August, and I never felt any difference after that fill. I've had 3 fills now, my last one was 10 days ago, and .5ccs were added. For about the first seven days I felt like I had good restriction. So, I should be sitting at about 2.5 ccs. I initially felt like I had good restriction, meaning I wasn't hungry and I was satisfied sooner for longer. Well, starting a few days ago, so almost a week out of the fill, I am hungry within a couple or three hours of eating. I mean, get-out-of-my-way-or-I'll-hurt you sort of hungry, sort of like when I eat corn, or things that contain lots of corn. I'm plenty well hydrated, so this isn't an issue. I am careful to not eat corn, since it makes me ravenous. I am obsessive about following the banster rules and general guidelines. Do I need more fill? Do I need to give it a while? what is the typical amount of time before a fill "settles?" Oh, and I can eat anything again. I mean, anything I've tried at this point. No golfball, no PBs...
  17. vinesqueen

    What the heck just happened to me????

    yup, that was sliming. Lots of bandsters find eggs difficult, just so you know.
  18. vinesqueen

    Baby Girl back from Houston

    Welcome her to the Banded Gentry for us, will you Lady?
  19. vinesqueen

    I'm So Depressed -- Please Help

    Xann, you are not at a good fill level, so it is possible that you need another fill. I'd wait until after you are done with your period because while some women get much tighter, others find that their band loses restriction. If you continue to feel like a Turtle, then I highly recommend talking to your doctor. Explian your story, and that you need additonal help. It might be that they recommend metabolic testing, thyroid testing or getting a cortisol level.
  20. vinesqueen

    Happy Birthday Marimaru

    may the cities in your wake, burn like candles on you cake!
  21. vinesqueen

    Happy Birthday Harleynana

    Hippo birdies, two ewes! Happy birthday Pat!
  22. vinesqueen

    dismantle my life

    Well, I've withdrawn from school today. Still not sure how I feel about that. Releived and sad I suppose. My cohort got me a beautiful book on Monet, they all signed it like a year book. They gave it to me at lunch, and they all showed up. I thought that was very nice of them. My DH will be here in a couple of hours so we can begin packing up my apartment completely. Releieved and sad there too. I posted a question on the OHSU web site, asking a question of one of their docs, and I have a phone consult at 9:30 on a Friday night! The medical school there is one of the top facilities in the country for Cushings... Of all the wildness....
  23. vinesqueen

    Losing my mind?

    Hello Audra! The week or two before banding is so very hard for many bandsters and bandsters to be. I know I thought i was going to wear a hole in my carpet from all the pacing I was doing! PMS and the pre-launch phase and the added stress are gonna make you crazy and a big cry baby. (I feel justified in saying "big cry baby" because that's where I am right now, a big cry baby ) And it sure doesn't help when your coping mechanism is no longer available to you. You might try the viactive soft chew vitamines, they come in a variety of flavors, including chocolate. Other people find that a small square of really dark chocolate will help, without the added fat and calories that milk chocolate brings. Personally, I'm one of the one that can eat just one dark dove square and be good for the next little while. (I've had to throw out chocolate because it got dusty) Just know that what you are going through is very common, and know too that you are not alone.
  24. vinesqueen

    Turtle Tribe: call to action

    Hi Michelle! My husband was banded before me, and lost about 180 pound his first year. Yes, that's right, one hundred eighty pounds. Since April I've lost a total of 15 pounds. I want you to keep your chin up Michelle! You never know, you might turn out to be a rabbit once you get your fill level right for you! (keeping my fingers crossed for you.) 3 pounds in 3 weeks is not bad! Not by a long shot. I know, however, that it can be very, very difficult when you compair yourself against a rabbit, or when other people compair you against a rabbit. I also know it is nearly impossible to not compair your weight loss journey against someone else's. But keep in mind that we are here for you, Turtle or Rabbit or Normie! Now you just have to build some good bandster habits and you will be golden!
  25. vinesqueen

    I have learned to cheat the band...

    Hello Michelle! Welcome to LBT! Please don't be so hard on yourself! You've had a fill for 2 entire weeks, and many people don't see a change in the scale until their first or second fill. Sarah, aka Marimaru, was right on with her advice. You need to change one thing at a time. Drinking while eating is the easiest way to eat around the band! And I know, it is such a habbit to eat and drink at the same time! So hard to break, but it is something that we really need to work on. Once you feel comfortable with not eating and drinking, the next phase I would recommend is setting the timer for 20 minutes. You can eat huge amounts of food in one sitting if you take enough time! Once you cut that down to 20 minutes (hard and fast) you will have cleared a MAJOR hurdle, and created a major new habit. You can do this. WE know you can, because we have faith in you. If you fall down, pick yourself up and keep going. We will be here to cheer you on! No matter what, we are here for you.

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