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Everything posted by vinesqueen

  1. vinesqueen

    Weightloss Challenge

    It's official! Okay, I have not lost any weight in the last month. I beleive I gained one back too, but you know what, that's okay too. I had my first fill yesterday. I'm in for the next challenge. Ended this challenge at 250.
  2. vinesqueen

    Non-scale Defeat

    I understand some of this, because I hate to spend money on myself. It isn't like you went out and bought a fur lined sink or an electric dog polisher. You spent this money to save your life. To save your life. If he resents this, then you better make an apointment today honey. ((((hugs))))
  3. vinesqueen

    Non-scale Defeat

    Oh. My. Gawd. I am sooo sorry he said this to you! What an unmitigated jerk! You have done a kick-ass job so far. It is so very difficult when we need to be able to count on the total support of someone who is supposed to love us unconditionally. Please, please do not let this be a defeat for you! You may want to find a mariage councelor sooner rather than later, becuase of the high incidence of divorce. (okay, there is a high rate of divorce in almost every segment of the population.) Don't let this fester, I know it would eat away at me. Yeah, real men don't need jacks to change tires! And they should be able to pull nails with their teeth... Tool use is one of the characteristics that separate the higher developed beings from lower ones.
  4. vinesqueen

    Had dinner with the Princess

    Sallykotz and I are playing phone tag right now, and when I go back to my exile, I'll be meeting up with Angle2 and Rae. (not enough time after finals and coming home)
  5. vinesqueen


    Burping is my "stop" sign too. If I ignore the burp, I literally hear my voice say 'that's enough now. You're done." I haven't decided to push past the voice. In mid mouthful I'll spit whatever it is out. It will be interesting to see what I get after my first fill.
  6. vinesqueen

    WOW..didnt clear psych :(

    Amazing work! I'm really proud of you for making this huge realization about yourself. For me, this is part of the hard work of the band. Coming to terms with things in your head, and maybe more importantly, being able to 'name' them. I think if you can name your demonds you can subdue and own them. I have a love/hate relationship with my CPAP. I still have trouble sleeping with it and frequently wake in the middle of the night to find the mask flung as far as the hose will go. But I still try to use it everynight because the difference is AMAZING and ASTOUNDING.
  7. vinesqueen

    Worried about Life in General

    Lastnight someone came to our door, but thankfully he had the wrong address. He was there to deliver a death notice. I'm very sorry for my new neighbors.
  8. vinesqueen

    Oh Yeah Got My Fill Today!!

    What??! Whao! Christina! Congrats on your band day tomorrow! Okay, Betty, no gas problems for me. I l-o-v-e broccolli! I was worried that I wouldn't be able to eat it after banding, but I can eat everything. Well, not really greasy food, but that's been a issue since my gall bladder went south. Today is my fill day. I'm quite nervous about it.
  9. vinesqueen

    time for fun

    Okay, time for some fun. This weekend my DH finally convinced me to play WoW. (World of Warcraft) OMG! I knew it was a mistake! It's digital crack for me! Okay, so now I play WoW, the Sims2 (love my digital doll house) and a couple of stratagy games. Those are my current games. Anyone else? I know Nana plays WoW (I think we are on different servers) and I know several play Pogo (not sure what it is, have been afraid to check it out.) I think Pogo is just a game site, like zone.msn.com or popcap.com right?
  10. vinesqueen

    I met Paula

    Ah-hem. Please look at your face. If you chin was any more defined I believe we would use it to carve stone with.
  11. vinesqueen

    BIG NSV for me

    This is a great NSV Paula! You hav every right to be proud of yourself!
  12. vinesqueen

    Does anyone drink beer?

    I've not tried beer yet. You might try a search on "beer" becaue I do know we've talked about it. We have some folks here that do drink the occasional beer. My DH hasn't had any trouble with Lambic, but he can drink soda without any discomfort.
  13. vinesqueen

    Worried about Life in General

    I was almost arrested once for breaking curfew, and I couldn't make the cop believe that I was 20 and not 16. So he called my mother at her house, waking her up in the process. Then he decides that he was going to arrest me for "contibuting to the delequency of a minor" because I was making sure that the 16 year old girl actually got home. That's about the extent of my wildways. And my motorcycle is still broken. The other night on CNN the "question of the night" was whether cops should tazer kids. !!!!! WTF????
  14. vinesqueen

    Hangover from hell!!

    You get hangovers because you are not properly hydrated. If you drink plenty of Water with your shots, no hangover. Alchohol is very dehydrating (what's the difference between a beer and a pee? About 20 minutes)
  15. vinesqueen

    Oh Yeah Got My Fill Today!!

    since I don't have a clue what you mean about gassy foods, I guess it doesnt' bother me. oh.. I get really queezy with after eating greasy food. There are several fast food places that I couldn't do before band simply because of the grease. Wendy's no-no, Burger King, no-no, Sonic, no-no. McDonalds YES. Go figure.
  16. vinesqueen

    Some questions about "the girls"

    I can hardly wait for my own reduction! Of course, at this point, I don't think it is possible to lose enough weight so my girls actually fit into the freakishly large end of normal. I just hope that my nip to notch measurement will let me have a good reduction. (search the plastic surgery forum)
  17. vinesqueen

    WOW..didnt clear psych :(

    oh man, I could never purge. Thowing up is just the worst thing. Getting the willies just thinking about it. I don't know how common it is in obese folk Bschucher. The only bulimics I know are both very thin. The woman is almost anorexic and used to be a run way model, and the guy used to wrestle in high school.
  18. vinesqueen

    Oh Yeah Got My Fill Today!!

    Glad to hear you are doing well! Just remember that you will probably have a very difficult time with greasy foods now. Your gall bladder was supposed to help regulate that, but now you don't have one.
  19. vinesqueen

    I'm Banded

    Welcome to the Banded Gentry!
  20. vinesqueen

    Body Dysmorphic Disorder

    another parallel thread, "pictures in my mind" http://lapbandtalk.com/showthread.php?p=79037&posted=1#post79037
  21. vinesqueen

    pictures in my mind

    bumping as part of the body dismorphic converstations
  22. vinesqueen

    Feeling discouraged...

  23. vinesqueen

    Why caffeine free

    I don't have to do decaff, or at least I don't think I do. Isn't that the same thing? But I think I read somewhere that caffine causes stomach churn. but then again, I could be making up that part.
  24. vinesqueen

    Eating like normal....?

    I'm wide open too. I get my first fill tomorrow afternoon.
  25. vinesqueen

    Imposter's Syndrome

    I can't comment about feeling like an imposter on the weight issue because I've lost "only" 25 pounds. I do feel like a professional imposter sometimes becaue it is "just me." One of the guys in my lab laughed at me when I tried to denigh that I was a guru. He said that I just need to take the money and smile. I figure that if I can do something then it isn't any big deal. Everyone should be able to do what I do... It is entirly likely that once I reach my goal I'll feel like an imposter. We shall have to wait and see...

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