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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by vinesqueen

  1. vinesqueen

    Fun thread: Nicknames

    My dad used to call me "Little Kittle" after the little perfume dolls in the very early 60's. He also used to call my "CR-babe" but would threaten to call me "C-R-Y babe" when I was in a bad mood... I too am a namer. I rarely call my son by his given name --I normally call him some form of Spudboy (I also love Devo), or Sponker. My dog's name is Astro, but I usually call him "'Strodo" obviously short for "Astrodomaugra daugra." All my extra boys and girls have names too...
  2. vinesqueen

    Laser Hair Removel

    The last time I had my brows waxed they got infected. No such issues with the laser. Make sure that you get the jell! It makes a huge difference. The place I got is a day spa, so I get a nice relaxing 90 minute nap before the treatment.
  3. Here's a pix of my DH and the psychotic puppy we had... This is before Mike got his band.
  4. vinesqueen

    What's your favorite workout tune?

    uhm, ya'll will never belive this, but anything by The Ramones...
  5. vinesqueen

    Two More NSV's

    Wow! Heels! I can't even imagine being in heel and walking anywhere! <cue thunderous applause!>
  6. vinesqueen

    DeLarla's Weekly Fun Thread

    One thing I’ve prided myself on is that I haven’t been a big dieter. I watched my mother struggle through one diet after another, and always having initial success only to see the weight return. Notice I didn’t say “fail” or “failure.” After thinking about all the different diets that have been posted here, I realized that I’ve been on a big whack of them. Weight Watchers, Neutrasystem (can I get a new gall bladder?), the grapefruit diet, different food combinations diets, the cabbage soup diet (love cabbage soup…), different supervised diets, giving up chocolate for lent (gained 15 pounds during that lent.), Atkins, and I’m sure there half a dozen more that I have blocked out of my memory… So. It turns out that I have been a big dieter all along. Funny how I don’t recognize things while they are happening.
  7. vinesqueen

    Restaurant Eating

    My DH frequently orders off the appatizer menue, and sometimes we share.
  8. vinesqueen

    OT: Heartbreak. For dog lovers only.

    Nancy, I'm sitting here with tears streaming down my face as well. My very old dog will need to be put down soon. He's very old, and is having mobility problems. He is having a very difficult time going up and down stairs.
  9. vinesqueen

    Restaraunt Cards???

    What? I need more information please. I don't know what y'all are talking about. We could get cards that permit us to get stuff from the kids menue? That would rock.
  10. vinesqueen

    911 - DeLarla goes to the Emergency Room

    yeah, well, I'm supposed to be doing my pre-calc homework... Can you say "work avoidance? I knew you could!" several years back my screen name was XercesBlue and my older sister told me her new screen name: ButterflyBlue. I just about died laughing. We had basically chosen the same name! (the xerces blue was a type of butterfly)
  11. vinesqueen

    What irritates you?

    Unfortuantely, I lost my tambereen... And jsut what the heck is your cuisine anyway if you think the Mormon Elders wouldn't be pleased? You're not still eating cigarett butts are you?
  12. vinesqueen

    Fun Thread - Screen Names

    ooh, I love to cook! I love to invent new recipes too.... whenever I come home, my son insists that I cook everynight. "you are the only thing that saves me from eating mac'n'cheese for the rest of my life." He also calles me "medic mom." Knowing what kind of kid I was, I figured that I'd better get my red-cross certification and a really good first aide kit...
  13. vinesqueen

    Very Sensitive subject for me.....

    ((hugs)) We know that the largest sex organ is skin. Not the dangly bits, or the hidden bits, but the skin. The most important sex organ is not the dangly bits, or the hidden bits, but the brain. One of the things that you need to do is convince yourself that you are sexy NOW. Trust me, I know what I’m asking of you. Think about the things that make you feel sexy, it might be a fab perfume, or the caress of silk, or something totally unique to you. One of the things that helped me was bellydancing. Yup, I was the fattest bellydancer in my troupe, but I’ve been generally the fattest everything… Part of belly dancing is the attitude—you have to make people believe you are hot stuff. By pretending that I was hot stuff I finally convinced myself that I actually am hot stuff. You may not believe it for a long while, but like with any skill, after you practice long enough, you will have that skill. Trust me, once you start practicing this new skill, the skill of being sexy, your DH will be have no need of porn… My DH teases that his problem isn’t that he’s overweight, but that he’s oversexed….
  14. vinesqueen

    Laser Hair Removel

    It hurts like hell if you don't have the numbing jell on long enough. I generally need to have the jell on me for about 90 minutes before the treatment. After the jell has set for as long as you need, the tech comes in, puts special goggles on you. The laser zaps the hair and it feelis like an electrical shock, at least it feels this way for me. They say it smells like popcorn, but I say it smells like burned hair.... I am olive complected, and have very dark hair. The redness and tenderness lasts for about a day, and you definately want to avoid the sun for a few days afterwards. (a good sun block is a must everyday anyway...) Because I have PCOS, I have a real problem with facial hair, I was turning into the bearded lady! YIKES! So far, I've had about 5 treatments, and most of the really course hairs are gone. I have just a few that are still stuborn. There are lots of fine hairs left, but they vary the intensity of the laser for the different type of hair. I pay something like $125 a pop, but it keeps me out of the circus...
  15. vinesqueen

    First Solo trip out..!

    You are welcome Scotty! That is one of the wonders of the net! We can be connected just as ealsily accross the globe as we can be with our next door neighbors!
  16. vinesqueen

    Fun Thread - Screen Names

    they would be sugar cookies, of course, with the edges frosted in a dark chocolate spiced with chipolte...
  17. vinesqueen

    Fun Thread - Screen Names

    while I absolutely love to garden, that is actually not the origin of my screen name. I'm way too geeky... so... GEEK ALERT! <insert flashing red light here> GEEK ALERT! when I was a contract tester at MS my project was Win98, testing 3rd party networks. My particular network was Banyan Vines, and by the time we shipped I knew more about that particular platform than anybody in the Galaxy. I tested and found bugs in German, Korean, Japanese, and two different Chinese dialects. Mind you, when a job application asks for languages, I only think programming languages. /Geek Alert! But when I graduate I am going to buy myself a couple of esprarilled fruit trees... And Harley Nanna, I'm dyslecic, and always read your name as "Nanny Harley" and I picture you doing gramma stuff for a rough and tumble biker gang, baking Cookies in the shape of the Iron Cross... kissing boo-boos when someone biffs their ride...
  18. vinesqueen

    DeLarla's Weekly Fun Thread

    a doctor prescribed a diet for me when I weighed about 195 pounds. I was a size 14, and would sink like a rock in a pool... he wanted me on 300 calories a day. Not 1300 calories, but 300 calories. I lasted an afternoon....
  19. vinesqueen

    What irritates you?

    Hey Zoe, you could aways say you are trying to start a new temperance movement, and talk about how you think the repeal of the 18th Ammendment to the Constitution was a big mistake. We could all start calling you Zoe Hatchet, and you can have a rock band named after you in 80 years... This way, the Mormon Elders won't come to your house for dinner all the time and it will save some ackwardness all around, while creating a whole new set of confusion and dissent!
  20. vinesqueen

    baby food?

    Okay, I've read that some people have baby food during the mushy stage.... Any suggestions???
  21. vinesqueen

    First Solo trip out..!

    Spirulina rocks! And when you combine it with wheat grass juice.... what a power punch! heh, does look like pond scum but don't let apperences fool you! I'm glad you have gotten out and about...
  22. vinesqueen

    Goal Rewards

    I've been thinking about this, and I have decided that after I reach my goal size I will treat myself to some professional photographs. I will probably do a glamour shot thing. The very first time I though of myself as pretty was after I treated myself to one of these photo shoots. Heck, now that I think about it, I might even have bude-wa pix taken. (I'm not even going to attempt the French word... ) So. Once I reach my goal size, Professional Photos.
  23. vinesqueen

    Hot Tea

    oh, I find African coffees to be fuller bodied that those from South or Central America. Columbia just has a better advertising budget... The American Coffees are more.. mellow, less acidic I believe,
  24. vinesqueen

    Hot Tea

    oh! Teas! man I love tea, okay love coffee too.. Yup, we call 'em french presses (LOVE MINE) but I never thought to make tea with it... Okay, here are my current favorite teas: (all celestial seasonings) Cafinated: Morning Thunder (a favorite since I was a teenager) a blend of black tea and Mate (milk and spenda) Nutcracker Sweet (seasonal) Milk and Splenda Chai has been a fav since I was a teenager too. I brew my own, that way I can control how sweet it is. caffeine free: Bengal Spice All of the Rooibos teas (except the Red Safari Spice. It is very, very yummy, but it has bananas in it. I'm allergic to bananas...) Love Green teas too. Rooibos (roy-bus) teas are high in antioxidants too I'm a total coffee snob--when I found a coffee shop here in ID that has whole Beans and asked if I could get any African coffee in town, well, I thought the clerk was going to propose marriage then and there! I can't stand spenda in my coffee, like I said, I'm a total coffee snob... I find I drink more teas lately though.
  25. vinesqueen

    I am in tears now!!!

    Mike was at a plateau too Penni, and he (and my Spudboy) been working with a trainier for about 3 weeks too. I know he didn't get a measurement before starting. (I don't know of any soft tape measure-er that is long enough...) He's broken his plateau too!

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