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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by vinesqueen

  1. vinesqueen

    Exercise log book

    no excercise for me today, went to the ER instead.(asthma)
  2. vinesqueen

    dating and the band

    I met my DH at work, after I'd stopped trying to meet a nice guy. He was there all along!
  3. vinesqueen

    Oddest promise ever extracted?

    Yeah, what Jenna said!
  4. vinesqueen

    Oddest promise ever extracted?

    Actually Jamie, I'm a neo-pagan, and yes, I have cast healing spells. My profession is computer security. When you have access to everything on a network, well, if you are not scrupulously ethical, you can do a lot of damage. you know were all the bodies are burried, so to speak. ... If you are designing the security controls in a system, well, you can put in back doors so you can come back and really do a lot of damage to a system...
  5. vinesqueen

    I'm a wreck

    Thank you so much everyone for your kind words of encouragement. I truly cherish the support I find here. Megan, I have been doing a lot of thinking about what it was exactly that I was mourning. Those meditations produced the haiku I previously posted. I’m not really mourning food. I’m mourning the anticipated loss of power. I know that I will not be losing any of my physical strength, but in losing size, I loose intimidation power. I’m sure that makes me sound like a lunatic, or a megalomaniac, or maybe a little of both. I’m sort of built like a prison matron. Picture Queen LaTefa in Chicago. I am fearless, I think, in part because I know that no one is going to mess with me. Mind you, I’m a fluffy bunny inside. While jerks in bars feel no threat in harassing slender women, they think twice about the situation if I have to get involved. This has happened on more than one occasion. I also use my size as a shield and armor against the difficult times I’ve had to endure. My size was a buffer against the wolves that raised me. And unfortunately, I had to take an ambulance ride today. A sudden and severe asthma attack hit me so hard I couldn’t get to my apartment and take a breathing treatment. The good news is that it shouldn’t affect my surgery on Monday. If for no other reason, I want this surgery to help me so I don't die from resperatory failure. My surgery is the 14th, Monday. Thanks again for listening.
  6. vinesqueen

    Eye surgery

    good luck Penni! Oh yes, I remember those 2 pound glasses well! I'm so happy you are a candidate for this!
  7. vinesqueen

    Chat room ideas

    I think we would need to split it into two different scheduled chat times. A transscript of the chat should be made available for those who do not participate in the chat.
  8. vinesqueen

    Support Group Topics....

    I think a therapist should come and give tips on how to deal with coping with newfound social acceptance. The last time I lost a bunch of weight it freaked me out the number of men that started to hit on me.
  9. vinesqueen

    The Pledge

    While I applaud the sentiment behind this idea, I regret to inform you that I cannot in good conscious make this pledge. Not because I am a trouble maker, but because I view it as logically flawed. If I have been active on a particular thread that turns ugly, I would have unwittingly violated that pledge. I’m sure it is because I’ve been out of sorts in general, but this smacks of a loyalty pledge. I have a very deep problem with loyalty pledges. I worry that other people will see this thread and be put off as well. I have accepted the terms that Alex B. set out, and that is good enough for me. So maybe I’m a trouble maker after all.
  10. vinesqueen

    What I Concluded

    I haven't lost any weight since I've been using the C-pap machine. However, as much as I hate that machine, I use it every night. I feel like crap when I don't use it. It really has made such a huge difference in the way I feel. Congrats on taking contol Kathy. (oh, my Dr. told me a couple years ago that all I needed to do was take up running. Yeah, right, me run for anything less than my car blowing up???)
  11. vinesqueen

    Met Bruce Willis!!!

    All right Babs, I'm hanging with you! By Sept I should be a sexy size 18!
  12. vinesqueen


    I strip myself naked Nothing holds the wolves at bay Pain, a standard clutched All protection gone Gone are my shield and armor Wit, my soul weapon how will I to protect my tender heart from cruel life my size my armor Facing my failure Options fade like mist on fields Facing my future
  13. vinesqueen

    I'm a wreck

    I strip myself naked Nothing holds the wolves at bay Pain, a standard clutched All protection gone Gone are my shield and armor Wit, my soul weapon how will I to protect my tender heart from cruel life my size my armor Facing my failure Options fade like mist on fields Facing my future
  14. vinesqueen

    Kellymoos, Congratulations!!

    boy Kelly, do you have your work cut out for you! <cue evil laughter>
  15. Is there a global setting so I can stop getting e-mail notification? I don’t want to get e-mails, I just want to read the board.
  16. vinesqueen

    Stop the (e-mail) madness!!!!

    Thanks Bright and all those who PM'd me. Cheers
  17. vinesqueen

    I'm doing fine (Female stuff)

    My D&C wasn't as painful as having my period every two weeks with killer cramps and heavey flow. (I'm a space alien with multiple chambers in my uterus. When I got pregnant with my son, all the extra chambers acted like they were preggers too...)
  18. vinesqueen

    Weightloss Challenge

    down 2 pounds this week. My bookbag weighs 20 pounds; sure wish I could loose some of that weight....
  19. vinesqueen

    Nontraditional Curse Words

    oh, I'm not shy with my language. Sometimes it is just more fun to come up with swear words than the standard words. Sometimes I really like to reserve them for their shock value. It used to drive the guys I worked with on one job site. I would only use words like "heck" and "darn." So when I did let loose with a torent of words like "that beeping beeper beep beeep beep beep beeeep BEEEPING BEEEPER" Well, their expressions were just priceless... I don't think language makes one more or less relegious either. But I also try to be aware of other's sensibilities.
  20. vinesqueen

    18 Days Till I Get My Band!!!

    Kathy, when you use the advanced feature, the original postings are at the bottom of the screen with all signatures and avatars stripped out. 8 days and counting. Did other people have trouble sleeping? I've still been awake at 4:00 am.. not a good thing.
  21. vinesqueen

    2005 Vegas Bash

    I am still planning to come. I have been checking out a couple of the travel sites and am trying to figure out a deal.
  22. vinesqueen

    Confession Time - Very long

    Denise, something you should also be aware is that there is currently research on stress and weight gain. Some of the stress hormones that we generate actually cause us to gain weight. Not a fun thing. Something about "flight or fight." One of the companies I worked for went out of business and I wasn't able to find a job that paid even close to what I was making. I finally took at job at about 2/3 of what I had been making. After talking things over with my son and DH, I went back to school to get my university degree. It will take me to the next level. Good luck on your decision.
  23. vinesqueen

    hoarding clothes

    Laura, can I be your next new best friend? Just partly joking... Thanks for the idea Zoe, I think I will get some bins and store them for a while. I don't really have a lot of clothes for my current size... I don't have any professional clothes the next size down, but I have plenty of jeans and casual things. *sigh* Pretty funny. I'm wondering if I'll have enuogh professional clothes to last my summer internship... Okay, I never thought that would be an issue...
  24. vinesqueen

    Concerned Family Members - anyone else?

    Hi Laura, my son also was initally concerned and didn't think I needed the either. But I don't think he understood all the ramifications of not having the band for me. The only real co-morbidities that I have center around breathing -- asthma and sleep apnia. He also didn't realize that I weigh as much as I do. He's seen the tremendous weight loss my DH has had, just shy of 200 pounds. My son is now behind me 100%. Perhaps you can have your daughter haul around a backpack filled with something heavy to give her an idea of what it is like for you? I think it is a positive sign that they are concerned about you and your health. As for my mother, well, she doesn't think this is a good idea. But of course, unlike many mothers, she isn't supportive of anything I do. I can't help with mother advice, sorry.
  25. vinesqueen

    Frustrated & Scared

    The last time my Mom was in England she brought me back a copy of Delia's cooking school cookbook. Love it! Of course, my favorite recipe for yorkshire pudding is from a 1040's cookbook (my copy is a reprint from the early 1950's.) mmmm yorkshire pudding with onions.... Thanks for the link to her site! I didn't bring any cookbooks into exile with me...

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
