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Everything posted by vinesqueen

  1. vinesqueen

    Back to the Board

    Welcome back, and congrats on the NSV! Now, dish the dirt!
  2. vinesqueen

    NSV anyone?

    Very cool about your BP Zoe! My sister has high blood pressure something terrible, so I understand some of the dangers of high blood pressure.
  3. vinesqueen

    call me gadget gurl

    Okay, I don't own a scale, except one of the little ones to weigh food. Truth be told, I hate them and believe they are all liers. So the other day, while I was trying to find a Crystal-proof pedometer (still looking) I bought a new gadget. It's a body fat analyzer, and calculates body fat % in a few seconds. It is made by Bell, the same maker of helmets of all things. And it has memory for 6 people. I spent $15 on it. So far, it is accurate, and the reading jibes with the scale from the fitness office at school. Body fat % is different than a BMI, because the BMI is just another scale... But best of all, with a body fat % of 42%, I'm overweight and not obese!
  4. vinesqueen

    Any Regrets???

    You might check this link out, and try searching on "regret" http://lapbandtalk.com/showthread.php?t=6811&highlight=regret I'm sure by this evening you will have a dozen answers to this post.
  5. vinesqueen

    NSV anyone?

    the other day the weather was on the wet side, so I zipped my jacked. Just like that, without even a second thought, zuup up the zipper went. And then it hit me. I. Zipped. My. Jacket! No wiggling, no struggling, no thought! Holy weight-watchers Batman!
  6. Welcome to LBT Krystal. (heh, that just doesn't type right... ) You might also be interested in the Yahhoo group called Extraordinary Bandsters. http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/extraordinarybandsters/ My DH got his band at 600 pounds, and he belongs to that group.
  7. vinesqueen

    I'm Baccckkkkkkk!

    Welcome to the Banded Gentry! I'm so glad to hear that you are doing so well!
  8. vinesqueen

    What does everyone do for a living?

    I'm a full time student, and I work part time at NIATEC, National Information Assurance Training and Education Center, one of the centers of excellence designated by the NSA, for my student job/scolarship. My summer internship starts Monday at a very large Bank in their Windows security architecture group. Heh, I turned down an internship at MS this summer because I figured that being called back to the bank was better for my resume. Also, the Bank has one of THE largest networks in the world, and working on archetureal issues there will also be impressive. But being at MS again sure would be fun. ...
  9. vinesqueen

    Any Regrets???

    My only regret is that I didn't do this sooner.
  10. vinesqueen

    wish me luck!

    I'm heading out to a morning of finals in a few minutes... Wish me luck!
  11. vinesqueen

    I am confused about telling....

    I told two people and they told two people, who told two people .... Like that old Breck commercial. ... I actually told a big wack of people, but didn't want to tell other people... Well, I shouldn't have bothered, because my sister blabbed to our mother (who was surprisingly supportive for a wolf), and one of my co-workers sent out an e-mail to the entire company. It was hard to not notice that I'd done something. I went from looking like crap, serious crap from imminate respreatory failure to the bloom of health in two weeks.
  12. vinesqueen

    wish me luck!

    Oh, I'm going to pointy hair boss school. I'm getting a B.B.A which is the lesser form for an M.B.A. I have a double major of Computer Information Systems and Information Assurance (computer security, anti-hacker sorts of things.) If I can squeeze it in, a minor in studio art. Now that I'm done with most of the pre-requistes like math and statistics and junk, I can take interesting and fun computer classes. I'm soooooo tired of the damn hoops they want me to jump through.
  13. vinesqueen

    Im so mad at myself I wanna cry

  14. vinesqueen

    A little discouraged

    Hi Karen, No I actually haven't experienced the "my WLS is better than your WLS, so nya nya nya!" I think people are very invested in whatever WLS they have chosen, and espeically if you have decided on one of the non-reversable types. I believe it is human nature.
  15. vinesqueen

    Need some help with this liquid diet

    Doh! My bad, I was just worried about you Aileena! (((hugs)))
  16. vinesqueen

    wish me luck!

    Okay got the results for my accounting, and I did okay. Not great, but all things considered, I am happy with what I got. Now I get to worry about calculus this summer!
  17. vinesqueen

    Need some help with this liquid diet

    Yikes! I sure hope I'm misunderstanding you Aileena! Please tell me you are not actually going to have real food! This is not the time for food, it is the time for healing! Also, you are no longer a dieter! The band means not having to diet! We are making a new life style for ourselves.
  18. vinesqueen

    Skinny bitches

    They may be skinny, but never skinny bitches!
  19. vinesqueen

    Jealous husbands and lovers

    I dunno Paula, my ex- was very jelous, and insecure. Turns out he'd been cheating on me our entire relationship. There was nothing I could ever do to make him feel secure.
  20. vinesqueen

    Layed off so no more LBT for now...

    Good luck in your adventures. Road Queen beat me to the punch, I was going to suggest libraries too. I think you are right, we don't have any idea how many lurkers there are out there. Again, good luck and remember, we'll always be here for you.
  21. vinesqueen

    Skinny bitches

    Oh my gawd, I worked with a woman like that! Skinny as a stick, with a bird like skelaton. Always had so much hair product and her hair was teased up to an enormous height! It was impressive. But she wore clothes that were absolutely skin tight that it was obvious that she didn't wear any panties. ... We were fixing computers, worked mostly out on factory floors so she was totally inaproprate. Of course, the day she came in after getting a botched colligen injection in her lips... that was too funny. Oh, and one day she dicided that I was sexually harrassing her because I was showing cleaveage. She didn't have any cleavage, and I have cleavage when I wear a turtle neck... Yeah, she was one skinny bitch alright.
  22. vinesqueen

    Is this right?

    Great work! Congrats!
  23. vinesqueen

    Motorcycle fun

    I'll be going home in a few weeks, and I'm going to start bugging my DH to fix the motorcyle he bought for me. He bought me a Yamaha 500cc bike, and I think it is a virago model, but don't quote me on that. I do know it is one of the "V" bikes though. As a reward for my DH getting his band, I enrolled him in a motorcycle saftey class, since that is something he always wanted to do, but felt like his weight was a barrier. (he weighed close to 600 pounds when he took the class.... ) Okay a quick poll, how many have bikes, and how many are frequent riders? How many bikes to you own collectively? 2 what kind of bikes, and how big? both are Yamaha kawasaki Vulcan bikes, DH as a 750cc, mine is a 500cc do you always wear protecive gear? if not, why not? I always wore full-face helmet, gloves, boots, heavy jacket. or a rain-suit. Didn't always wear good pants. have you ever taken a safety class? yes, I took the CHP safety course have you every had an serious accident? Yes, please see below I used to be an avid rider. I say "used to" becaue I had a terrible accident when my son was a baby. Not only did I have to deal with the trama from the actual accident, but I also had to deal with doctors from hell who thought it would be a good idea to torture me and inflict emotional damage. (they would debreeed my leg without any pain medications, then yell at me for crying and tell me things like "so I guess you won't ever ride a motorcycle again, RIGHT?!) I had to have one of the skin graphs redone a few years back, and the plastic surgeon who did the new one was an avid bike rider. He told me that every couple of years someone would come in in such terrible shape that he would sell his bike. Then he would buy a new one a year or so later. He really encouraged me to start riding again.
  24. vinesqueen

    Some questions I have...Please answer...

    1. How long were you out of work? I'm a full time student. I had my surgery during spring break, and was back to classes the next Monday. Horseback riding two weeks out of surgery 2. Explain to me what getting "stuck" feels like. hmmm, I get a pressure, and well, suck. Sorry I couldn't be more helpful 3. How soon after surgery can you begin to excercise? crunches and walking the first week out, horseback riding starting the second week 4. Were you afraid to eat after the surgery? Nope, no fear. 5. If you have a spouse/significant other.. How did they handle your weight loss? Well, my DH has lost almost 200 pounds. To say I did the happy dance is an understatement. I've only seen him once since the surgery, for one weekend, so there hasn't been a big difference in his reaction to me. He's always just so happy to see me anyway...
  25. vinesqueen

    Stop The Presses!!!

    This is great news! Congrats, and somebody cue Jenna's booty shaking dance! I'm glad you chose the band, but Christina, you have to know that we would be supportive of you no matter what you chose to do. This is wonderful news! Just wonderful!

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