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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by vinesqueen

  1. vinesqueen

    I Have a Date!!!

    Yay Grammi! Is the doctor who is going to proctor your surgeon experienced?
  2. vinesqueen

    FLYLadies, step forward!

    Ah, this is why I hired a house keeper Man, I hate being in exile!
  3. vinesqueen

    FLYLadies, step forward!

    what the heck are you talking about???
  4. vinesqueen

    Why Do I fill so frustrated

    Also, don't forget to check in with the tape measure. You could be losing inches and putting on muscle mass. But I have to agree with everyone else, YOU NEED TO EAT MORE. Which of course, causes me to giggle. Who would'a thunk that you need to eat more to lose weight?! Please check in with us!
  5. vinesqueen


    Actually, I did have extra acne after my band. It wasn't terrible, but it was a lot more than I usually have. I know for me that if I'm starting to have an outbreak it is usually a combination of hormones, being dehydrated and constapated. When were you banded?
  6. vinesqueen

    Weightloss Challenge

    I've "only" lost 1 pound, BUT I LOST ANOTHER 5.5 INCHES since last week. This time, there was no bonus edema inch loss! And since I know the scale lies... Woot!
  7. vinesqueen


    My port incision is 1.5 inches and the other 4 are .5 inch, and all are healing nicely. I'm still pretty scabby, and the places where the glue and tape held me togehter are still quite angry looking. (I have very sensitive skin.) I expect all these scars to fade to nearly invisiblilty, based on my gall bladder scars. (sorry you have the nasty scar Paula!)
  8. vinesqueen


    hey Party Girl, I think some level of envy/jelousy is normal. We see someone get what we want, and so we pout or throw a hissy fit at some level. Sometimes we pout in public, sometimes we pout in private. How we deal with this envy/jelousy refects our level of maturaty. (I'm firmly convinced that my mother is a three-year-old in the body of a 70 year old.) How do I deal with it? I first acknowledge the feelings. On their own, feelings and emotions are neither good nor bad, they just are, and they need to be recognized for what they are. After you acknowledge them, you have to deside wether you want to be the bigger person (pun intended) or not. I show compassion to those who've chosen the by-pass because they have chosen a much more dangerous and ardous journy than I. The band is completely different than the different by-pass WLSs. Your weight will definately be slower, and I have to think this is a good thing. It will give your skin a better chance of shrinking, but probably most important for me, it gives your head a chance to catch up with your weight-loss. It will give you a better opportunity to deal with all the various issues that have conspired to make you fat, keep you fat. Or, keep me fat, as the case is. I don't believe the by-pass patients have that opportunity we do. I have a very strained relationship with most of my sibs as well. Probably an offshoot of being raised by wolves. My younger sister is very mad at me because all our adult lives I've always been mistaken for the younger sister. With a 5 year difference, this just chaffs her something terribly. I have to admit that I am THRILLED that I look younger than her, but I never throw it up in her face. I'm sad that I don't have the kind of relationship with her that I do with our oldest sister. However, I didn't even invite my younger brother to my wedding because I didn't want to deal with him stealing my wedding gifts. Very sad, but he grew up to be a wolf too. (no offence intended to true four-legged wolves intended.) Hope this helps, or at least gives you something else to chew on.
  9. vinesqueen

    YOU KNOW YOUR "FAT" WHEN.............

    Great NSV Pam! When the new nurse taking blood pressure and stuff asks about your due date.
  10. vinesqueen

    Soda Pop?

    *sniff* *sniff* I"m not done crying
  11. vinesqueen


    Sheila Honey! I sure hope you don't have the worst case senario! Sending you the warmest thoughts and the brightest white light!
  12. vinesqueen

    Just Starting

    Welcome Hippiemams! I was really freaked out the week before my banding, but I sure got over it! The folks here are really great, and feel free to search any threads here. There is a lot of great information here.
  13. vinesqueen

    VERA!!!!!!!! Where the heck are you??

    Vera got her ba-and, Vera got her ba-and! (again!) Yay!
  14. vinesqueen

    Major NSV for me!!

    Double Woot! Man, I hope by the time Vegas comes around they boy-ohs will be flirting with ME!
  15. vinesqueen

    Exercise log book

    WOOT! I just did 100 crunches! Okay, the very best song for doing crunches is DEVO "We're through being cool" from their Whip it Album
  16. vinesqueen

    yummm - CRAWFISH!

    NO! don't delete it Paula! Too much fun. I've eaten crawdads once, and they were yummy. Fresh creek Water type. We caught them ourselves and had a great time with that too. ooooh bbq oysters! I like adding a little white wine to them in addition to the hot pepper sauce!
  17. vinesqueen

    Saturday April 2nd, Spring Forward!!

    Man! did I EVER sleep in today! I normally never sleep past 9:00 when I sleep in. (I know, bad Crystal, bad, bad Crystal.) Normally I'm up at about 7:30 (I usually go to bed around 1 or 2 in the morning) I would probably be still asleep if the phone haddn't woken me up at 12:00 noon!
  18. vinesqueen

    Band Slippage

    Call your DR. Also, there are several thread on this topic, just do a search on the topic
  19. vinesqueen

    2 Week Up Date Post op....

    Hey Jamie! I asked my nutrishonist the same question. She said not to worry while you are on liquids, and your calories should increase on their own once you go to mushies and solids full time. Remember, this is all just bonus weight loss time. Cap't Jack said that once you move to solids and mush you temporarily stop losing weight while your colon fills up with stuff again.. I believe he said that your colon can hold between 5-10 pounds. How is your activity level, and have you taken your measurements?
  20. vinesqueen

    Eating bread

    Hi Flower, I haven't tried bread yet, but I"m only 3 weeks into my band. My DH has been banded for 2 years and can only eat "tuff" bread, things like french bread crusts and heels. He can also tolarate toast in small amounts.
  21. vinesqueen

    Just Banded on March 29, 2005

    Welcome to the Banded Gentry, and welcome to LBT! I couldn't find the liquid gas-x so I used baby gas drops instead. (fitting because I was such a big baby) The gas pains went away, but now I'm sooo windy in the morning when I get up! I had my gall bladder out about 7 years ago, and those scars are now invisible. I expect the same for my lap band scars. If you have any keloid issues, you might need to check with your dr. I'm taking the Centrum chewables. My dr recommended Flintstones, but I just can't go there... I don't regret telling anyone. Of course, one of the folks I work with told THE ENTIRE GROUP! which I wasn't planning to do. Everyone has been amazingly supportive, even my mother!!!! <gasp!>
  22. vinesqueen

    Food Journal Thread

    for 4/2 Breakfast, Coffee with all the fixin's cottage cheese lunch: Salmon salad green olive and garlic tapinade (home made) snacks: 8 oz cranberry juice 6 oz milk dinner: 1/2 cup homemade beef chili with black beans with FF sour cream and Sharp cheese Total calories for the day:~ 970
  23. vinesqueen

    Soda Pop?

    *ah-hem* using a cane sugar Rootbeer will not clean your toilet. Now, if you'll excuse me, I think I have to go cry softly.
  24. vinesqueen

    How many calories????

    HAH! I can ALWAYS eat that many grams of fat! In fact my target for fat is 67g (not calculated by the room42 site). This was calucated by a site I have access to as one of the benifits from my DH's job. Okay, WHO gave ice cream my name???? Luckily for me however, the DQ in my exile doesnt' taste very good. But when I get to go home... different matter entirely!
  25. vinesqueen

    Jenna's powerball winnings!

    Jenna's DH didn't actually win the powerball, it was an April Fools joke we all fell for! Okay, Jenna's DH just won $50,000. And it got me thinking, how would I use that money? Okay, here are the rules: 1) Because it is my natural inclination to save (my hording instinct extends to money too), no putting it in any sort of saving account, no investing it in stock, bond, money market account, nothing like this. 2) If you are not banded, no using the money for your band, too easy 3) No using it for college tutition. Trust me, as a full time university student who has dreams of a master's degree, and as someone who has a son entering college next fall... well you get the picture.... 4) no using the money on bills I would spend the money to take my sisters on a vacation. My one sister has never gone on a vacation. I'd take her somewhere fun, and slightly exotic. Since my DH is a born concierge, I'd have him plan the trip, then take out half the activities...

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