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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by vinesqueen

  1. vinesqueen


    I was having general conectivity problems yesterday, but not specific to LBT. Sorry I couldn't be of more help.
  2. vinesqueen

    i can eat now!!!!! YIPPPPPPYYY!!

    Yay Pink! I get to transition to solids this week my self! huzzah for us!
  3. vinesqueen

    Im HOME !!!

    Welcome to the Banded Gentry! Hope your recovery goes as smoothly as mine did!
  4. vinesqueen

    I just got my surgery date!!

    congrats on you date! Cool beans!
  5. vinesqueen


    oh yes, from what I understand, ulcers can definately cause vomiting. I am SOOO happy to hear that it is not your band! Heh, not as happy as you are to hear that it isn't your band!
  6. vinesqueen

    Weightloss Challenge

    I just lost one pound. ("Just" she says.)
  7. vinesqueen

    G'day from Australia

    Oh! and there is a chance that my program at university will be having an exchange program next year. We'd be going to AU for a semester!
  8. vinesqueen

    definition of irony

    Some things just define irony. Some of these things are happy, some are aggravating. I was synching my mp3 player (I’ve got the 15 gig Dell Juke box) when this happened: Band: Grateful Dead. Song: Friend of the Devil. Song track number? 666
  9. vinesqueen

    G'day from Australia

    Slang allert! What the heck does "the full bottle" mean??? Ah yes, drinking someone under the table, man, those were the good old days! My DH tells me that I'll finally be a cheap date. Now, a couple of drinks is all he can handle. But then, he always was a cheap date! Cheap date indeed! I had a couple of white russians last weekend, but hardly tipsy.
  10. vinesqueen

    definition of irony

    Tee-hee! I'm still laughing about it! Before Spudboy was born, I worked for the Navy as a data entry clerk, and we would pay different music to try to alleviate the mind numbing bordom. I was really excited about an upcoming Dead show, especially since Carlos Santana and his boys were the opening act for Gerry and his boys! (For those of us not steeped in Dead culture, The Grateful Dead didn't have opening bands, they would just come out, play for hours on end, and then the show would be over. In probably 1988 they had several opening bands, bands like Santana and Bob Dylan) Anyway! all the women in my office had decided that they didn't like the Dead, didn't like "Acid rock" even though none of them had actually heard the Dead play. So, being the person who pushes boundries, I brough in several of their tapes and played them all afternoon. My co-workers loved the music, but of course, what's not to love? They pestered me to tell them the name of the band, but I wouldn't tell them unless they gave their honest opinion of the music. When I told them who it was, several were very annoyed with me because they felt "tricked." If I'd been upfront with them, they wouldn't have let me play the music because they already had their assumptions about what the music sounded like.
  11. vinesqueen

    Freaking out

    My DH had to be on the liquid diet for a couple of weeks I didn't have to be on the diet. Same surgeon, same facility, different BMI, different amount of weight to be lost.
  12. vinesqueen

    OMG I didn't die! Thank you Jesus!

    Welcome to the Banded Gentry!
  13. vinesqueen


    You and me both Northerner! I'll have to wait until I get back to Seattle before I can have one though... Sure don't want to risk sashimi in my exile!
  14. vinesqueen

    GROSSEST Pig Out Combo of Food

    can't eat the pies since I had my baby. I find them waaay too sweet!
  15. vinesqueen

    Gunn4yas getting her band tomorrow!!!!!

    Welcome to Bandlandia!
  16. vinesqueen

    GROSSEST Pig Out Combo of Food

    nope, when I was pregnant I wanted those little green olives with pimentos. Not big green olives, just little green olives. I would also drink the brine. I also wanted those hostess lemon fried pies, but NOT at the same time as the green olives.
  17. vinesqueen


    One thing to keep in mind is that if you are excersizing more, you need to eat more to keep up your weight loss. Increased hunger can be a good thing! Are you working with a program that tracks your calorie intake as well as output? I know that many poeple here like using www.fitday.com, but I personally use a couple of different sites to help me. Don't forget that you must meet your basic metabolic caloric needs or you will not lose any weight. Your body will start to absorb your lean muscle mass to make up for the calorie and Protein deficit if it is too great!
  18. vinesqueen

    Freaking out

    Hey DallasDoll, I'm soooo with you on the freaking out part. I believe you are right on schedule, my super freak-out happened about 10 days out. Chamamile tea is good right about.... NOW! Valium worked for me as well. Yeah, my family put the fun in dysfunctional as well. I recommend you let your voice mail pick up calls from your family for a few days. Talk about poking a bear with a stick!
  19. What is your prior diet history like? Before the 6 months that is. You might be surprised to learn that you've tried a lot more diets that than. You might include previous attemts as well. The format could simply be just what you told us. That should be sufficient. They wanted to know what were all the different types of diets I've tried. I was horrified when I looked at all the different diets I've tried. Just horrified. But I now have my band, so I'm happy with that.
  20. vinesqueen

    Return to work

    I was back in class the following Monday. My cramps were worse than surgery pain.
  21. vinesqueen

    Myths about Lap-Band

    My husband was in the Super, Super Morbidly Obese catagory (that is for folks who have a BMI of great 60) His BMI was 85.5. His bmi is now 60, which still super, super, but once he loses 5 pounds, he will just be Super MO... He's been quite successful
  22. vinesqueen

    oddly compelling site, webtoy

    http://www.box7box.com/tinygrow.html http://www.box7box.com/works.html Works best with IE, kind of flaky with Firefox
  23. vinesqueen

    My baby's heart.

    how absolutely wonderful!
  24. vinesqueen

    oddly compelling site, webtoy

    Penni, just click on the pix, if you don't read Kanji
  25. vinesqueen

    It took a while, but I'm back!

    Witness protection program

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
