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Everything posted by vinesqueen

  1. vinesqueen

    Happy Birthday, VinesQueen!!

    Oh this gave me quite the giggle! Being young is a new habit for me... As y'all know, I'm a full time university student, and it is SO fun to have the boys flirt with me, not knowing that I'm old enough to be somebody's mother!!! I can't wait to go from a size 22 to a size 12! Thanks everyone!
  2. I don't know that this is a violation, this is nothing more than a reverse phone book, which have been around as long as phone books have been around. These tools have been on the web as long as I've been using it, which goes back to when you needed to know such tools as gopher, Veronica and Archie, Pine and Elm. (yes, thank you, but I am that old.) And "to google" is a new verb.. Google is the name of a search engine, so "to google" is to simply use the google.com website to to a search.
  3. vinesqueen

    Google and your privacy

    I view LBT as a public place, the same as if we were meeting at a coffee shop or the park. I know that I have no privacy on the net, other than how I choose to obscure myself. When I finally get around to posting pix of myself, the before and afters for instance, I will not have any problem with it being on the net. Okay, well, maybe the before pix... I found this place through a google search, and I am so greatful that I was able to do so. I am continually inpressed with the quality of people here, their willingness to share, educate and commiserate. I feel physically isolated being in ID where I have no access to any support groups. LBT is my support group. I have learned so much from everyone here, and I am most greatful that y'all have chosen to share the stories from your journey in a public forum, such as the internet.
  4. vinesqueen

    Happy Birthday Donali!!!

    Happy birthday! (thud) Happy birthday! (thud) May the cities in your wake burn like candles on your cake! Happy birthday! (thud) Happy birthday! (thud)
  5. I initally found this board by doing a google search
  6. vinesqueen

    Update on Plastic Surgery Consult

    Bab, the compression garb is no big deal. I had a skin graft redone about 4 years ago, and have been putting warpping it for support ever since. If I can do this for years, you can do yours for a few months. ON your head no less, with one arm tied behind your back!
  7. vinesqueen

    80% Divorce Rate!!!!!!!!!

    I dunno Kelly, Estela's husband said his mom came straight from heaven... What BS. I am so sorry you are in this situation Estela. It sounds from your post that you are being emotially and verbally abused by this man. I highly recommend you contact your local domestic abuse hotline. They can help you come up with some sound stratagies for reclaiming your life. My first husband was very abusive. While he never hit me, he would make me "tough out" asthma attacks because he didn't want to be bothered to take me into the ER. (those of us who are astmatics I can hear you now: No Flippin' way!) After only a few years with him, I believed that I was worthless. I had gone into the relationship with very high self esteem. I was in therapy at a women's shelter for close to 3 years working on my abuse issues. Before I married that husband I'd been out with some really great guys and some real jerks, but I always felt more "at home" with the jerks. My weight wasn't the issue, it was because I grew up in an abusive household. I believed the lie "I only hurt you because I love you" because that is the same lie I was told my by parents. (don't forget, I was raised by wolves) You are not alone Estela. You don't have to feel lonely any more.
  8. vinesqueen

    The First Day of my New Life!!!!

    congrats, and you will do just fine!
  9. vinesqueen

    Food Journal Thread

    Okay, no editing for me either, I guess I will have to save it all and post in the eveing.. Breakfast, 2 mugs of tea w/ splenda & 2 tsp 1/2 & 1/2 20 cal lunch, 2 corn dogs with brown mustard 360 cal (the protien helps counter act the corn...) 1 TBL brown mustard 10 cal (They seem to only have about 6 different mustards in SE ID! What's up with that?) (I was originally optimistic on my mustard consumption...) Snack Boyland rootbeer (cane sugar, not corn sweetend) 165 cal dinner McDonalds Qtr pounder 430 cal 18g fat 24g protien small french fry 230 cal 11g fat, 30 g carb, 2g protien large orange juice 180 cal, 42g carb 3g protien (naturally fat free!) Total Calories: 1405 Total Carbs: 142 G Total Protein: 43 G Total Fats: 49 G Total Water: 70 oz (not counting the 32 oz of tea)
  10. vinesqueen

    I don't enjoy eating

    Hmm, don't lose sight of the fact that you will one day NOT HAVE TO THINK ABOUT LOSING WEIGHT. You will be able to ease waht you like, because you won't need to think about losing weight, OR gaining.
  11. vinesqueen

    Do u notice this???

    That's okay Jonathan, do does my DH...
  12. vinesqueen

    I have a surgery date!!!

    That's my date too! Okay, I'm getting a little panicked as reality sets in.
  13. vinesqueen

    Do u notice this???

    okay, fine! Be that way Kelly! Hurmph I am perfectly happy with my curly hair, thank you very much! Alright, you got me on the other suff. Happy? (she tries to act indignant, but can't qulite pull it off.)
  14. vinesqueen

    DeLarla, How are You Feeling?

    Note, for any DEA, NSA, ABT, FBI, or truancy officers, Delarla is joking. JOKING!
  15. vinesqueen

    Food Journal Thread

    Breakfast, 2 mugs of tea w/ splenda & 2 tsp 1/2 & 1/2 20 cal lunch, 2 corn dogs with brown mustard 360 cal (the protien helps counter act the corn...) 2 TBL brown mustard 10 cal (They seem to only have about 6 different mustards in SE ID! What's up with that?) Total Calories: 400 Total Carbs: 30 G Total Protein: 14 G Total Fats: 20 G Total Water: 16 oz (not counting the 32 oz of tea)
  16. vinesqueen

    DeLarla, How are You Feeling?

    Delarla, do you know the difference between God and a doctor? God knows he's not a doctor.... I'm sitting here making "chuffing" noises at the though of this trumped up peacock, and his treatment of you. Kharma will, unfortunately, catch up with him. Unfortunatly for him, man, that is some bad kharma. Anyway, I'm glad to hear you are "back!"
  17. vinesqueen

    My DH is T-Bone.

    It's a little more complex than that, although I believe that is a minor theme. A stronger theme is society's duplicity. While I don't think she specificually mentions trends like emliminating PE classes and recesses from schools, she alludes to them as part of the culpret. We are becoming more sedentary as a socity and eating more highly processed foods, which are a double whammy.
  18. vinesqueen

    88 Pounds Gone For Good

    Woot! congrats! Don't forget to post that on the before and after pix thread! might I add, you look mah-vu-lous
  19. vinesqueen

    My DH is T-Bone.

    Gee Donali, isn't that funny! I haven't thought about being a "cusper" in a very long time. But sure explains some things doesn't it. hmmmm. I've had several bosses, at different companies describe me as a "weird hybrid creature." I claim Pisceses too. Back to the main point of the thread... My DH thought watching what she did with it was more thought provoking than anything else, her take on fat in america. The writer/director of the movie is a doctor, and apperently treats a lot of MO folks. wht the exception of 3 of the characters, eveybody is named after food. Iin the future, according to the movie, all fat people are rounded up and placed in concentration camps where they are forceably put on diets and made to excersice by the "body natzis." The movie is set a generation after that.
  20. vinesqueen

    My DH is T-Bone.

    how old am I? well, that all depends, doesn't it. Some days, especially when I don't wear my cpap mask all night I feel very, very old indeed. Like my grandmother old, and she's 92... Some days I feel very young, like when the receptionist at the dentist asked my son if his sister could sign the HIPAA forms.... (he doesn't have a sister...) As time is linerally tracked, I am 42...
  21. vinesqueen

    My DH is T-Bone.

    well, let me put it this way, when I worked at Boeing doing tech support, I was known as "the purple haired lady"... Lately I'm experimenting with multiple hues.. Yup, I'm a big fat lady with technicolor hair with a penchent for aminal prints... I just wanted to make sure they couldn't miss me here in SE ID...
  22. thanks, but no soy for me. It has the same effect as corn -- makes me ravinously hungry!
  23. vinesqueen

    My DH is T-Bone.

    Actually, he was an actor in the movie, he didn't write it. I tease him that now that he's a famous movie star (he's actually listed in IMDB.com!) that I suppose I'll have to dye my hair platinum blond... (I believe my normal hair color is Chestnut...) The movie has won several awards already! This winter, while I was having such terrible breathing problems, I would have to tell him to slow down so I could keep up. Talk about your role reversals! I think he should be on Oprah too. He would like to lose about 320 pounds, so he is just over half way there.
  24. vinesqueen

    Message Boards for Dummies

    so, can we trade these rep points in like green stamps or Betty Crocker points?
  25. vinesqueen

    A little positive energy my way please!

    Thanks for the energy! I passed my statistics class! While I didn't quite ace the final (I got dinged hard for every little math error...) I did well enough that I'm statistically slightly better than average! Man, and I thought Chemistry was hard! I neve worked so hard for a "C" in my life! Again, thanks for the well wishes, you guys are the best!

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