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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by vinesqueen

  1. vinesqueen

    Got Fill #2 today-doctor still a crackhead

    yup, he's still a crack head.
  2. vinesqueen

    Need a title for new forum

    I know it's silly, but every time I think about it, I come up with "3 piece combo" since you really aren't with the band anymore. Maybe Roadies? I get all these musical pictures when I think of "the band." Maybe "the Managers." I don't know, but yeah, y'all need a dedicated forum.
  3. vinesqueen

    Round of applause for Asphalt Angel!!!

    Excellent work!
  4. vinesqueen

    Sangria Suarez (2006 Vegas Bash)

    No, no, the bash is open to all LBTers! I was going to say "bandsters" but that would limit ourselves woudln't it? And I'll be happy to give a lesson!
  5. vinesqueen

    So hungry today and can't take it!!!

    Don't forget, the only bad food is food that will give you food poisoning...
  6. vinesqueen

    The good news AND the bad news

    you lost TWO POUNDS?! Excellent work there! Perhaps because it is a pre-exsisting condition it would be covered? I'd look into that. I'm so excited that you are finally starting to lose weight. Excellent news! oh, heh, and congrats about your new job too :clap2:
  7. vinesqueen

    Obesity and marriage problems

    Jules, honeybee, if "this one thing" was easy, don't you think we would have all done it by now? If "this one thing" was easy, would we be having a weight problem in the industrialized world???? If "this one thing" was easy, would the diet food/scheme industry be worth BILLIONS?????? Here, let me give you a big squishy bandster hug (((((((((Jules))))))))) You are not a failure. You deserve the best the Universe has to offer. You are lovable. You are not a failure because you have not been able to lose weight.
  8. vinesqueen

    "Making it Hurt so Good"!

    You might want to find a good food lube as well. I am very fond of fat free sour cream, and the Jim Beam bbq sauce is mighty tasty at 20 calories per 2 Tbls. I have the most difficult time with turkey, even if it is sliced lunch meat from the deli county, turkey is difficult for me.
  9. vinesqueen

    Sangria Suarez (2006 Vegas Bash)

    oh yeah, and how am I supposed to paint your living room during all the comotion?
  10. vinesqueen

    Moving to Malawi - long

    Oh Celest, I don't know how I missed this either. Well, I do, but I've been really cranky lately I too am so proud of you! And I want pix too! So, do you have a guest room too for all us adventurous LBT folks? I don't care if it will mess with my security clearance, I wanna go too!
  11. vinesqueen

    With much thought and....

    Good luck with your DS! I know that GeezerSue and Rachel are both very happy with theirs, and have had great success with theirs. I hope you have a speedy recovery too. Don't be a stranger here to LBT. I don't know if there are support boards for the DS like LBT, but I want to tell you that your experinces will very valuable not only for folks trying to decide if and what WLS will be the right choice for them. Cheers!
  12. Excellent post Jean!
  13. vinesqueen

    Francesca's official Harley Babe thread!

    How very fun! DH has promiced that he's gonna put my bike back together so I can ride it. (that's right, I own a bike that I have never ridden. But in my definse I was in Idaho and it was here in Washington. Oh, and it's always been broken...) Lunching with the Ladies is so much fun!
  14. vinesqueen

    Obesity and marriage problems

    Oh you wicked, wicked woman! You tricked your husband because you gained weight! Oh the poor baby! The horrors of his situation! All right, enought of that crap. Okay, You just finished a graduate degree and you have a 3 year-old child, and where is the lethargy? Hello! I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess that you have been doing the majority of the house work and being primary caregiver for your baby. Jules, hunny, you deserve so much better that this self absorbed and abusive man. You only deserve the best that the universe has to offer. Like Shackdog said, you are a rare jewel and have every right to be treated as such! I got very angry when I read your first post, and I'm not angry with you. You have my deepest sympathy. It sounds to me like you are living with emotional and some verbal abuse. Repulsive indeed. Harumph. If you are told the same thing over and over and over, you will begin to believe that thing to be true, even if it is a vile lie. And he's lying to you. You are not repulsive, not by any stretch. Unconditional love is very possible, no matter how many adults are involved. We don't lose our capasity to be loving as we age. Nor do we lose our ability to be lovable and loved. You deserve to have someone who finds you attractive, no matter what. And I'm serious about this. Please find yourself a good councelor/therapist who has experince dealing with abuse issues. Oh, and your baby will not be damaged by divorce. I think being raised knowing your father is repulsed and abuses your mother is oh so much more damaging than being raised in a loving and nurturing family. PM me if you need me.
  15. vinesqueen

    When the band is at it's best

    You know, that is a very good question. I don't know the answer, I don't even know where to go to find the answer to that question. Hey Scuuder, if you eat too much, what happens? I know that bandsters will PB if they eat too much, more than they can handle. I'm talking within a time frame of the standard 20-30 minute bandster meal time frame. (I don't know if by-pass folks have a time limit they are recommended? )
  16. vinesqueen

    Whats wrong with me?????????????

    You poor thing! I know that before I was banded I thought I was going to wear a hole in my carpet from all the pacing. I'm such a big baby too. Oh the tears I shed! In the end, this was the right thing for me to do. I can only wish you peace to find your way and your decision.
  17. vinesqueen

    Ban Food Ads?

    I don't think food commercial should be banned, I think people need to be educated about how and why advertising works. Sky, you are so right, EDUCATE, EDUCATE, EDUCATE. When my son was little we would watch all his shows together and we would discuss everything, especially the commercials. What they were selling, what techniques were being used, what they were trying to get us to buy. We would talk about the content of the shows, look at all the product tie-ins and decide if this was a show or a set of products we were interested in having. At the age of 3 we were discussing the techniques advertisers use. One cheese burger doesn't make anyone fat. One order of fries or a milk shake or any reasonable helping doesn't make anyone fat. It is when we do not pracitice moderation that we start having trouble. You might as well blame it on our fast paced lifestyles, where we are rushing to take the kids to 27 different aftershool activities, where we feel compelled to work 65 or 70 or even 80 hour work weeks, compressed for time, compressed for energy, stressed out and overworked and overwhelmed. If we don't get enough sleep, it wreaks havok with our metabolism and our weight. But you don't hear enough people promoting 8 hours of sleep, it's almost like a badge of honor to get by with as little sleep as possible. Instead of banning food buildboards, why are we not promoting healthy lifestyles that include a balanced life?
  18. vinesqueen

    What was I thinking?

    Ok, I wasn't going to tell a lot of people I went to school with, but well, when I got out of surgery, my husband called one gal and she spilled the beans to everyone. Of course I can't keep my big trap shut...
  19. vinesqueen

    Someone smack me!!! Really!

    OH MY GAWD!!!!!!! SOMEBODY STOP HER! SHE'S EATING LIKE A NORMAL PERSON!!!!!!!! Okay, just how big were these sausage patties, the size of a hubcap, or were they smaller than the size of your palm? (that's is one serving size for protien.) I have no idea what a hushpuppy is, but I'm going to take a wild guess here, they are not made out of puppies, right? How big are they? if you stole 2 from your friend's plate, I'm gonna guess that there are several in a serving, yes? I have no clue, but oh my gawd!!!!! 4 crackers! A full serving of saltine crackers is FIVE crackers, not 4, and 5 crackers have 70 calories. Woot! you had one piece of cake! I'd say that was a definate NSV. You had one piece of cake, not an entire cake. You know, I would be surprised if you went over 1500 calories but I don't know the stats handy for the hushpuppies or the Breakfast.
  20. vinesqueen

    Whats your sign?

    I don't know how to explain it. Usually I just "know" it's time to stop, even mid bite. In that case, I spit out what is in my mouth (delicately and lady-like into a napkin so I don't have an unlady-like PB)
  21. vinesqueen

    So hungry today and can't take it!!!

    Ahem. Baby Bandsters, if you are hungry, EAT SOMETHING!!! :hungry: If you are in the liquid phase, have a protien drink. If you are on mushies, then make sure you have PROTIEN and a little fat. Fats stay in your system longest, protien next carbs giving the biggest spike in your blood sugar, with the bigest crash. Getting banded doesn't mean you will never be hungry ever again. You will be hungry a few hours after you have eaten your last meal. Of course, part of the key is to learn to not get too hungry so you end up with a case of the first bite syndrome, but you are gonna be hungry a few hour after you eat because YOU ARE HUMAN. :omg: If you are stuck for ideas, please search the food forum for recipies for the mushy stage, we have some real gems hidden there. Mia, I don't know about you, but before I was banded afew hours after a pancake breakfast I'd be hungry too. You are perfectly normal (((((hugs))))) Now with a decent fill, I don't think I can eat pancakes, I'm not willing to risk getting stuck :faint: I suggest that you relax, be kind to yourself, and enjoy those pancakes while you can because after your first fill, you probably won't have one again. Of course, if you are like me, you will NOT miss pancakes.
  22. vinesqueen

    Can I borrow a little Motivation?

    Okay, All I've got is motivation. Okay, you are looking for something, but we've determined that it isn't food. And it isn't sex. Or air, or Water. So, I'm going to guess that you aren't looking for shelter either, so... I"m going to suggest a hobby. You need to do something to occupy not only your hands by your head. So, what do you like to do? Do you have an interest that you let laps, something that you really like to do, but haven't done in a while. (besides eating that is. ) Or perhaps there is something new that you want to try? I know that ballroom dancing is getting popular again, perhaps you can drag your husband out to classes. Dancing is great fun, it is great aerobic excersize, plus it is just so darn fun. If not ballroom, I know where you can take belly dance lessons I'm just throwing ideas out here, but maybe nature photography or a watercolor painting class? Ceramics might be a good choice, you cannot eat when you hands are covered in slip and clay!
  23. vinesqueen

    Question for those who wear makeup

    I use a straw all the time and I never swallow extra air with one. Ever. If you prefer using a straw, go ahead and use one! But I don't have any advice about lipgloss, sorry
  24. vinesqueen

    Unladylilke Gas (serious question)

    so sorry to hear about your problems, but yes, bandsters become very gassy. Holding your gas back can damage your intestines, causeing diversritculitus. I know I spelled that wrong. My dad had to have part of his intestines removed because of such bad diversereticulitus, and the doc said it was partly caused by "holding it."
  25. vinesqueen


    Susan, please don't worry about taking up time or space, that's what we are here for. If you would feel more comfortable, you can always PM me

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