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Everything posted by vinesqueen

  1. vinesqueen


    Johnathan, my husband had a similar experience to yours, he was in hospital for about 4 days after his surgery, but he's super special.... He had A LOT of swelling and couldn't keep anything down for days and days. I'm glad you've been able to finally get somthing to stay down.
  2. vinesqueen

    Morbid Obesity is a DISEASE

    Oh, Newhope, I understand that. Character is who you are in the dark. My point was that I think what travisty that this new faith based diet fad is. It plays to people's worst fears. As an arguement for not letting fat people in heaven, they often point to verses that site the body as a temple, and let no man defile that temple. Since we are fat, we've obviously defiled the temple... How dare they suggest that the MO are less worthy than someone with a high metabolic rate or who barfs everything they eat??? How dare they judge, how dare they condem! They dare because they view us as less than worthy in this life; we are the new pariahs, the new lepers. It isn't illegal to discriminate against us (except for one state, I believe) and we make a convienient target. Also, I think they dare because diet hawkers make tons of money off the misery and failed hopes of people like us.
  3. vinesqueen

    Morbid Obesity is a DISEASE

    Thanks Zoe, I only have two more years here then I head out to parts unknown after I finish my degree. Luckily I get to go home for Summers... If you google "christian weight loss" you gett approximately 18,800 different entries, while "bible based weight loss" only nets your 31 google pages... Yeah, this is a big phenomina. I believe the folks who are screaming that fat people don't go to heaven are the same types of people who either think that only people who go to heaven believe exactly the same way they do, or they are simply marketing weenies who use reliegeon to play on people's fears and insecurities. And gutton is only my second favorite of the SDS... (While skin is the largest sex organ, the brain is the most important...) I do try to work on the other 5, but I have trouble with striking a balance with pride. Resumes built on humility don't get you the job you want...
  4. vinesqueen

    Morbid Obesity is a DISEASE

    I have never been ashamed of my size. Okay, that's a lie, I haven't been ashamed of my size for many, many, many years. I haven't let it stop me from doing anything, not skiing, not belly dancing, not wearing a tankini bathing suit, not changing in the women's locker room. Of course, lately my weight and size have stopped me from breathing, but that is a different thread entirely. I have been very lucky to live in a place like Seattle, where people are accepted pretty much for who they are and not what they look like. Gay or strait? No problem. Pierced and tattooed? no problem. From a foreign country? no problem. Fat? very little problem, unless you are as large as my husband was, and then it was mostly an accomidation issue. There is a level of acceptance there for who you are, unless you are cruel or rude or racist, well you get my point. We are pathalogically polite. And then I moved to SE Idaho. For the first time in my adult life, I am looked down upon. I've been treated as if I have personally offended people simply by breathing the same air they do. I am treated sometimes with downright hostility. I mostly look like everyone else here, except for being fatter than most. No tattoos (yet. I'm going to get one for my birthday in 20 years.), no outragous piercings, and I'm pathallogically polite. Okay, I do love to dye my hair fabulous colors... Yet I am treated with hostility here because I am fat. It took me months to figure that out. My new temporary home is a very "churchy" place. There is a lot of "you don't go to my church, so you are not one of the chosen" attitude. I have classmates who won't even acknowled me in the quad because I don't go to their church. (my buddy who is teaches Anthropology has been very helpful in figuring things out here...) I've been reading several articles on the new Christian Diet phenominum. Many are screaming that "fat people don't go to heaven" and other such drivel. Who are they to say who does and does not get into heaven? What happened to "judge not lest you be judged?" We make an easy target, heh, we are so damn big it's hard to miss us. I think it is soooo much easier to point the finger at someone else rather than look at our own shortcomings. Those of us who are MO are seen as weak, and to a extent, wicked. Guttony being one of the seven deadly sins and all. As long as we are viewed as being morally weak I fear that we will contintue to get little or no respect. The few bulimics that I know are "normal" size, and anorexics are certianly thin... Because they are thin and "normal" they are seen as being deserving of respect, sympathy, dignity and treatment.
  5. vinesqueen


    Under the cummunity section there are directions for posting pix. http://lapbandtalk.com/showthread.php?t=4119 Hope this helps
  6. vinesqueen

    Morbid Obesity is a DISEASE

    When my husband was told that he had to lose weight before the surgery, it wasn't to prove that he was serious, but so that there would be room to do the surgery. It was more about his safety and the fact that they had never opperated on someone so large. Donali, were we thinking the same thing? It is almost like we read each other's long rants before we posted our own.
  7. vinesqueen

    Body Dysmorphic Disorder

    I don't know if it is body dismorphic or not. I know exactly how big I am, and how much space I occupy. Some days I'm acutely aware of it, like when I stuff myself into desks for class.... When I was thin I thought I was fat. Then I did have body dismorphic. I was told I was fat, the scales said I was fat, therefore I must have been fat. (Size 11 is not fat, not for my frame.) One of the things I learned from belly dancing is the secret. You just have to believe that you are hot stuff and you will be hot stuff. Two of the folks who are in my program at school are bulimic. The woman really thin and the guy is thin/normal, but they think they are fat. Another friend was talking to me about someone she knows who is fat, "like a size 26, you know, really big." I just looked at her. She had no clue that is the size of some of my shirts...
  8. vinesqueen

    URGENT - Before Going To Mexico

    I think this would also apply to those of us who are getting their band in one state while living/staying in another. I'll be getting my band installed in the Seatle area, but I spend most of my time in SE ID. Of course, I'm not too sure of the medical care in this area anyway, judging by my experineces in the ER with my asthma... But all my after care will be done in Seattle, so it means either a flight or having my DH come and get me...
  9. vinesqueen

    Doctor Prescribed Weight Loss Homework

    The surgeon required that my husband loose about 50 pounds before they would install his band. Of course, he is the biggest person they had ever done... The last diet program I tired used this same food method, after putting us on liquids for a week, we were alowd to add one or two new foods a week, and we had to count everything, watch how every new food affected us. That's how I discovered my sensitivy to corn...
  10. vinesqueen


    exactly! It is the month of birthday presents! I have found that since moving to ID, that Feb isn't so bad... In Seattle, Feb is the heart of the rainy season that startes in late September and ends in early July.... SE ID doesn't seem to HAVE a rainly season. But all that said, W-Daddy, you are most eloquent!
  11. vinesqueen

    Attack of the Killer PB

    okay, how weird am I? The pictures of Lisa open wound in her tummy didn't phase me, but this thread has me very queasy... AAAARRRR! This makes me very nervous about getting the band. My DH seems to BP lots, probably a few times a week, is this a high rate? ***Queezzzzyyyyyy*** Just the thought of throwing up makes me want to, well, throw up. I'm a sympathetic barfer...
  12. vinesqueen

    CAN you swallow?

    Asthma can indeed be made worse by acid reflux. You can in advertently inhale some of the acid and burn your lungs... Bad mojo. If your asthma is worse at night, they might suspect acid reflux as well. This is one of the things they think is making my asthma worse.... Innuendo can be too much fun. Maybe that is why the thread was deleted? Shakespeare is full of naught bawdy stuff...
  13. I think that is a great suggestion Zoe, and I second it.
  14. Poor Lisa! Sure am glad you were there to hand her the pillow! I only have a difficult time dealing with something like this if it was my baby! Other people and myself, no problem! Thanks again for being there for her. She's in a difficult enough spot to not have a someone there for her. Hope that made sense...
  15. vinesqueen

    weekly scale challenge

    I'm down 9 pounds since last week, all of it water I'm sure. But hey, I'll take it.
  16. vinesqueen

    Pop ups??

    unfortunately, not every AV or spyware killer catches every little bit of malware. We have found that Ad-Aware and Spybot both catch things that the other missed. There are something like 4K new bits of malware released everyday, and it is very important to do frequent scans. A software company I used to work at uses no less than 9 different AV packages to test their software before it is relased to the public. Using a pop-up blocker works well, I currently use the Google bar, and I have switched from IE to FireFox, and while I have lost some usablility, I don't have any anoying pop-ups to deal with since making the switch. Letha, you may not have that option since you are using a company box. Please don't heasitate to ask me any questions about computer security, it is what I live for.
  17. vinesqueen

    Pop ups??

    update your anti-virus signature files, it shouldn't be more than just right clicking on the AV icon in your systray, and then choose "update." Since it is a company laptop, you might need to call your help desk, or if your security people are on top of things, your sig file should be updated automatically everytime you connect to your network. When you get random pop-ups, you probably have a bunch of spyware on your system. Ad-Aware from lava soft is good, www.lavasoftusa.com/ as is Spybot security.kolla.de/ Your AV will not detect or clean up sypware. Why? well, that is a little complicated, and there are currently debates on why this is in the security community. I can go on adnasium on security, it's my passion!
  18. vinesqueen

    Need encouragement!

    Hey Kibuluna, you are in a sucky place right now, and boy, I think broken hearts hurt worse than broken bones. But like Donali said, you will get better and then you will be able to do the "nya-nya thing" with your fingers waggling in your ears... The best revenge is living well, and you are definately starting down that path. When I'm in danger of really blowing through the food (unless I get into some corn...) I try to do something that is a bit messy and keep my hands engaged. It is hard to eat when you have paint or clay or SOMETHING else in/on your hands. It isn't always practle go excersize, especially in the cold winter evenings, so you might pick up a new art project. You might go paint your bedroom, or strip an old piece of furniture if you have the space.
  19. Lisa! you poor thing! I am so glad you have someone at home who can take care of this for you. I wish there was something more I could offer than my prayers and white-lighting you.
  20. vinesqueen

    altitude adjustment

    Does anyone have any information about how altitude affects the fill? I will be having my fills at home in Seattle, which is at sea level, and then returning to SE Idaho for school. The altitude in Pocatello is about 4.5K above sea level, and trips to Utah will have even higher altitude. I am concerned that I will have too much restriction when I am filled at home. There are currently no fill doctors in my area, which is just as well, it gives me another excuse to go visit my DH, DS (dear son) and DD (dear dog). I know that my doc had been making trips to Salt Lake to train docs there, so that might be an option too… I couldn’t find anything that address this, so any input is greatly appreciated. I know that many people go to other parts of the world to get their surgery done, and just wondered about any altitude experience. Also, I am a bit nervous flying after a fill. Yeah, I know, I am a long way off from getting a fill, especially since I haven’t even had my band installed yet! Cheers!
  21. Last night I had an “ah-hah!” moment. Of course, this was after I wanted to eat everything in my apartment. While I didn’t actually eat everything, I feel like I came damn close. I’m not a huge binger, more a grazer, and normally I feel full after a “normal” portion size. Not last night though. What the frell? This isn’t my normal pattern…. So, I went back over what I’d eaten during the day, and found the culprit. It was the rootbeer I’d had at about 4:00 in the afternoon. I’m not one much for sodas or other fizzy drinks, (lift or otherwise…), so a soda for me is quite the rarity. Actually, it wasn’t the rootbeer itself so much as the corn syrup it was made with. The corn syrup caught me off guard, since I assumed the rootbeer had been made with cane sugar and not corn syrup. My dear husband brought me a full case of mixed rootbeers made with cane sugar on one of his visits out here. I had assumed that all the sodas in the box were cane sugar sweetened and not corn syrup. Why is this such a big deal? Well, on one of my attempts to loose the 10 dress sizes I had worked with a good nutritionist and a good program that was very hard. Sure I lost 30 pounds and 2 sizes, but well I think we all know how that story turns out…. The first part of the program removed all food from your diet and then you gradually added foods back with the lowest glycimic indexed foods first, and the higher ones later. By gradually, I mean only one are two foods a week. Yeah, serious stuff. Anyway, from this process I learned that eating corn makes me ravenously hungry. Soy has a similar affect, so I suppose it is a good thing I’m not a Vegi… I can eat corn, but I have to plan for it. I have to eat Protein and fat before eating the corn or I’m toast. I’d had the rootbeer without anything, not realizing that it had corn syrup. Anyway, I thought I would share this “ah-hah!” I’ve read several posts where people were binging and they didn’t know why and couldn’t stop and were hating themselves for not being able to control themselves. It is possible that you might have a food sensitivity and not realize it.
  22. vinesqueen

    corn syrup induced binge

    I seem to do okay with it in small ammounts, like a squirt of ketchup or so, but I normally only eat ketchup with protein... and just like I only have french fries with protein... :cheeky It is when I have a large ammount, such a an entire soda. (I'm not much of a soda drinker.) For me, it is about being prepaired.
  23. vinesqueen

    Green-eyed monster...

    HEY! I have big poofy hair....
  24. vinesqueen

    OT (Strattera)

    my son was on this for a while and it helped greatly. He is older now, and has been much more mellow for the last few years. He did not like taking the meds, however.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
